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2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog
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Programs of Study
General Information
Degree Requirements and Time Limit
Educational Opportunities and Student Services
Academic Programs
University Core Curriculum
Course Prefixes and Numbers
Interdepartmental Programs
College of Architecture and Planning
Miller College of Business
College of Communication, Information, and Media
College of Fine Arts
College of Health
Honors College
College of Sciences and Humanities
Teachers College
ACC - Accounting
ACR - Art: Crafts
ADS - Art: Design
AED - Art: Education
AFA - Art: Fine Arts
AFR - African Studies
AHS - Art: History
AHSC - Allied Health Science
AMST - American Studies
ANAT - Anatomy
ANTH - Anthropology
APHY - Applied Physics
AQUA - Aquatics
AR - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ART - Art
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASTR - Astronomy
AT - Athletic Training
BA - BA – Business Analytics
BED - Business Education
BIO - Biology
BIOT - Biotechnology
BL - Business Law
BOT - Botany
BUSA - Business Administrtn
CANS - Canadian Studies
CAP - Coll Arch & Planning
CC - Classical Culture
CCIM - Coll Comm, Info & Media
CFA - College of Fine Arts
CH - Chinese
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Info Systems
CJC - Crim Justice & Crimy
CM - Construction Management
COMM - Communication Stds
CPSY - Counseling Psych
CS - Computer Science
CSHU - Sci & Hum
CT - Computer Technology
DANC - Dance
ECON - Economics
EDAC - Ed: Adult & Communty
EDAD - Ed: Admin & Super
EDAL - Ed: All Grade
EDCU - Education: Curriculm
EDEL - Educ: Elementary
EDFO - Educ: Foundations
EDGE - Education: General
EDHI - Education: Higher
EDJH - Ed: Jr Hi Mid Schl
EDPS - Educ: Psychology
EDRD - Education: Reading
EDTE - Education: Technology
EMHS - Emer Mgt Hmlnd Sec
ENEF - English-Forgn Lang
ENG - English
ENIE - Eng:Intense.Eng.Inst
ENT - Entrepreneurship
EURO - European Studies
EXSC - Exercise Science
FASH - Fashion
FCED - Fam & Con Sci Educ
FCFA - Fam & Con Sci Fash
FCFC - Fam & Con Sci Fam & Chl
FCFN - Fam & Con Sci Fds & Nut
FCGI - Fam & Con Sci, General
FCPM - Fam & Con Sci Prop Mgt
FIN - Finance
FL - Foreign Languages
FR - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GERO - Gerontology
GRK - Greek
HIST - History
HONR - Honors
HSC - Health Science
ICOM - I-Communication
IDES - Interior Design
ID - Interdepartmental
IEI - Intense.Eng.Institut
INAD - Intern Fashion Apparel
INFM - Intern Fashion Merch
INTB - Internatl Busins Ad
INTS - Intern'l Study Adrd
IS - International Studies
ISOM - Info Sys & Opert Mgt
ITAL - Italian
JAPA - Japanese
JOUR - Journalism
LA - Landscape Architect
LAS - Latin American Stds
LAT - Latin
MATH - Mathematics
MEDT - Medical Technology
METC - Meteorology-Climatology
MGT - Management
MIL - Military Science
MKG - Marketing
MMP - Music, Media and Prod
MUHI - Music: History
MUSC - School of Music
MUSE - Music: Education
MUSP - Music: Performance
MUST - Music: Theory & Comp
NEWS - News
NREM - Natural Res & Env Mg
NSE - National Student Ex
NUR - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
PEP - Phys Ed: Professnal
PFW - Phycl Ed Fit Wellnss
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYC - Physics
PHYS - Physiology
PLAN - Planning
PMGT - Residential Prop Mgt
POLS - Political Science
PSYS - Psychological Science
RELS - Religious Studies
RE - Real Estate
RMI - Risk Mgt & Insurance
SCI - Science
SNLN - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAA - Speech Path & Audio
SPCE - Special Education
SP - Spanish
SPST - Sports Studies
SPTA - Sport Administration
SS - Social Science
SUST - Sustainability
TCOM - Telecommunications
TCST - Technology: Constructin
TDPT - Technology: Department
TEDU - Technology: Education
THEA - Theatre
TMFG - Technology: Manufactrng
WELN - Wellness
WGS - Women's & Gender Studies
WPP - Writing Proficiency Prog
WWIN - Workplace Wellness
ZOOL - Zoology
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ACC 200
Accounting for New Ventures
ACC 201
Principles of Accounting 1
ACC 202
Principles of Accounting 2
ACC 299X
Experimental Develop Topics
ACC 301
Intermediate Accounting 1
ACC 302
Intermediate Accounting 2
ACC 305
Accounting Info Systems
ACC 306
Intermediate Mgmt Accounting
ACC 369
Internship in Accounting
ACC 401
Introduction to Taxation
ACC 410
Advanced Topics in Taxation
ACC 420
Selected Topics Acctg
ACC 430
Government and Nonprofit Acctg
ACC 440
Advanced Financial Accounting
ACC 451
Auditing Principles and Prac
ACC 495
Special Topics in Accounting
ACC 497
Independent Study in Acctg
ACR 211
Ceramics 1
ACR 221
Introduction to Metals
ACR 231
Introduction to Glass
ACR 233
Kiln Sculpted Glass
ACR 291
Ceramics for Non-Majors
ACR 292
Metals for Non-Majors
ACR 293
Glass Art for Non-Majors
ACR 299X
3D Experimental Topics in Art
ACR 300
Craft Workshop
ACR 312
Ceramics: Throwing 1
ACR 313
Ceramics: Hand Building 1
ACR 314
Ceramics: Throwing 2
ACR 315
Ceramics: Hand Building 2
ACR 316
Glaze and Kiln Technology
ACR 322
Metalsmithing and Dieforming
ACR 323
Metals: Casting
ACR 324
Metals: Color
ACR 331
Glass: Special Topics
ACR 332
Intermediate Glass Blowing
ACR 333
Intermediate Glass Casting
ACR 334
Glass: Cold Working
ACR 335
Glass: Advanced Studio
ACR 369
Craft Internship
ACR 415
Independent Study in Crafts
ACR 416
Ceramics: Throwing 3
ACR 417
Ceramics: Hand Building 3
ACR 418
Ceramics: Senior Project
ACR 425
Metals: Advanced Fabrication
ACR 426
Metals: Adv Surface Techniques
ACR 427
Metals: New Technologies
ACR 428
Metals: Senior Project
ACR 436
Glass: Advanced Problems
ACR 437
Professional Practices Glass
ACR 438
Senior Project in Glass
ACR 498
Seminar in Crafts
ADS 101
Foundations 1
ADS 102
Foundations 2
ADS 241
Intro to Visual Communication
ADS 242
Type and Image
ADS 299X
Experimental Topics in Design
ADS 300
Design Workshop
ADS 301
Visual Communication Tech 1
ADS 302
Visual Communication Tech 2
ADS 341
Visual Communication 1
ADS 342
Visual Communication 2
ADS 415
Independent Study in Design
ADS 441
Visual Communication 3
ADS 442
Visual Communication 4
ADS 443
Sp Topics Visual Communication
ADS 471
Visual Communication Practicum
ADS 480
Senior Design Thesis
ADS 498
Seminar in Design
AED 201
Introduction to Art Education
AED 303
Visual Education Methods
AED 304
Art Curriculum and Instruction
AED 305
Art Teach and Learn Practicum
AED 399
Classrm Methods Materials: Art
AED 415
Independent Study in Art Ed
AED 498
Seminar in Art Education
AFA 101
Drawing 1
AFA 202
Figure Drawing
AFA 211
Painting 1
AFA 217
Watercolor 1
AFA 221
Sculpture 1
AFA 231
Introduction to Printmaking
AFA 291
Drawing for Non-Majors
AFA 292
Watercolor for Non-Majors
AFA 293
Printmaking for Non-Majors
AFA 294
Sculpture for Non-Majors
AFA 299X
2D Experimental Topics in Art
AFA 300
Studio Workshop
AFA 301
Drawing: Point of View
AFA 302
Drawing: Narrative Metaphor
AFA 303
Intermediate Figure Drawing
AFA 304
Experimental Figure Drawing
AFA 305
Drawing from Nature
AFA 312
Figure Painting
AFA 313
Painting: Concepts and Context
AFA 314
Painting: Materials Strategies
AFA 315
Narrative Painting
AFA 316
Special Topics in Painting
AFA 317
AFA 322
Sculpture 2
AFA 323
Sculpture Introduction Casting
AFA 324
Sculpture: Wood
AFA 325
Sculpture Cast and Mold Making
AFA 341
Intaglio Printmaking 1
AFA 342
Intaglio Printmaking 2
AFA 351
Lithography 1
AFA 352
Lithography 2
AFA 361
Relief Printmaking 1
AFA 362
Relief Printmaking 2
AFA 371
Serigraphy 1
AFA 372
Serigraphy 2
AFA 381
AFA 405
Advanced Topics in Drawing
AFA 406
Independent Directions Drawing
AFA 415
Independent Study in Fine Arts
AFA 416
Painting: Adv Studio Practice
AFA 417
Independent Direct in Painting
AFA 426
Sculpture: Advanced Problems
AFA 443
Intaglio Printmaking 3
AFA 444
Intaglio Printmaking 4
AFA 453
Lithography 3
AFA 454
Lithography 4
AFA 487
Senior Project in Drawing
AFA 489
Senior Project in Painting
AFA 491
Senior Project in Sculpture
AFA 493
Senior Project in Printmaking
AFA 498
Seminar in Fine Arts
AFR 499
African Studies Senior Thesis
AHS 100
Introduction to Art
AHS 101
History of Art Survey 1
AHS 102
History of Art Survey 2
AHS 200
Critical Perspect Contemp Art
AHS 201
Art Criticism and Meaning
AHS 220
Art in the United States
AHS 241
Gothic Art
AHS 251
Italian Renaissance Art
AHS 252
Baroque and Rococo Art
AHS 253
Neoclassicism and Romanticism
AHS 255
Impressionism Post-Impression
AHS 261
Modern Art
AHS 263
Contemporary Art
AHS 264
Film Analysis
AHS 265
Feminist Art History
AHS 275
History of Photography
AHS 290
Asian Art
AHS 301
Special Topics History of Art
AHS 302
Sp Top Ancient or Non-Western
AHS 303
Sp Top Post-Classical to 1850
AHS 304
Sp Top American Mod Contemp
AHS 310
History Visual Communication
AHS 311
History Three-Dimension Design
AHS 415
Independent Study Art History
AHS 450
Art Museum Theory and Practice
AHS 480
Art History Senior Thesis
AHS 498
Seminar in Art History
AHSC 201
Introduction to Patient Care
AHSC 224
Radiographic Procedures 1
AHSC 225
Radiographic Procedures 2
AHSC 226
Radiographic Procedures 3
AHSC 227
Computed Tomography
AHSC 228
Radiographic Principles 1
AHSC 229
Radiographic Principles 2
AHSC 230
Radiographic Principles 3
AHSC 231
Clinic 1 Radiography
AHSC 232
Clinic 2 Radiography
AHSC 233
Clinic 3 Radiography
AHSC 234
Clinic 4 Radiography
AHSC 298
Special Studies Med Imaging
Experimental Develop Topics
AHSC 303
Intro Hum Diseases Resp Thrpst
AHSC 311
Cardiorespiratory Physiology
AHSC 315
Cardio Assmnt and Patient Care
AHSC 325
General Respiratory Care
AHSC 326
Respiratory Care Techniques 1
AHSC 333
Cardio Pharmacology 1
AHSC 350
Cardiorespiratory Diseases
AHSC 355
Life Support
AHSC 356
Respiratory Care Techniques 2
AHSC 371
Pulmonary Diagnostics
AHSC 385
Respiratory Care Practicum 1
AHSC 395
Respiratory Care Practicum 2
AHSC 405
Neonatal - Pediatric Resp Care
AHSC 420
Intro Res in Respiratory Care
AHSC 430
Mgt and Leadership Resp Care
AHSC 440
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
AHSC 444
Cardioresp Pharm 2
AHSC 445
Sem Cardiorespiratory Care
AHSC 451
Cardioresp MoniSpec Tech
AHSC 456
Respiratory Care Practicum 3
AHSC 461
Pulmonary Rehab and Geriatrics
AHSC 480
Patient Ed Tech Resp Thrpsts
AHSC 485
Respiratory Care Practicum 4
AMST 101
Intro American Studies
AMST 450
Reading and Independent Study
AMST 499
Sel Tops in American Studies
ANAT 201
Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
Experimental and Dev Topics
ANAT 425
Human Embryology and Histology
ANAT 490
Special Studies in Anatomy
ANTH 101
Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 103
Archaeology and Culture
ANTH 105
Introduction Biological Anth
ANTH 111
Anth, Cult, and Globalization
ANTH 204
Fundamentals of Archaeology
ANTH 231
Intro Native American Studies
ANTH 242
Folklore and Folklife
ANTH 301
History of Method and Theory in Anthropology
ANTH 305
Human Biological Variation
ANTH 306
The Anthropology of Physical Growth and Development
ANTH 307
Applied Anthropology
ANTH 308
Intro Anth Linguistics
ANTH 310
Topics in Old World Prehistory
ANTH 311
Ethnicity and Race
ANTH 312
Ecological Dims of Culture
ANTH 315
Human Paleontology
ANTH 320
Topics in New World Archaeology
ANTH 321
Social Organization
ANTH 329
Laboratory Methods in Material Culture
ANTH 330
Spec Tops Nat Amer Cultures
ANTH 331
Native Amer of N America
ANTH 332
Native Amer of Great Lakes
ANTH 334
Midwestern Archaeology
ANTH 341
Anthropology of Gender
ANTH 342
Anth of the United States
ANTH 343
Hist Arch of Eastern US
ANTH 360
Special Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 364
European Prehistory
ANTH 369
Paid Internship in Anth
ANTH 370
Topics in Old World Cultures
ANTH 377
Topics in Museum Operations
ANTH 380
Topics in New World Cultures
ANTH 390
Honors Colloquium Anthropology
ANTH 401
Hist Method and Theory in Anth
ANTH 404
History of Archaeology
ANTH 405
Human Biological Variation
ANTH 406
Anth Phys Growth and Devlpmnt
ANTH 407
Applied Anthropology
ANTH 409
Digital Anthropology
ANTH 416
Human Osteology
ANTH 417
Forensic Anthropology
ANTH 420
Topics in New World Arch
ANTH 427
Culture and Medicine
ANTH 429
Lab Methods in Material Cult
ANTH 434
Midwestern Archaeology
ANTH 440
Anthropological Field Trip
ANTH 441
Anthropology of Gender
ANTH 445
Archaeological Field School
ANTH 450
Ethnographic Field School
ANTH 451
Witchcraft, Magic, and Relig
ANTH 452
Anthropology of Technology
ANTH 455
ANTH 457
Applied Archaeology
ANTH 459
Ethnographic Methods
ANTH 460
Special Topics in Cult Anth
ANTH 461
Special Topics in Archaeology
ANTH 462
Special Topics in Bio Anth
ANTH 463
Theor and Meth Hist Arch
ANTH 471
ANTH 479
Unpaid Internship in Anth
ANTH 481
Cult, Econ, and Dev
ANTH 482
Nat Amer of Amer SW
ANTH 490
Independent Study Anth
APHY 310
Intro Nanosci and Tech
APHY 312
Fund Nano Growth Dev Fab
APHY 315
Medical Physics 1
APHY 316
Medical Physics 2
APHY 420
Solar Thermal Systems
APHY 422
AQUA 120
Aquatics Special Topics
AQUA 190
Introduction to Aquatics
AQUA 212
Aquatic Recreation Activities
AQUA 213
Introduction to Sailing
AQUA 214
Beginning Swimming
AQUA 215
Intermediate Swimming
AQUA 216
Lifeguard Training
AQUA 219
Aquatic Sports Officiating
AQUA 220
Open Water Scuba
AQUA 221
Advanced SCUBA Diver
AQUA 224
AQUA 225
Assistant SCUBA Instructor
AQUA 260
Emergency Medical Responder
AQUA 301
Instructor CPR and First Aid
AQUA 313
Biomechanics of Aquatics
AQUA 314
Teach Coach Swim and Diving
AQUA 315
Water Safety Instructor (WSI)
AQUA 316
Aquatic Fitness Instructor
AQUA 355
Internship in Aquatics
AQUA 404
Lifeguard Instructor (LGI)
AQUA 454
Pool Operations and Maint
AQUA 455
Aquatic Faciities Management
AQUA 456
Camp Waterfront Administration
AQUA 457
Aquatic Facility Design
AQUA 458
Aquatic Leadership Development
AQUA 479
Aquatics Internship
AR 101
Beginning Arabic 1
AR 102
Beginning Arabic 2
AR 201
Intermediate Arabic 1
AR 202
Intermediate Arabic 2
AR 205
Arab Culture
AR 301
Advanced Arabic 1
AR 302
Advanced Arabic 2
AR 334
Ethnic Culture Ling Arab
AR 335
Arabic Civ and Cultures
AR 400
Arabic Study Abroad
ARCH 100
Introduction to Architecture
ARCH 103
Architectural Design Studio
ARCH 163
Arch Comm Media
ARCH 201
Architectural Design
ARCH 202
Architectural Design
ARCH 203
Arch Design Studio
ARCH 214
Arch Build Tech 1
ARCH 218
Structural Systems 1
ARCH 229
History of Architecture 1
ARCH 251
Social and Env Justice in Dsgn
ARCH 252
Introduction to Social and Cultural Issues of Design
ARCH 261
Design Communications Media
ARCH 263
Digital Design
ARCH 273
Environmental Systems 1
ARCH 301
Architectural Design
ARCH 302
Architectural Design
ARCH 304
Architectural Design Studio
ARCH 314
Arch Build Tech 2
ARCH 318
Structural Systems 2
ARCH 329
History of Architecture 2
ARCH 340
Intro to HP for Architects
ARCH 352
Introduction to Social and Cultural Issues of Design
ARCH 373
Environmental Systems 2
ARCH 400
Comprehensive Arch Studio
ARCH 401
Architectural Design
ARCH 402
Architectural Design
ARCH 403
Architecture Design Studio
ARCH 404
Arch Final Project Studio
ARCH 405
Architectural Design
ARCH 406
Architectural Design
ARCH 407
Fourth World Theory
ARCH 408
Architects of Hope
ARCH 410
Critical Practice
ARCH 418
Structural Systems 3
ARCH 420
Professional Practice
ARCH 421
Topics in the History of Oriental Architecture
ARCH 424
Res and Prog Methods in Arch
ARCH 426
Pres and Doc of Hist Builds
ARCH 427
Philosophy of Architecture
ARCH 428
Hist of Arch Built Environment
ARCH 429
Appl Cultl to Desgn Plng
ARCH 430
Hist and Arch, Plan, Eng MW
ARCH 437
Topics in the History of 19th- and 20th-Century Architecture
ARCH 440
Intro to Pres
ARCH 441
Pres Policy
ARCH 442
Pres Res Meth
ARCH 444
Historic Preservation Economics
ARCH 445
Historic Preservation Design and Graphic Documentation
ARCH 447
Pres Tech
ARCH 449
Historic Preservation Technology 2
ARCH 455
Architectural Internship
ARCH 473
Pres Current Issues
ARCH 490
Independent Project
ARCH 495
Architecture History/Theory Elective
ARCH 498
Spec Proj in Arch
ART 100
Art Orientation
ART 200
Introduction to Computer Art
ART 210
Introduction to 3D Animation
ART 211
Traditional Animation
ART 212
Drawing for Animation
ART 231
Photography 1
ART 232
Photography 2
ART 233
Digital Imaging
ART 290
Basic Art Media and Techniques
ART 291
Photography for Non-Majors
ART 292
Exp Mov Image for Non-Majors
ART 299X
Experimental Developmnt Topics
ART 300
Art Workshop
ART 301
Advanced Computer Art
ART 310
Drawing for Animation
ART 311
3D Modeling and Rendering
ART 312
3D Animation
ART 313
Animation Specialty
ART 315
Character Design
ART 316
ART 321
Video and Intermedia Art 1
ART 322
Video Art 2
ART 323
Special Topics Intermedia Art
ART 330
Color Photography
ART 331
Studio Photography
ART 332
Special Topics in Photography
ART 369
Department of Art Internship
ART 370
Art Immersive Project
ART 411
ART 413
Special Topics in Animation
ART 414
Animation Production
ART 415
Independent Study in Art
ART 416
Animation Apprentice
ART 424
Directions in Intermedia Art
ART 433
Directions in Photography
ART 434
Adv Directions in Photography
ART 480
Senior Proj Photo Intermedia
ART 490
Senior Project in Animation
ART 498
Seminar in Art
ASIA 400
Study Abroad
ASTR 100
Intro Astro: Sol Sys and Bey
ASTR 101
Astro Mat for Teacher
ASTR 120
The Sun and Stars
ASTR 121
Honors Astronomy Laboratory
ASTR 122
Stel Evol, Galaxies, and Cosmo
ASTR 124
The Solar System
ASTR 126
Blk Holes, Dark Matter, Univ
ASTR 200
Topics in Astronomy
ASTR 302
Observational Astronomy
ASTR 330
Astronomy and Astrophysics 1
ASTR 332
Astronomy and Astrophysics 2
ASTR 380
Topics in Modern Astronomy
ASTR 382
Instrs Techs in Planetrm Op
ASTR 386
Adv Observational Astronomy
AT 196
Intro to Athletic Training
AT 240
Prevention and Care of Injury
AT 250
App of Taping in AT
AT 260
Clinical Education in AT 1
AT 261
Clinical Education in AT 2
AT 340
Prevention and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries
AT 340L
Prevention and Care of Musculoskeletal Injuries
AT 360
Clinical Education in AT 3
AT 361
Clinical Education in AT 4
AT 370
Lower Ext Ortho Eval in AT
AT 371
Upper Ext Ortho Eval in AT
AT 372
Therapeutic Modalities in AT
AT 373
Therapeutic Exercise in AT
AT 374
Org and Admin of AT
AT 398
Applied Anatomy in Athletic Training
AT 460
Clinical Education in AT 5
AT 461
Clinical Education in AT 6
AT 477
Psych Aspects Spts Medicine
AT 494
Clinical Integration in AT
AT 495
Med and Pharm Aspects of AT
AT 496
Clinical Experience in AT
AT 497
Clinical Decision Making in AT
AT 498
Organization and Administration of Athletic Training
BA 305
Intro to Business Analytics
BA 310
Data Visualization
BA 345
Data Mining for Bus Analytics
BA 436
Data Warehouse and Bus Intel
BA 482
Business Analytics Research
BED 382
Improve Instr in Mkg Subs
BED 383
Curricm Methods Tchng Cmptr
BED 384
Meths and Tchng: Basc Bus
BED 387
Teaching Business
BED 392
Mnging In-Schl Lab and Coop
BED 393
Phil, Org, and Admin of CTE
BED 496
Prin and Phil Mkg Ed
BED 497
Ind Stdy: Bus and Mkg Ed
BIO 100
Biology for a Modern Society
BIO 102
Biol Concepts for Teachers
BIO 111
Principles of Biology 1
BIO 112
Principles of Biology 2
BIO 113
Microbiology for Health Sci
BIO 210
Introduction to Botany
BIO 214
BIO 215
Cell Biology
BIO 216
BIO 217
Methods in Ecology
BIO 220
Ecological Issues 21st Century
BIO 254
Biology in the Social Context
BIO 299X
Experimental Develop Topics
BIO 313
BIO 315
Methods in Cell Biology
BIO 316
Methods in Ecology
BIO 341
Pathogenic Bacteriology
BIO 344
BIO 369
Internship in Biology
BIO 390
Honors Colloquium in Biology
BIO 394
Practicum in Biology
BIO 401
Developments in Modern Biology
BIO 416
Population Ecology
BIO 418
Comm and Ecos Ecol
BIO 419
BIO 420
Field Biology of Distant Areas
BIO 440
BIO 444
BIO 446
Applied Microbiology
BIO 448
BIO 452
Advanced Genetics
BIO 453
Human Genetic Problem Humanity
BIO 454
Genomes: Genomics Proteomics
BIO 456
Cancer Biology
BIO 457
Molecular Biology
BIO 460
Methods of Biological Imaging
BIO 470
Developmental Biology
BIO 480
BIO 482
Aquatic Microbiology
BIO 483
Marine Biology
BIO 492
Bioethical Decision Making
BIO 498
Undergraduate Research
BIO 499
BIOT 490
Intro Recombinant DNA RNA Tech
BIOT 491
Theor and Apps Polym Chn React
BIOT 492
Protein Isolation and Analysis
BIOT 493
Prof Dev in Biot
BIOT 494
Cell Culture Techniques
BIOT 495
DNA Seqng and Bioinfors
BIOT 496
Res Des and Present
BL 260
Principles of Business Law
BL 363
Uniform Commercial Code
BL 367
Principles of Estate Planning
BL 497
Ind Study - Business Law
BOT 380
BOT 440
Taxonomy of Vascular Plants
BOT 442
Economic Botany
BOT 446
Medical Mycology
BOT 451
Plant Physiology
BOT 470
BOT 480
Plant Ecology
BOT 481
Aquatic Botany
BUSA 101
Introduction to Business
Experimental Develop Topics
BUSA 300
Int Sustainability in Business
BUSA 302
Career Management
BUSA 369
BUSAD Internship
CANS 150
Canada: Cultural Crossroads
CAP 101
Environment Design and Plan 1
CAP 102
Environment Design and Plan 2
CAP 161
Design Communications Media 1
CAP 162
Design Communications Media 2
CAP 198
Intro Arch, LA, Urb Plan
CAP 200
Design Thinking
CAP 381
Intro to Comp-Aided Des 1
CAP 382
Intro to Comp-Aided Des 2
CAP 400
Community-Based Projects
CAP 498
Spec Projects in CAP
CC 101
Word Origins and Vocab Dev
CC 102
Latin and Greek Terminology
CC 105
Intro to the Classical World
CC 201
Cultural Life Ancient Greece
CC 202
Cultural Life Ancient Rome
CC 203
Classical World in Film
CC 205
Mythologies of the World
CC 301
Classical Lit in English Trans
CC 302
Women in Antiquity
CC 303
Greek and Roman Cults
CC 304
The Ancient City
CC 305
Classical Myth and Theory
CC 401
Ancient Epic
CC 402
Ancient Drama
CC 403
Ancient Historiography
CC 404
Special Topics in Antiquity
CC 498
CCIM 210
Professional Development
CCIM 280
Social Media
CFA 101
Intro FA: Art, Drama, Mus, Dan
CFA 498
Seminar in Museum Studies
CH 101
Beginning Chinese 1
CH 102
Beginning Chinese 2
CH 201
Intermediate Chinese 1
CH 202
Intermediate Chinese 2
CH 301
Advanced Chinese 1
CH 302
Advanced Chinese 2
CH 303
Readings in Chinese
CH 304
CH 334
Chinese Culture and Civil
CH 335
Contemporary Chinese Culture
CH 337
Chinese Linguistics
CH 338
Business Chinese
CH 400
Chinese Study Abroad
CH 401
Contemporary Masterpieces
CH 402
Classical Masterpieces
CH 403
Advanced Reading and Writing
CH 404
Seminar in Language
CH 405
Seminar in Translation
CH 498
CHEM 100
People and Chemistry
CHEM 101
Gen, Org, Biochem and Hlth Sci
CHEM 102
Chemistry Experience Hlth Prf
CHEM 108
Introduction to Chemistry
CHEM 111
General Chemistry 1
CHEM 112
General Chemistry 2
CHEM 200
Society and Chemistry
CHEM 225
Chemical Analysis
CHEM 230
Org Chem Life Sciences
CHEM 231
Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 232
Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 234
Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 235
Organic Chemistry 2
CHEM 241
Organic Laboratory 1
CHEM 242
Organic Laboratory 2
Exper and Dev Topics
CHEM 325
Instrument Meths of Analy
CHEM 340
Selected Principles of Physical Chemistry
CHEM 344
Physical Chemistry 1
CHEM 345
Physical Chemistry 2
CHEM 360
Essentials of Biochemistry
CHEM 361
Introductory Biochemistry Lab
CHEM 369
Professional Experience
CHEM 375
Special Tops in Chem
CHEM 389
Chem Tech Pract
CHEM 400
Chemical Communications
CHEM 410
Review of Chem Fundamentals
CHEM 420
Chemical Instrumentation 1
CHEM 421
Chemical Instrumentation 2
CHEM 430
Int Organic Lab Techniques
CHEM 440
Sel Prins of Phys Chem
CHEM 444
Physical Chemistry 1
CHEM 445
Physical Chemistry2
CHEM 450
Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 454
Inorg Organometal Syn Lab
CHEM 463
Principles of Biochemistry 1
CHEM 464
Principles of Biochemistry 2
CHEM 465
Biochemistry Lab Techniques
CHEM 470
Independent Study and Research
CHEM 475
Exploration Select Topic Chem
CIS 226
Business Systems App Dev
CIS 228
Adv Micro Apps for Business
CIS 311
Info and Enter Sys: Analys Des
CIS 313
DB and Info Resource Mgt
CIS 317
Computer Networks for Business
CIS 410
Information Systems Security
CIS 411
Integration Project
CIS 412
Business Proc Analysis & Des
CIS 413
Database Management Systems
CIS 414
Info Systems of Small Business
CIS 415
Information Systems Management
CIS 419
Probs in Info Sys
CIS 420
Knowledge Management
CIS 421
Network & Security Management
CIS 422
Health Care Inform Systems
CIS 424
Organizational Info Assurance
CIS 430
ERP App and Process Integ
CIS 431
Enterprise Res Planning 2
CIS 450
E-Commerce Design/Applications
CIS 456
Info Tech and Bus Analytics
CIS 490
Information Systems Integ Proj
CJC 101
Intro to Criminal Justice
CJC 102
Introduction to Criminology
CJC 211
Race, Gender, and Crime
CJC 220
Research Methods in CJC
CJC 221
Data Analysis in Criminal Justice
CJC 229
Decision Making and Ethics
CJC 230
Introduction to Policing
CJC 240
Introduction to Corrections
CJC 250
Introduction to Courts
CJC 251
Criminal Law
CJC 301
Evaluation Research in CJC
CJC 309
Juvenile Justice Delinquency
CJC 311
Race, Ethnicity and Gender
CJC 312
CJC 329
Decision Making and Ethics
CJC 331
Organized Crime in America
CJC 332
CJC 333
Policing Free Diverse Society
CJC 340
Institutional Corrections
CJC 341
Community Corrections
CJC 350
Criminal Evidence Procedure
CJC 351
Criminal Law
CJC 369
Paid Prof Exp in CJC
CJC 390
Honors in CJC
CJC 396
Advanced Criminology
CJC 397
Constitutional Issues in CJC
CJC 398
Human Services in CJC
CJC 399
Special Populations in CJC
CJC 410
Current Topics in Crim Justice
CJC 430
Current Topics in Policing
CJC 440
Current Topics in Corrections
CJC 450
Current Topics in Legal Aspects of Criminal Justice
CJC 471
Practicum in Criminal Justice and Criminology
CJC 479
Prof Exp in CJC
CJC 490
Independent Study in CJC
CJC 495
Capstone in Criminal Justice
CM 104
Introduction to Construction
CM 106
CAD for Const Management
CM 180
Construction Documents
CM 200
Site Preparation
CM 206
Building Information Modeling
CM 222
Technical Presentation
CM 250
Construction Methods Matls 1
CM 251
Construction Methods Matls 2
CM 252
Building Diagnostics
CM 261
Mechanical Construction
CM 262
Electrical Construction
CM 280
Construction Specifications
CM 299X
Special Topics in CM
CM 300
Structural Mechanics
CM 302
Highway Construction 1
CM 303
Highway Construction 2
CM 310
Ethics in Construction
CM 315
Sustainable Construction
CM 320
CM 350
Mechanical Electrical Systems
CM 355
Planning and Scheduling
CM 365
Construction Safety
CM 380
Internship in Construction Mgt
CM 381
Internship Construction Mgt 2
CM 390
Training and Dev in CM
CM 400
Const Proj Mngmnt
CM 420
Construction Finance and Law
CM 460
Capstone in Construction
CM 490
Independent Study in CM
COMM 201
Exploration of Comm Studies
COMM 210
Fundamentals of Public Comm
COMM 220
Argumentation and Debate
COMM 240
Intro to Interpersonal Comm
COMM 251
Bus and Prof Comm
COMM 290
Intercultural Communication
Developmental Topics
COMM 310
Communication and Democracy
COMM 320
COMM 322
Comm and Popular Culture
COMM 325
COMM 330
Small Group Communication
COMM 333
Topics Communication Studies
COMM 335
Communication and Health
COMM 340
Leadership Communication
COMM 351
Organizational Communication
COMM 360
Communication Theory
COMM 369
Professional Experience
COMM 370
Nonverbal Communication
COMM 375
Presentational Communication
COMM 380
Practicum in Comm Studies
COMM 385
Rhet of Marginalized Voices
COMM 401
Comm Studies Senior Seminar
COMM 404
Political Communication
COMM 412
Rhetorical Thry and Criticism
COMM 425
COMM 440
Advanced Interpersonal Comm
COMM 441
Contemp Issues in Org Comm
COMM 442
Communication and Conflict
COMM 450
Rhetoric and Advocacy
COMM 452
Applied Organizational Comm
COMM 465
Human Communication Inquiry
COMM 475
Coaching Directing Forensics
COMM 479
Unpaid Professional Experience
COMM 489
Paid Professional Experience
COMM 496
Directed Study in Comm
CPSY 110
Career Life Planning
CPSY 230
Human Relation Development
CPSY 360
Aspects of Sexuality
CPSY 400
Fundamentals of Counseling
CPSY 420
Psychological Interventions
CPSY 470
Cross-Cult Counseling
CPSY 490
Issues in Counseling
CS 101
Intro Programming
CS 104
Introduction to Computers
CS 105
Multimedia Programming
CS 106
Digital Imaging for the Web
CS 107
Personal Computing
CS 110
Intro Comp Sci and Web Prog
CS 120
Comp Sci 1: Prog Fundamentals
CS 121
Computer Science 2
CS 124
Discrete Structures
CS 150
Intro to Teaching CS
CS 200
Computers and Society
CS 203
Intro to Computer Security
CS 204
Personal Computing
CS 205
Multimedia Programming
CS 206
Digital Imaging for the Web
CS 222
Advanced Programming
CS 224
Des and Analy of Algorithms
CS 230
Computer Org and Arch
CS 239
Social and Professional Issues
CS 249
CS 269
Service Learning
CS 299
Exp and Devl Topics
CS 299X
Experimental/Developmental Topics
CS 300
Local and Wide Area Networks
CS 310
Web Programming
CS 315
Game Programming
CS 320
Mobile Software Development
CS 321
Data Analytics
CS 324
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS 327
Distributed Processing and Networks
CS 335
Programming Languages
CS 339
Advanced Topics Seminar
CS 345
Human-Computer Interaction
CS 346
Database Design
CS 347
Network Security
CS 369
Professional Experience 1
CS 370
Professional Experience 2
CS 376
Operating Systems
CS 380
Theory of Computation 1
CS 393
Teaching CS in Middle Schools
CS 395
Teaching CS in Sec Schools
CS 397
Multitier Web Architectures
CS 410
Web Programming
CS 411
Mobile Application Dev
CS 416
Computer Networks
CS 418
Database Design
CS 419
Operating Systems
CS 420
Multitier Web Architectures
CS 421
Data Analytics
CS 430
Systems Programming
CS 431
Programming Languages
CS 436
Database Design
CS 438
Computer Graphics
CS 439
Current Topics Seminar in CS
CS 445
Human-Computer Interaction
CS 446
System Administration
CS 447
Network Security
CS 455
Data Mining
CS 456
Image Processing
CS 457
Applied Cryptography
CS 470
Theory of Computation 1
CS 490
Software Production Studio
CS 495
Software Engineering 1
CS 498
Software Engineering 2
CS 499
Independent Study
Exp and Devl Topics
Exp and Devl Topics
CT 111
Computer Assembly Trblshooting
CT 210
Fundamentals of Network Design
CT 211
System Admin Fundamentals
CT 221
Alt PC Operating Systems
CT 264
Fund of Defensive Security
CT 265
Fund of Offensive Security
CT 270
Computer Industrial Electronic
CT 299X
Special Topics in Computer Tec
CT 300
Sustainability in Info Tech
CT 310
Internetwork Design Admin
CT 311
Infrastructure Services
CT 321
Alt Server Operating Systems
CT 330
Internet Switching and Design
CT 340
Wireless Networks
CT 363
Intrusion Prevent and Response
CT 371
Voice over IP Network - VoIP
CT 380
Electronic Communication Admin
CT 385
Internship in Computer Tech
CT 410
Scalable Internetworking
CT 421
Data Storage Disaster Recovery
CT 430
Convergent Network Systems
CT 440
Directory Services
CT 450
Enterpri Infrastructure Design
CT 464
Industrial Network Security
CT 465
Enterprise Security Admin
CT 466
Capstone Computer Technology
CT 499
Prob in Computer Technology
DANC 100
Intro to Dance History
DANC 110
Intro to Ballet 1
DANC 111
Intro to Ballet 2
DANC 120
Intro to Modern 1
DANC 121
Intro to Modern 2
DANC 130
Intro to Jazz 1
DANC 131
Intro to Jazz 2
DANC 132
Intro to Tap 1
DANC 200
The Dancer's Body
DANC 210
Ballet 1
DANC 211
Ballet 2
DANC 220
Modern 1
DANC 221
Modern 2
DANC 230
Jazz 1
DANC 231
Jazz 2
DANC 232
Tap 1
DANC 240
World Studio 1
DANC 241
World Studio 2
DANC 242
World Studio 2
DANC 280
Musical Theatre Dance 1
DANC 281
Musical Theatre Dance 2
DANC 287
DANC 289
Student Directed Dance Perform
Experimental Topics
DANC 300
Body Condition and Maintain
DANC 301
Dance History 1
DANC 302
Dance History 2
DANC 310
Ballet 3
DANC 311
Ballet 4
DANC 315
Technique Studio
DANC 320
Modern 3
DANC 321
Modern 4
DANC 330
Jazz 3
DANC 331
Jazz 4
DANC 332
Tap 2
DANC 380
Dance Production
DANC 387
Choreography 1
DANC 389
Studio Dance Performance
DANC 401
Advanced Topics Dance Studies
DANC 410
Ballet 4
DANC 420
Modern 4
DANC 430
Jazz 4
DANC 487
Choreography 2
DANC 488
Dance Pedagogy
DANC 489
Mainstage Dance Performance
DANC 490
Creative Project
DANC 496
Senior Thesis
ECON 116
Survey of Economic Ideas
ECON 201
Elementary Microeconomics
ECON 202
Elementary Macroeconomics
ECON 221
Business Statistics
ECON 247
Econ and Stats for the Media
ECON 279
Problems of Emerging Nations
Exper and Developmental Topics
ECON 301
Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 302
Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 309
Amer Econ Hist 1: to Civil War
ECON 310
Amer Econ Hist 2: 1860-1990
ECON 311
Environmental Economics
ECON 321
Advanced BusinessStatistics
ECON 330
Sports Econ
ECON 331
Labor Economics
ECON 332
Labor Relations and Law
ECON 345
Public Finance
ECON 346
Law and Economics
ECON 347
Economics Projects
ECON 348
Health Economics
ECON 351
International Economics
ECON 369
Internship in Economics
ECON 370
Industrial Organization
ECON 371
Econ Games Stgy
ECON 380
Economic Growth
ECON 381
Economics for Teachers
ECON 390
Honors Colloquium in Economics
ECON 416
History of Economic Doctrines
ECON 421
Mathematical Economics
ECON 424
Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 441
The Theory of Monetary Policy
ECON 461
Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 485
Urban Economics
ECON 492
Independent Study in Economics
ECON 495
Seminar in Economics
EDAC 101
Sem in Lifelong Learning
Exp and Dev Topics
EDAD 486
Leg Asp and Ed Future Tchrs
EDAL 470
Student Teaching: All-Grade
EDCU 331
Public School Curriculum
EDEL 100
Educ in a Democratic Society
EDEL 200
Plan for Elem and EC Classroom
EDEL 231
Family and Community Relations
EDEL 244
Early and Elem Educ Soc Just
EDEL 252
Creative Exp for Yng Children
EDEL 260
EC Curriculum and Instruction
Experimental Developmtl Topics
EDEL 300
Mgt, Org, and Instr Elem Clsrm
EDEL 301
Tchg in the Pre-K K Program
EDEL 302
Dev Elem Eng La Multicult Lit
EDEL 304
Teach Writing in Elem Grades
EDEL 311
Language Arts Methods
EDEL 330
Health and Well Being in EC
EDEL 340
Cult and Lang in Tchg and Lrng
EDEL 350
Tchg in the Elem Ed Classroom
EDEL 351
Teaching in the K Primary Prog
EDEL 381
Early Childhood Language Arts
EDEL 400
Student Teaching: Pre-K
EDEL 401
Student Teaching: Kindergarten
EDEL 402
Student Teaching: Primary
EDEL 411
Trnd & Iss Tch El Eng Lng Arts
EDEL 440
Kindergarten Education
EDEL 442
Administration of EC Programs
EDEL 463
Student Teaching: Elementary
EDEL 464
Student Teaching: Elementary
EDEL 465
Student Teaching: Elementary
EDEL 490
Practicum in Elementary Educ
EDEL 491
Independent Study in Elem Ed
EDEL 492
Issues in Elementary Education
EDFO 420
Soc, Hist, Phil Found of Ed
EDGE 390
Honors Colloquium in Education
EDHI 102
Intro to Students as Ldrs
EDHI 200
Intro Pers Srvcs Res Halls
EDHI 201
Adv Pers Srvcs Res Halls
EDHI 202
Students as Group Leaders
EDHI 302
Student Ldrs in Comm Serv
EDHI 401
Special Topics in Leadership
EDHI 402
Globl Ldrshp: Sr Cap Exp
EDJH 299
Ind Study in JH and MS Ed
EDJH 385
Prin of Tchng in Mid Schl
EDJH 412
Inst Stratgs and App in JH MS
EDJH 434
Class Mgt: in JH and MS
EDJH 460
Student Tchng in JH and MS
EDJH 465
Elect Student Tchng: JH and MS
EDMU 200
Cross-Role Expers Sec Schls
EDMU 205
Intro to Multicul Ed
EDMU 206
Adv Ethnic Multicul Grp Beh
EDMU 301
Instruct Strat Multicul Schls
EDMU 302
Self and Social Const of ID
EDMU 370
Rep and Multicul Thry and Prac
EDMU 400
Top Sem in Multicul Stds
EDMU 470
Under Cult Div in Amer Ed
EDPS 250
Human Growth Development
EDPS 251
Development Secondary
EDPS 254
Early Childhood
EDPS 260
Development Elementary
EDPS 270
Lifespan Development
Developmental Topics
EDPS 306
Behavior Analysis
EDPS 345
Tests and Measurement
EDPS 350
Child Psychology
EDPS 351
Adolescent Psychology
EDPS 355
Adult Psychology
EDPS 360
Service Learning
EDPS 370
Immersive Learning
EDPS 390
EDPS 391
Assessment Early Childhood
EDPS 393
Educational Psych Elementary
EDPS 411
Creative Thinking
EDPS 420
Intro Gifted Talented
EDPS 421
Identif and Evaluation Gifted
EDPS 423
Social Emotional Needs Gifted
EDPS 425
Models and Strategies Gifted
EDPS 430
Mental Health
EDPS 496
Practicum Gifted Education
EDPS 498
Seminar Edpsy
EDPS 499
Independent Study Edpsy
EDRD 204
Literature for Children
EDRD 300
RDG and LA Instruction
EDRD 318
Lit for Young Children
EDRD 320
Disciplinary Literacy Elem Sch
EDRD 350
Adv RDG and LA
EDRD 390
Early Emergent Literacy
EDRD 400
Tchg of Rdg in Todays Schools
EDRD 427
Tchg Rdg to Diverse Learners
EDRD 430
Assess Interven Read Lang Arts
EDRD 445
Computers in Rdg Instruction
EDRD 450
Reading Strategies and Pract
EDRD 490
Strategies Teaching of Rdg
EDRD 498
Seminar Teaching of Literacy
EDSE 150
Basic Concepts of Secondary Ed
EDSE 210
Field Exper in Secondary Ed
Exp and Dev Topics
EDSE 320
Read Div Sec Cont Class
EDSE 380
Princ of Tchng in Sec School
EDSE 399
Ind Study in Secondary Ed
EDSE 434
Class Mgt: Imprvng Student Beh
EDSE 460
Student Tchng: Sec Schl
EDSE 465
Elective Student Teaching
EDSE 470
Issues in Secondary Education
EDTE 120
Intro Comp and Dig Media Tchrs
EDTE 204
Sel and Mgt of Tech Resources
EDTE 350
Curr Integration of Tech
EDTE 352
Multi Web Design and Dev Ed
EDTE 355
Lrn and Tchng w Emerging Tech
EDTE 360
Studies in Ed Tech
EDTE 365
Visual and Digital Literacies
EDTE 470
Technology Policy and Ethics
EDTE 480
Internship in Educational Tech
EDTE 485
Schl Info Infra and Tech
Experimental Develop Topics
EMHS 350
Haz Mat Health and Safety
EMHS 351
Intro Emergency Management
EMHS 352
Science WMDs Technol Hazards
EMHS 353
Arson Investigation
EMHS 355
International Domestic Terror
EMHS 389
Emergency Response WMDs
EMHS 469
Professional Practice
EMHS 493
Special Topics
ENEF 101
Writing F
ENEF 102
Grammar F
ENEF 103
Reading F
ENEF 104
Oral Communication F
ENEF 105
Ext Reading and Keyboarding F
ENEF 106
Vocabulary and Literacy F
ENEF 111
Writing 1
ENEF 112
Grammar 1
ENEF 113
Reading 1
ENEF 114
Oral Communication 1
ENEF 115
Ext Reading and Keyboarding 1
ENEF 116
Vocabularly and Literacy 1
ENEF 121
Writing 2
ENEF 122
Grammar 2
ENEF 123
Reading 2
ENEF 124
Oral Communication 2
ENEF 125
Extensive Listening 2
ENEF 126
Vocabulary and Literacy 2
ENEF 131
Writing 3
ENEF 132
Grammar 3
ENEF 133
Reading 3
ENEF 134
Oral Communication 3
ENEF 135
Extensive Listening 3
ENEF 136
Vocabulary and Literacy 3
ENEF 141
Writing 4
ENEF 142
Grammar 4
ENEF 143
Reading 4
ENEF 144
Speaking 4
ENEF 145
Listening 4
ENEF 146
Vocabulary and Literacy 4
ENEF 151
Writing 5
ENEF 152
Grammar 5
ENEF 153
Reading 5
ENEF 154
Speaking 5
ENEF 155
Listening 5
ENEF 156
Vocabulary and Literacy 5
ENEF 161
Writing 6
ENEF 162
Grammar 6
ENEF 163
Reading 6
ENEF 164
Speaking 6
ENEF 165
Listening 6
ENEF 166
Vocabulary and Literacy 6
ENEF 171
Repeating Writing
ENEF 172
Repeating Grammar
ENEF 173
Repeating Reading
ENEF 174
Repeating Speaking
ENEF 175
Repeating Listening
ENEF 176
Repeat Vocabulary and Literacy
ENG 101
Foundations Rhet and Writing 1
ENG 102
Foundations Rhet and Writing 2
ENG 103
Rhetoric and Writing
ENG 104
Composing Research
ENG 114
Composing Research (HC)
ENG 150
Intro to Teach Eng in Sec Sch
ENG 204
Literature for Children
ENG 205
World Literature
ENG 206
Reading Literature
ENG 210
Intro to Rhet and Writing
ENG 213
Intro to Digital Literacies
ENG 214
Intro Lit and Gender
ENG 215
Intro African Amer Lit
ENG 216
Intro Amer Ethnic Lit
ENG 217
Intro Queer Lit Queer Theory
ENG 220
Language and Society
ENG 221
Fund Eng Grammar and Usage
ENG 230
Reading and Writing About Lit
ENG 231
Professional Writing
ENG 240
American Lit 1: Beg to 1860
ENG 250
American Lit 2: 1860 to Pres
ENG 260
British Lit 1: Beg to 1780
ENG 280
British Lit 2: 1780 to Pres
ENG 285
Intro to Creative Writing
ENG 299X
Experimental Develop Topics
ENG 302
Developing Elementary English Language Arts with Multicultural Literature
ENG 303
History of Rhetoric
ENG 304
Teaching Writing in the Elementary Grades
ENG 306
Creative Nonfiction Writing
ENG 307
Fiction Writing
ENG 308
Poetry Writing
ENG 310
ENG 311
Language Arts Methods
ENG 318
Literature for Young Children
ENG 320
Intro to Linguistics Science
ENG 321
English Linguistics
ENG 322
Lang and Cross-Cultural Comm
ENG 323
Discourse Struc and Strategies
ENG 328
Language and Gender
ENG 329
Editing and Style
ENG 332
Phonetics and Phonology
ENG 334
Eng Linguistics for Educators
ENG 335
Writ and Read Public Discourse
ENG 345
Early American Lit
ENG 346
Studies 19th Cen Amer Lit
ENG 347
20th Century Amer Lit
ENG 350
Teach Writing in Sec Schools
ENG 351
Contemporary American
ENG 362
Medieval British Literature
ENG 363
Ren and 17th Cen Brit Lit
ENG 364
Rest and 18th Cen Brit Lit
ENG 365
19th Cen BritLit
ENG 366
Brit Lit 1900-1945
ENG 367
Contemporary Brit Lit
ENG 369
Professional Experience
ENG 388
English Studies Abroad
ENG 389
Practicum Peer Tutoring
ENG 390
Honors Colloq in English
ENG 395
Teach Lit and Lang Sec Schools
ENG 400
Special Topics in English
ENG 401
Trends and Issues in Teaching Elementary English Language Arts
ENG 402
Cultural Studies
ENG 404
Independent Study in Eng
ENG 405
Spec Topics Creative Writing
ENG 406
Adv CNf Writing
ENG 407
Adv Fiction Writing
ENG 408
Adv Poetry Writing
ENG 409
CW in the Community
ENG 410
Adv Screenwriting
ENG 412
Read in Sec Eng Class
ENG 414
Young Adult Literature
ENG 421
Studies in Literary History
ENG 422
Studies: Authors
ENG 423
Studies in Drama
ENG 424
Genre Studies
ENG 425
Film Studies
ENG 430
Document Design
ENG 431
Rhet Writ and Emerging Media
ENG 435
Issues in Rhet and Writing
ENG 436
Theory and Research in TESOL
ENG 437
Methods and Materials in TESOL
ENG 437A
Methods and Materials in TESOL
ENG 438
TESOL Curric Dev and Assess
ENG 444
Senior Seminar
ENG 457
Practicum in TESOL
ENG 457A
Practicum in TESOL
ENG 464
ENG 489
Prac in Lit Edit and Publish
ENG 490
Literature and Gender
ENG 491
Lit of African American Trad
ENG 492
Native American Literature
ENG 493
American Ethnic Literature
ENG 494
Queer Lit and Queer Theory
ENG 496
Literary and Critical Theory
ENG 497
Studies: Lit in Translation
ENG 498
Studies in Global Literature
ENIE 100
IEI Level Fundamentals
ENIE 101
Writing F
ENIE 102
Grammar F
ENIE 103
Reading F
ENIE 104
Oral Communication F
ENIE 105
Ext Reading and Keyboarding F
ENIE 106
Vocabulary and Literacy F
ENIE 110
IEI Level 1
ENIE 111
Writing 1
ENIE 112
Grammar 1
ENIE 113
Reading 1
ENIE 114
Oral Communication 1
ENIE 115
Ext Reading and Keyboarding 1
ENIE 116
Vocabulary and Literacy 1
ENIE 120
IEI Level 2
ENIE 121
Writing 2
ENIE 122
Grammar 2
ENIE 123
Reading 2
ENIE 124
Oral Communication 2
ENIE 125
Extensive Listening 2
ENIE 126
Vocabulary and Literacy 2
ENIE 130
IEI Level 3
ENIE 131
Writing 3
ENIE 132
Grammar 3
ENIE 133
Reading 3
ENIE 134
Oral Communication 3
ENIE 135
Extensive Listening 3
ENIE 136
Vocabulary and Literacy 3
ENIE 140
IEI Level 4
ENIE 141
Writing 4
ENIE 142
Grammar 4
ENIE 143
Reading 4
ENIE 144
Speaking 4
ENIE 145
Listening 4
ENIE 146
Vocabulary and Literacy 4
ENIE 150
IEI Level 5
ENIE 151
Writing 5
ENIE 152
Grammar 5
ENIE 153
Reading 5
ENIE 154
Speaking 5
ENIE 155
Listening 5
ENIE 156
Vocabulary and Literacy 5
ENIE 160
IEI Level 6
ENIE 161
Writing 6
ENIE 162
Grammar 6
ENIE 163
Reading 6
ENIE 164
Speaking 6
ENIE 165
Listening 6
ENIE 166
Vocabulary and Literacy 6
ENIE 171
Writing 6 (Grad)
ENT 241
The Entrepreneurial Experience
ENT 244
Social Entrepreneurship
ENT 341
Opportunity Identification
ENT 342
Marketing for New Ventures
ENT 343
Venture Leadership
ENT 345
Management for New Ventures
ENT 346
Product and Service Design
ENT 347
Business Model Generation
ENT 369
Entrepreneurship Internship
ENT 441
Entrep Decision Making
ENT 443
Venture Financing
ENT 449
New Venture Creation
EURO 369
Professional Experience
EURO 401
Spec Issues in Euro Stds
EURO 405
Independent Study
EURO 479
Practical Experience
EXSC 119
Hatha Yoga
EXSC 147
Resistance Training Leadership
EXSC 148
Group Fitness Instructor
EXSC 190
Foundation of Exercise Science
EXSC 201
Human Perform Concepts Assess
EXSC 202
Fitness Assessment in EXSC
EXSC 212
Games and Activities
EXSC 292
EXSC 293
Found Physiology and Exercise
EXSC 294
Functional Anatomy
EXSC 301
Fund of Exercise Prescription
EXSC 302
PA Throughout Lifespan
EXSC 312
Teach Physic Activ Older Adult
EXSC 320
Fundamentals of Resistance Training
EXSC 329
Assessment for Ind with Dis
EXSC 360
Exercise Psychology
EXSC 401
Prin of Electrocardiogram
EXSC 402
Advanced Fitness Assessments in Exercise Science
EXSC 414
Biomechanics of Human Movement
EXSC 420
Sports Performance
EXSC 479
Exercise Science Internship
EXSC 493
Advanced Exercise Physiology
FASH 101
Dimensions of Clothing
FASH 102
Fund of Apparel Construction
FASH 202
Fit Intermed Apparel Construct
FASH 230
Textiles for Apparel
FASH 265
Fashion Illustration
FASH 270
The Fashion Industry
FASH 275
Computer Fashion Presentation
FASH 280
Merch Fundamentals and Math
FASH 300
Flat Pattern
FASH 303
FASH 304
Grading Marking Apparel Design
FASH 315
Fashion Product Analysis
FASH 345
Visual Merchandising
FASH 350
Advanced Construction
FASH 360
History of Costume
FASH 365
Fashion Forecasting
FASH 384
Fashion Retail Manage Branding
FASH 392
Prof Develop for Fash Merch
FASH 410
Comp Apparel Prod Develop
FASH 415
Apparel Manufact and Wholesale
FASH 475
International Apparel Market
FASH 480
Studio Design
FASH 481
Fashion Promotion
FASH 488
Fashion Buy Merch Ecommerce
FASH 497
Portfolio Dev for Fashion
FCED 150
Introduction to FCED
FCED 261
FCED Assess Methods
FCED 392
Prin and Phil of Voc Educ
FCED 395
Method and Material Teach FCS
FCED 490
Practicum in FCS Education
FCED 492
Implementation of FCED
FCED 493
Coordination of FCS Programs
FCFA 101
Dimensions of Clothing
FCFA 102
Fundamentals of Apparel Construction
FCFA 202
Fitting and Intermediate Apparel Construction
FCFA 230
Textiles for Apparel
FCFA 265
Fashion Illustration
FCFA 270
The Fashion Industry
FCFA 275
Computerized Software and Presentation for the Fashion Industry
FCFA 280
Merchandising Fundamentals and Mathematics
FCFA 298
Fashion Product Analysis
FCFA 300
Flat Pattern
FCFA 301
FCFA 303
FCFA 304
Grading and Marking for Apparel Design
FCFA 315
Fashion Product Analysis
FCFA 345
Visual Merchandising
FCFA 350
Advanced Construction
FCFA 360
History of Costume
FCFA 365
Study of Fashion Forecasting
FCFA 369
Internship in Fashion Apparel Design
FCFA 384
Fashion Retailing, Management, and Branding
FCFA 388
Apparel Manufacturing and Wholesaling
FCFA 392
Professional Development for Fashion Merchandising
FCFA 410
Computerized Apparel Product Development
FCFA 415
Apparel Manufacturing and Wholesaling
FCFA 475
International Apparel Markets
FCFA 480
Studio Design: Senior Line
FCFA 481
Fashion Promotion
FCFA 488
Fashion Buying, Merchandising and E-Commerce
FCFA 497
Portfolio Development for Fashion
FCFC 100
Intro Family Child
FCFC 202
Child and Family Wellness
FCFC 250
Family Relations
FCFC 265
Infant and Toddler Dvlp Educ
FCFC 275
Child Development
FCFC 310
Promot Prosocial Behav Child
FCFC 315
Infant Toddler Curr Envir
FCFC 320
Leadership Mgt Child Dev Prog
FCFC 340
Life Workplace Management
FCFC 350
Families Cross Culture
FCFC 380
FCFC 393
Present Practice Tech Fam Educ
FCFC 394
Family Services Administration
FCFC 425
Grant Writing Research Methods
FCFC 450
Consumer Education
FCFC 465
Adv Child Dev in Practice
FCFC 475
FCFC 484
Family Stressors and Crises
FCFC 485
Family Policy
FCFC 491
Child Study Center Administrative Practicum
FCFC 492
Prof Practice Child Life
FCFC 493
Family and Child Internship
FCFC 496
Seminar in Family Relations
FCFN 101
Introduction to Dietetics
FCFN 105
Hospitality and Foodservice Industry
FCFN 110
Principles of Food Preparation and Food Science
FCFN 147
Foodservice Sanitation
FCFN 210
Customer Service
FCFN 220
Meal Design and Presentation
FCFN 222
Advanced Culinary Techniques and Menu Design
FCFN 240
Nutrition for Educators
FCFN 247
Foodservice Sanitation and Purchasing
FCFN 250
Lodging Management
FCFN 262
Facilities Planning, Layout and Design
FCFN 275
Personal Nutrition
FCFN 300
Cost Control in Hospitality and Food Industry
FCFN 310
Customer Service
FCFN 330
Technology of Food Science
FCFN 340
Principles of Human Nutrition
FCFN 345
FCFN 346
Micronutrients and Phytochemicals
FCFN 350
Technology of Food Science
FCFN 363
Administration of Food and Nutrition Systems
FCFN 369
Internship in Food or Hospitality Management
FCFN 375
Nutrition Assessment, Counseling, and Education
FCFN 376
Introduction to Event Management
FCFN 390
Nutrition Counseling Practicum
FCFN 395
Food and Culture
FCFN 396
Nutrition Counseling Practicum
FCFN 400
Restaurant Management and Quantity Food Production
FCFN 444
Sports Nutrition and Weight Control
FCFN 445
Advanced Nutrition
FCFN 446
Medical Nutrition Therapy 1
FCFN 447
Medical Nutrition Therapy 2
FCFN 448
Nutrition and Weight Management
FCFN 450
Strategic Operation in Lodging Industry
FCFN 455
Lifecycle Nutrition
FCFN 456
Community Nutrition
FCFN 475
Catering for Profit
FCFN 476
Event Management
FCFN 477
Advanced Event Management
FCFN 496
Seminar in Foods and Nutrition
FCGI 369
General Internship
FCID 101
Rapid Visualization
FCID 110
Design Fundamentals
FCID 111
Graphic Communication 1
FCID 112
Design Presentation Techniques
FCID 115
Interior Materials and Applications
FCID 120
Graphic Communication 2
FCID 210
Historical and Theoretical Studies 1
FCID 211
Graphic Communication 2
FCID 220
Sustainable Interiors
FCID 221
Graphic Communication 3
FCID 222
Interior Design Studio 1
FCID 224
Interior Design Studio 2
FCID 225
Historical and Theoretical Studies 2
FCID 228
Graphic Communication 4
FCID 261
Universal Design
FCID 300
Interior Design Professional Practice
FCID 314
Color and Light in Interior Design
FCID 320
Furniture Design
FCID 321
Graphic Communication 4
FCID 324
Interior Design Studio 3
FCID 334
Interior Design Studio 4
FCID 362
Interior Construction, Building Systems, and Regulations
FCID 369
Internship in Interior Design
FCID 390
Interior Design Programming
FCID 400
NCIDQ Preparation
FCID 420
Interior Design Programming
FCID 424
Interior Design Studio 5
FCID 484
Interior Design Studio 6
FCPM 104
Housing Decisions
FCPM 123
Interior Design Basics
FCPM 235
Introduction to Residential Property Management
FCPM 255
Facilities Management
FCPM 275
Marketing and Leasing Residential Properties
FCPM 305
Maintenance for Property Managers
FCPM 315
Senior Housing: Design, Marketing, and Management
FCPM 330
Apartment Financial Management
FCPM 350
Residential Equipment, Energy and Technology
FCPM 369
RPM Internship
FCPM 375
Simulation in Residential Property Management
FCPM 400
Housing and Society
FCPM 405
Management of Government-Assisted Housing
FCPM 425
Residential Property Management Project
FCPM 435
Trends and Issues in Residential Property Management
FCS 103
Family and Consumer Sciences Body of Knowledge
FCS 135
Financial Literacy
FCS 299X
Experiment Develop Topics
FCS 369
Internship in Family and Consumer Sciences
FCS 400
FCS Field Study
FCS 403
Family and Consumer Sciences in Practice
FCS 494
Workshop in FCS
FCS 495
Independent Study in FCS
FCS 496
Seminar in FCS
FCS 497
Immersive Learning in FCS
FIN 101
Pers Fin for Fiscal Wellness
FIN 110
Personal Finance
FIN 299X
Developing Issues in Finance
FIN 300
Principles of Finance
FIN 301
Intermediate Finance
FIN 310
FIN 320
Markets and Institutions
FIN 352
Global Finance
FIN 369
Finance Internship
FIN 410
Portfolio Management
FIN 420
Treasury Management
FIN 445
Financial Statement Analysis
FIN 480
Financial Planning Process
FIN 490
Decision Making in Finance
FIN 497
Independent Study - Finance
FL 150
Intro to Teaching WL
FL 205
The French Speaking World
FL 295
FL Field Experience
FL 299X
Experimental Topics
FL 305
Foreign Literatures in Trans
FL 306
Foreign Culture through Films
FL 307
European Women Writers
FL 308
European Culture through Films
FL 350
Elementary WL Teaching Methods
FL 369
Professional Experience
FL 390
Honors Colloq in Foreign Lit
FL 395
WL Methods, Reading, Materials
FL 396
Tech and Assessment in WLE
FL 470
Immersive Study Abroad
FL 479
Practical Experience
FL 490
Independent Study
FR 101
Beginning French 1
FR 102
Beginning French 2
FR 201
Intermediate French 1
FR 202
Intermediate French 2
FR 301
FR 302
FR 303
FR 334
Civ and Culture: Old Regime
FR 335
Civ and Culture: Modern France
FR 337
FR 338
Business French
FR 360
Intro to French Lit Readings
FR 400
French Study Abroad
FR 401
History of French Literature 1
FR 402
History of French Literature 2
FR 403
Seminar in French Literature
FR 404
Seminar in French Lang or Civ
FR 470
French Immersive Study Abroad
FR 498
GEOG 101
Earth Sea Sky: Geographic View
GEOG 120
Economic Geog of Globalization
GEOG 121
Geog of Cultural Environment
GEOG 150
Global Geography
GEOG 230
Elementary Meteorology
GEOG 240
Map Reading and Graphics
GEOG 250
Spatial Analytical Methods
GEOG 261
Intro to Sustainable Tourism
GEOG 262
Tourism Regions
GEOG 265
Intro Geographic Info Systems
GEOG 270
Geog of International Conflict
Experimental Developmental Tpc
GEOG 320
Immig and Ethnic Geog of US
GEOG 321
Urban Geography
GEOG 323
Tourism and Geography of Food
GEOG 330
Weather Analysis
GEOG 331
Global Climatology
GEOG 332
Climate Change and Modification
GEOG 334
Atmospheric Hazards
GEOG 340
Cartograp Visual Spatial Data
GEOG 341
Cartogra Visual Spatial Data 2
GEOG 342
Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEOG 343
Advanced Remote Sensing
GEOG 344
Adv Geog Info Systems Analysis
GEOG 350
Geog United States and Canada
GEOG 351
Latin American and Caribbean
GEOG 353
Geography of Indiana
GEOG 354
Geography of Asia
GEOG 356
Geog Russia and Its Neighbors
GEOG 357
Geography of Europe
GEOG 360
Tours and Meetings Management
GEOG 369
Professional Experience
GEOG 410
Broadcast Meteorology
GEOG 423
Population Geography
GEOG 425
Physical Meteorology
GEOG 435
Satellite, Radar, and Forecasting
GEOG 443
Sem Adv Techniq Remote Sensing
GEOG 444
Adv Cartog Visual Spatial Data
GEOG 445
GIS Apps Design and Develop
GEOG 447
Thermodynamic Meteorology
GEOG 448
Geog Infomation System Design
GEOG 449
Synoptic Meteorology
GEOG 450
Mesoscale Meteorology
GEOG 451
Dynamic Meteorology
GEOG 460
Travel and Tourism Consulting
GEOG 470
Political Geography
GEOG 479
Practical Experience
GEOG 480
Distant Areas Field Studies
GEOG 490
Field Observation of Severe Local Storms
GEOG 491
Sustainable Tourism Develop
GEOG 495
Special Studies in Geography
GEOL 101
Planet Earth Geol Environment
GEOL 105
Lab in Physical Geology
GEOL 110
Age of the Dinosaurs
GEOL 201
Earth, Life, and Time
GEOL 204
Nat Landscape for Storytellers
GEOL 206
Oceans and Nations
GEOL 207
Environ Geology Geochem Cycles
GEOL 220
Earth Materials
GEOL 240
GEOL 290
Computer Applic Geosciences
Exp and Devel Topics
GEOL 302
GPS Techniques
GEOL 308
Sedimentary Geology
GEOL 310
Igneous Metamorphic Petrology
GEOL 315
Structural Geology Tectonics
GEOL 330
Geological Field Tour
GEOL 350
Physical Hydrology
GEOL 360
GEOL 369
Professional Experience
GEOL 383
Field Geology
GEOL 409
GEOL 411
Advanced Ign Met Petrology
GEOL 412
Sedimentary Petrology
GEOL 413
Experimental Petrology
GEOL 416
Geology Hazards Environment
GEOL 420
GEOL 425
GEOL 434
Applied Biostratigraphy
GEOL 435
Sequence Stratigraphy
GEOL 440
Karst and Carbonates
GEOL 450
Geology of Indiana
GEOL 461
GEOL 462
Env Geol in the Field and Lab
GEOL 470
Groundwater Geochemistry
GEOL 471
Volcanology and Volc Hazards
GEOL 475
Glacial Geology
GEOL 480
Special Studies Field Problems
GEOL 485
Group Field Research Exp
Exp Elective Course
GER 101
Beginning German 1
GER 102
Beginning German 2
GER 201
Intermediate German 1
GER 202
Intermediate German 2
GER 301
GER 302
GER 303
GER 334
Contemporary German Culture
GER 335
Civilization and Culture
GER 337
GER 338
Business German
GER 361
Survey of German Prose
GER 362
Survey of German Drama
GER 363
Survey of German Lyric
GER 400
German Study Abroad
GER 401
History of German Literature
GER 402
History of German Literature 2
GER 403
History of German Literature 3
GER 404
Sem in German Lit and Culture
GER 405
Sem in German Lang and Ling
GER 470
German Immersive Study Abroad
GER 498
GERO 392
Workshop in Appl Gerontology
GERO 398
Seminar in Applied Gerontology
GERO 415
Technology in Aging
GERO 430
Adaptations in Later Life
GERO 435
Aging in Communities
GERO 440
Women and Aging
GERO 445
Health Wellness and Aging
GERO 499
Internship in Gerontology
GRK 101
Beginning Greek 1
GRK 102
Beginning Greek 2
GRK 201
Intermediate Greek 1
GRK 202
Intermediate Greek 2
GRK 301
Advanced Greek 1
GRK 302
Advanced Greek 2
GRK 305
GRK 498
HIST 100
Introduction to US History
HIST 150
The West in the World
HIST 151
World Civilization 1
HIST 152
World Civilization 2
HIST 198
Non-Western Civilizations
HIST 200
Intro History Methods
HIST 201
American History, 1492-1876
HIST 202
US History, 1877 to Present
HIST 204
US Environmental History
HIST 205
Intro Sport in American Life
HIST 210
Introduction to Black History
HIST 215
Women in American History
HIST 235
Historical Topics in Film
HIST 240
Introduction to Public History
Experiment Development Topic
HIST 301
The US and the Vietnam War
HIST 303
Oral History Workshop
HIST 310
Intro History of US Business
HIST 318
History of the American West
HIST 320
Laboratory Course US History
HIST 324
Selected Topics Latin Am Hist
HIST 338
United States Urban History
HIST 360
Topics in Military History
HIST 369
Public History Internship
HIST 370
Foundations Asian Civilization
HIST 371
Tradition and Chng Modern Asia
HIST 372
Africa Since 1500
HIST 373
History of the Middle East
HIST 390
Honors Colloquium in History
HIST 400
Colonial America, 1492-1763
HIST 401
Revolutionary America to 1800
HIST 405
Pre-Civil War America, 1800-48
HIST 407
US Civil War and Reconstruct
HIST 409
Age of Reform
HIST 410
African Amer Studies Capstone
HIST 411
Prosperity, Depression, War
HIST 413
Post-World War II America
HIST 414
Seminar in Middletown Studies
HIST 415
History of Indiana
HIST 416
Pre-Civil War South, 1776-1861
HIST 417
History of the New South
HIST 419
The Trans-Mississippi Frontier
HIST 421
Am Indians in Colonial and US
HIST 422
Topics History Popular Culture
HIST 423
Topics in Religious History
HIST 424
Topics Race, Ethnic, Immigrant
HIST 425
Topics US Western History
HIST 426
Topics in African History
HIST 427
Topics in Asian History
HIST 430
US Diplomatic History to 1914
HIST 432
US Diplomacy Since 1914
HIST 435
American History through Film
HIST 440
Senior Research Project
HIST 441
Comparative Slavery
HIST 445
History and Historians
HIST 446
History in the Digital Age
HIST 447
Public History Practicum
HIST 449
American Culture Field Studies
HIST 450
Reading and Special Study
HIST 452
Women Modern European History
HIST 454
Era of World War I, 1870-1918
HIST 455
Era of World War II, 1918-1945
HIST 456
Europe Since 1945
HIST 461
Development Greek Civilization
HIST 462
Development Roman Civilization
HIST 463
Medieval Civilization
HIST 464
Byzantine Civilization
HIST 467
Renaissance and Reformation
HIST 469
World Civ Field Studies
HIST 470
Senior Seminar
HIST 471
France Since 1789
HIST 475
Britain, 1485-1714
HIST 476
Britain, 1760 to the Present
HIST 481
Modern Germany
HIST 482
Celtic Peoples Cultural Hist
HIST 483
Irish History
HIST 484
Southern Africa
HIST 486
Russian Civilization to 1917
HIST 487
Soviet and Post-Soviet History
HIST 491
Topics in Middle East History
HIST 493
History Pre-modern East Asia
HIST 495
Modern China, 1600 to Present
HIST 496
Modern Japan, 1600 to Present
HIST 497
Selected Topics European Hist
HIST 499
Selected Topics American Hist
HONR 100
Freshman Seminar
HONR 189
Inquiries in Global Studies
HONR 199
Contemp American Civilization
HONR 201
Inquiries in the AncientWorld
HONR 202
Middle Ages Renaiss Enlightnmt
HONR 203
Inquiries 19th 20th 21st Cent
HONR 296
Inquiries in Physical Sciences
HONR 297
Inquiries in Earth Sciences
HONR 298
Inquiries in Life Sciences
Inquiries in Special Topics
HONR 300
Leadership Seminar
HONR 310
Honors Foreign Study
HONR 350
Medallion Scholar Special Sty
HONR 369
Honors Professional Experience
HONR 390
Honors Colloquium
HONR 400
Honors Candidate
HONR 450
Medallion Scholar Advanced Sty
HONR 479
Honors Practical Experience
HONR 490
Independent Study or Research
HONR 499
Senior Honors Project
HOSP 105
Hospitality Foodserv Industry
HOSP 110
Prin Food Prep and Food Serv
HOSP 147
Foodservice Sanitation
HOSP 210
Customer Service
HOSP 220
Meal Design and Presentation
HOSP 222
Advanced Culinary Techniques
HOSP 250
Lodging Management
HOSP 262
Facilities Plan Layout and Des
HOSP 300
Cost Control Hosp and Food Ind
HOSP 369
Food or Hospitality Internship
HOSP 376
Intro Event Management
HOSP 395
Food and Culture
HOSP 400
Restaurant Management
HOSP 450
Strategic Lodging Operation
HOSP 475
Catering for Profit
HOSP 477
Advanced Event Management
HOSP 496
Seminar Foods and Nutrition
HSC 160
Fundamentals of Human Health
HSC 180
Principles of Community Health
HSC 200
Intro to Hlth Ed and Promotion
HSC 210
Health Behavior Theories
HSC 220
Pop Race Cult in Hlth Promtn
HSC 250
Emergency Health Care
HSC 261
Health, Sex, and Family Life
HSC 279
Peer Health Education
HSC 290
Eval and Assess in Hlth and PE
HSC 295
Rdg Tech Instr Strat in Hlth
HSC 299X
Exp and Dev Topics
HSC 300
Health Promotion Programming
HSC 301
Prog Plan in Hlth Promotion 1
HSC 302
Prog Plan in Hlth Promotion 2
HSC 310
Healthcare Systems
HSC 344
Disease Mgt in Hlth Promotion
HSC 350
Elem Schl Hlth Prgrms
HSC 363
Current Issue Admin Coord H PE
HSC 365
Health and Aging
HSC 367
Drug Dependency and Abuse
HSC 368
Consumer Health Issues
HSC 371
Death and Dying
HSC 372
Women and Health
HSC 381
Stress Management
HSC 385
Community Health Methods
HSC 387
Quant Mthds and Epid Hlth Pro
HSC 388
Org Admin in Hlth Promotion
HSC 389
Insects and Your Health
HSC 390
Honrs Colloq in Hlth Sci
HSC 394
Health Communication
HSC 395
Meths and Curr Tchng Hlth Ed
HSC 396
Health Comm Media Prod
HSC 398
Workshop in Health Science
HSC 444
Disease Management for Health Promotion
HSC 462
Hlth Prmtn in the Worksite
HSC 464
Hlth Ed in the Clinical Sttng
HSC 467
Drug Dependency and Abuse
HSC 468
Consumer Health Issues
HSC 469
Health and Aging
HSC 471
Death and Dying
HSC 472
Women and Health
HSC 479
HSC 481
Stress Management
HSC 482
Environmental Health
HSC 487
Applied Res Writ Eval Hlth Pro
HSC 494
Health Communication
HSC 495
Prof Prep in Hlth Promotion
HSC 498
Spec Stds in Hlth Sci
ICOM 101
The Digital World
ICOM 201
Web Design and Usability
ICOM 210
Introduction to Social Media
ICOM 211
Digital Interactivity Design
ICOM 212
Digital Image Design
ICOM 213
Digital Video Design
ICOM 214
Digital Sound Design
Experiment Development Topics
ICOM 375
Digital Storytelling
ICOM 390
Ind Studies Digital Media
ICOM 495
Senior Capstone
ICOM 499
IDES 101
Rapid Visualization
IDES 110
Design Fundamentals
IDES 111
Graphic Communication 1
IDES 112
Design Presentation
IDES 114
Sustainable Interiors
IDES 115
Interior Materials and Appl
IDES 120
Graphic Communication 2
IDES 210
Hist and Theoretical Studies 1
IDES 221
Graphic Communication 3
IDES 222
Interior Design Studio 1
IDES 224
Interior Design Studio 2
IDES 225
Hist and Theoretical Studies 2
IDES 228
Graphic Communication 4
IDES 261
Universal Design
IDES 299
Special Topics in ID
IDES 300
ID Professional Practice
IDES 314
Color and Light in ID
IDES 320
Furniture Design
IDES 324
Interior Design Studio 3
IDES 334
Interior Design Studio 4
IDES 362
Int Const Build Systems
IDES 369
Internship in Interior Design
IDES 400
NCIDQ Preparation
IDES 420
ID Programming
IDES 424
Interior Design Studio 5
IDES 484
Interior Design Studio 6
IDES 490
Independent Study in ID
ID 101
Freshman Seminar
ID 151
Final Cut Pro, Level 1 Certification
ID 152
Sound Editing in Final Cut Studio, Level 1 Certification
ID 153
Color Correction in Final Cut Studio, Level 1 Certification
ID 154
Motion, Level 1 Certification
ID 155
DVD Studio Pro, Level 1 Certification
ID 160
Photoshop Certification
ID 161
Dreamweaver Certification
ID 162
Flash Certification
ID 163
After Effects Certification
ID 164
Illustrator Certification
ID 165
Premiere Pro
ID 166
ID 167
ID 168
ID 169
ID 170
ID 171
Encore DVD
ID 172
Logic Pro
ID 173
ID 181
Pro Tools 101
ID 182
Pro Tools 110
ID 251
Final Cut Pro, Level 2 Certification
ID 282
Pro Tools 201
ID 283
Pro Tools 210 Production
ID 284
Pro Tools 210 Music
ID 300
Related Field Experiences
ID 301
Intro Peace Std and Conf Res
ID 369
New York Arts Program
ID 399
Ind Stdy Pce Std and Conf Res
ID 400
Immersive Learning Exp
ID 401
Intern Peace Std and Conf Res
ID 495
Tier 3 Exp for BGS Students
IEI 100
IEI Level Fundamentals
IEI 101
Writing F
IEI 102
Grammar F
IEI 103
Reading F
IEI 104
Oral Communication F
IEI 105
Ext Reading and Keyboarding F
IEI 106
Vocabulary and Literacy F
IEI 110
IEI Level 1
IEI 111
Writing 1
IEI 112
Grammar 1
IEI 113
Reading 1
IEI 114
Oral Communication 1
IEI 115
Ext Reading and Keyboarding 1
IEI 116
Vocabulary and Literacy 1
IEI 120
IEI Level 2
IEI 121
Writing 2
IEI 122
Grammar 2
IEI 123
Reading 2
IEI 124
Oral Communication 2
IEI 125
Extensive Listening 2
IEI 126
Vocabulary and Literacy 2
IEI 130
IEI Level 3
IEI 131
Writing 3
IEI 132
Grammar 3
IEI 133
Reading 3
IEI 134
Oral Communication 3
IEI 135
Extensive Listening 3
IEI 136
Vocabulary and Literary 3
IEI 140
IEI Level 4
IEI 141
Writing 4
IEI 142
Grammar 4
IEI 143
Reading 4
IEI 144
Speaking 4
IEI 145
Listening 4
IEI 146
Vocabulary and Literacy 4
IEI 150
IEI Level 5
IEI 151
Writing 5
IEI 152
Grammar 5
IEI 153
Reading 5
IEI 154
Speaking 5
IEI 155
Listening 5
IEI 156
Vocabulary and Literacy 5
IEI 161
Writing 6
IEI 162
Grammar 6
IEI 163
Reading 6
IEI 164
Speaking 6
IEI 165
Listening 6
IEI 166
Vocabulary and Literacy 6
IEI 171
Writing 6 (Grad)
INAD 369
Fashion Apparel
INFM 369
Fashion Merchandising
INTB 265
Intro to International Bus
INTB 300
Foreign Field Study in Bus
INTB 369
Intern in International Bus
INTB 490
Seminar in Intl Bus Decision
INTS 300
Study Abroad Immersive Project
IS 400
Capstone in Internatnl Studies
ISOM 112
Computer Apps for Design
ISOM 125
Micro Apps for Business
ISOM 135
Business Information Systems
ISOM 210
Business Information Systems
ISOM 226
Business Systems Application Development
ISOM 228
Advanced Microcomputer Applications for Business
ISOM 249
Foundations of Business Comm
ISOM 251
Introductory Operations Mgt
ISOM 255
Intro to Business Info Tech
Exp and Dev Topics
ISOM 300
Project Management
ISOM 311
Information and Enterprise Systems: Analysis and Design
ISOM 313
Databases and Information Resource Management
ISOM 317
Computer Networks for Business
ISOM 321
Quantitative Business Analyses
ISOM 340
Multi and Web Publish for Bus
ISOM 351
Operations Management
ISOM 355
Quality Management and Lean Six Sigma
ISOM 361
Simulation, Modeling, and Optimization
ISOM 365
Bus Info Tech Trainng and Dev
ISOM 369
Industry Internship
ISOM 375
Six Sigma Foundations
ISOM 410
Information Systems Security
ISOM 411
Integration Project
ISOM 412
Business Process Analysis and Design
ISOM 413
Database Management Systems
ISOM 414
Information Systems of Small Business
ISOM 415
Information Systems Management
ISOM 419
Problems in Information Systems
ISOM 420
Knowledge Management
ISOM 421
Network and Security Management
ISOM 422
Health Care Information Systems
ISOM 424
Organizational Information Assurance
ISOM 430
ERP Application and Process Integration
ISOM 431
Enterprise Resource Planning - 2
ISOM 450
E-Commerce Design and Applications
ISOM 452
Inventory, Warehousing and Negotiations
ISOM 453
Manufacturing Planning and Control
ISOM 454
Supply Chain Management
ISOM 456
Information Technology and Business Analytics
ISOM 459
Current Topics in Operations Management
ISOM 460
Global Logistics and Transportation Management
ISOM 465
Blended Learning
ISOM 475
Advanced Six Sigma
ISOM 480
Supply Chain Management Integration Project
ISOM 490
Information Systems Integration Project
ISOM 497
Independent Study
ISOM 498
Seminar in ISOM
ITAL 101
Beginning Italian 1
ITAL 102
Beginning Italian 2
JAPA 101
Beginning Japanese 1
JAPA 102
Beginning Japanese 2
JAPA 201
Intermediate Japanese 1
JAPA 202
Intermediate Japanese 2
JAPA 205
Japanese Popular Culture
JAPA 250
Japanese Anime
JAPA 301
Advanced Japanese 1
JAPA 302
Advanced Japanese 2
JAPA 303
Readings in Japanese
JAPA 304
JAPA 334
Japanese Culture and Civ
JAPA 337
Japanese Linguistics
JAPA 338
Business Japanese
JAPA 400
Japanese Study Abroad
JAPA 401
Contemporary Masterpieces
JAPA 402
Classical Masterpieces
JAPA 403
Advanced Reading and Writing
JAPA 404
Seminar in Language
JAPA 405
Seminar Japan-Eng Translation
JAPA 470
Japan Immersive Study Abroad
JAPA 498
JOUR 101
Media and Society
JOUR 103
Introduction to Visual Comm
JOUR 104
Strategic Writing
JOUR 106
Introduction to Digital Media
JOUR 150
Introduction to Basic Concepts of Journalism Education
JOUR 169
Professional Development Seminar
JOUR 182
Analytics and Content Strat
JOUR 206
Introduction to Digital Media
JOUR 234
Design 1
JOUR 235
Intro to Photojournalism
JOUR 236
Photojournalism Lighting
JOUR 241
Design 2
JOUR 242
Programming Interactive Media
JOUR 250
Introduction to Advertising
JOUR 261
Principles of Public Relations
JOUR 265
Public Relations Writing Tech
JOUR 275
Media Law and Ethics
JOUR 280
Writing for Magazines
JOUR 282
Media Analytics Metrics
JOUR 285
Account Management
Experiment Development Topics
JOUR 302
Diversity and Media
JOUR 311
News Feature Writing
JOUR 312
Opinion Writing
JOUR 320
Media Art Dir Creative Process
JOUR 321
News Design
JOUR 322
Sportswriting and Reporting
JOUR 323
Magazine Design
JOUR 328
Magazine Feature Writing
JOUR 332
Photoj Managing and Editing
JOUR 335
Assignment Photojournalism
JOUR 345
Visual Reporting
JOUR 348
Strat Comm Emerging Media
JOUR 352
Media Planning 1
JOUR 354
Advertising Copy & Layout 1
JOUR 355
Branding for AD and P R
JOUR 368
Strategic Communication Des
JOUR 369
JOUR 380
Long-form Digital Storytelling
JOUR 382
Media Theory and Research
JOUR 385
Writing Design Strategic Comm
JOUR 390
Honors Colloquium Journalism
JOUR 395
Journ Teach and Advising Mthds
JOUR 397
Immersion: Public Rel Project
JOUR 405
Strat Comm Case Studies
JOUR 413
Advanced Newswriting Reporting
JOUR 427
Advanced Narrative Writing
JOUR 434
Advanced Photoj Illustration
JOUR 436
Photojournalism Lighting
JOUR 437
Long-form Photojournalism
JOUR 452
Media Planning 2
JOUR 453
Integrated Campaigns Seminar
JOUR 454
Advertising Copy & Layout 2
JOUR 455
Immersion: Student Media Advertising
JOUR 456
Advertising Campaigns
JOUR 460
International Advertising and Public Relations
JOUR 465
Public Relations Campaigns
JOUR 474
Producing Secondary Pubs
JOUR 479
Unpaid Internship
JOUR 482
Media Analytics in Practice
JOUR 485
Strat Comm Campaigns
JOUR 495
Individual Studies Journalism
JOUR 496
Creative Project: Graphics
LA 100
Intro Landscape Architecture
LA 201
Site Design
LA 202
Park and Open Space Design
LA 211
LA Engineering 1
LA 214
Field Study
LA 215
Field Studies 2
LA 220
LA History 1
LA 221
LA History 2
LA 270
Environmental Systems
LA 280
Computer Applications in LA
LA 301
Housing and Community Design
LA 302
Planting Design
LA 310
Design Build
LA 311
Landscape Architectural Engineering 1
LA 312
LA Engineering 2
LA 313
LA Engineering 3
LA 320
Therapeutic Landscapes
LA 341
Plants 1
LA 342
Plants 2
LA 369
LA Internship
LA 371
Sustainable Site Design
LA 380
Computer Applications in LA 2
LA 401
Regional Landscape Design
LA 403
Urban Design
LA 404
LA Comprehensive Project
LA 406
Interdisciplinary Des Studio
LA 413
Landscape Architectural Engineering 3
LA 414
LA Engineering 4
LA 420
Historic Land Preservation
LA 430
Philosophy of Land Arch
LA 451
LA Research
LA 460
Professional Practice
LA 464
Design Communications
LA 465
Portfolio Preparation
LA 471
Sustainable Land Systems
LA 480
Computer Applications in LA 3
LA 490
Independent Projects
LA 498
Special Projects
LAS 101
Intro Latin-American Studies
LAS 400
Study Abroad
LAT 101
Beginning Latin 1
LAT 102
Beginning Latin 2
LAT 201
Intermediate Latin 1
LAT 202
Intermediate Latin 2
LAT 301
Introduction to Prose 1
LAT 302
Introduction to Poetry 1
LAT 303
Introduction to Prose 2
LAT 304
Introduction to Poetry 2
LAT 305
Prose Composition
LAT 401
History of Literature 1
LAT 402
History of Literature 2
LAT 403
Seminar in Latin Prose
LAT 404
Seminar in Latin Poetry
LAT 498
LSCM 355
Quality Mgt and Lean Six Sigma
LSCM 361
Simulation, Modeling, Optimiz
LSCM 375
Six Sigma Foundations
LSCM 452
Inventory, Warehousing, Negot
LSCM 453
Manufacturing Plan and Control
LSCM 454
Supply Chain Management
LSCM 459
Curr Topics in Oper Mgt
LSCM 460
Global Logistics, Transp Mgt
LSCM 475
Advanced Six Sigma
LSCM 480
Supply Chain Mgt Integ Project
MATH 108
Intermediate Algebra
MATH 111
Pre-Calculus Algebra
MATH 112
Precalculus Trigonometry
MATH 125
Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 132
Brief Calculus
MATH 150
Intro Tchng Math in Sec School
MATH 161
Applied Calculus 1
MATH 162
Applied Calculus 2
MATH 165
Calculus 1
MATH 166
Calculus 2
MATH 181
Elementary Probability Stats
MATH 201
Num Oper Alg Reas Elem Teach
MATH 202
Data Geo Meas Elem Teach
MATH 207
Mathematics Exceptional Learn
MATH 215
Discrete Systems
MATH 217
Linear Algebra
MATH 221
Probability and Statistics
MATH 249
Advanced Pre-College Math 1
MATH 250
Advanced Pre-College Math 2
MATH 251
Intro to Mathematics of Financ
MATH 259
Intro to Mathematical Software
MATH 267
Calculus 3
MATH 271
Math Contest Problem Solving
MATH 298
Undergraduate Colloquium
Experimental Development Tpcs
MATH 310
Algebra Elem Mid Scl Teach
MATH 311
Algebraic Structures
MATH 316
Num Thry Elem Mid Scl Teach
MATH 320
MATH 321
Mathematical Statistics
MATH 330
Technology in Elementary and Middle School Mathematics
MATH 331
Technology Teach Assess Math
MATH 335
Mathematical Models
MATH 345
Survey of Geometries
MATH 351
Mathematics of Finance
MATH 355
Topics in Actuarial Science
MATH 360
Geometry Elem Mid Scl Teach
MATH 362
Numerical Analysis 1
MATH 363
Numerical Analysis 2
MATH 368
Unpaid Professional Experience
MATH 369
Paid Professional Experience
MATH 371
Intermediate Analysis
MATH 374
Differential Equations
MATH 377
Complex Analysis
MATH 390
Honors Colloquium Mathematics
MATH 391
Teach Mathematics Elementary
MATH 392
Teach Mathematics Disabilities
MATH 393
Teach Mathematics Middle Schl
MATH 395
Teach Mathematics Secondary
MATH 411
Abstract Algebra 1
MATH 412
Abstract Algebra 2
MATH 415
Coding and Communication
MATH 416
Theory of Numbers
MATH 422
Theory Sampling and Surveys
MATH 428
Regression Time Series Models
MATH 429
Analysis Variance Exp Design
MATH 441
Geometry and Topology
MATH 445
Differential Geometry
MATH 452
Life Contingencies 1
MATH 453
Life Contingencies 2
MATH 454
Mathematics of Investments
MATH 456
Intro Operations Research
MATH 457
Actuarial Models 1
MATH 458
Actuarial Models 2
MATH 459
Models in Financial Economics
MATH 460
History of Mathematics
MATH 464
Numerical Method Dif Equations
MATH 465
Topics in Computational Math
MATH 470
Intermediate Analysis
MATH 471
Real Analysis 1
MATH 472
Real Analysis 2
MATH 473
Boundary Value Problems
MATH 475
Topics Partial Dif Equations
MATH 496
Capstone Course for Mathematics Teaching Majors
MATH 497
Student Faculty Colloquium
MATH 498
Senior Seminar
MATH 499
Reading and Honors
MEDT 401
MEDT 402
MEDT 403
MEDT 404
Blood Bank
MEDT 405
Spec Topics in Med Technology
MEDT 406
Medical Chemistry
MEDT 407
MEDT 408
Clinical Practicum
METC 230
Elementary Meteorology
METC 330
Weather Analysis
METC 331
Global Climatology
METC 332
Climate Chng and Modification
METC 334
Atmospheric Hazards
METC 410
Broadcast Meteorology
METC 425
Physical Meteorology
METC 426
Client-Based Forecasting
METC 435
Satellite, Radar, & Forecastng
METC 447
Thermodynamic Meteorology
METC 449
Synoptic Meteorology
METC 450
Mesoscale Meteorology
METC 451
Dynamic Meteorology
METC 490
Field Obs Severe Local Storms
MGT 241
The Entrepreneurial Experience
MGT 243
Dynamics of Family Business
MGT 244
Social Entrepreneurship
MGT 261
Personnel and Supervision
MGT 271
Intro Organizational Behavior
MGT 299X
Experimental Develop Topics
MGT 300
Managing Behavior in Org
MGT 301
International Management
MGT 305
Job Search and Transition
MGT 341
Opportunity Identification
MGT 342
Marketing for New Ventures
MGT 343
Venture Leadership
MGT 345
Management for New Ventures
MGT 346
Product and Service Design
MGT 347
Business Model Generation
MGT 361
FDN of HR Employee Relations
MGT 363
Talent Management
MGT 365
Employment Law
MGT 369
Management Internship
MGT 390
Honors Readings in Contemp Bus
MGT 399
Management Practicum
MGT 409
Business Ethics
MGT 441
Entrepreneurial Decision Making
MGT 443
Venture Financing
MGT 449
New Venture Creation
MGT 461
ManagingTotal Rewards
MGT 463
Global Human Resource MGT
MGT 465
Talent Acquisition and Retent
MGT 467
Leadership and Change MGT
MGT 469
Contemporary Issues in HR Mgt
MGT 491
Bus Policy and Strategy Mgt
MGT 495
Special Topics in Mgt Sciences
MGT 497
Independent Study
MGT 498
Seminar in Management
MIL 101
Intro to Military Science
MIL 102
Introduction to Leadership
MIL 201
Leadership and Mili Tactics
MIL 202
Leadership and Team Developm
MIL 299X
Exp and Dev Topics
MIL 301
Mil Leadership and Opers 1
MIL 302
Mil Leadership and Opers 2
MIL 355
Land Warfare
MIL 401
Leadership Chal Goal-Setting
MIL 402
Leadershp Chal Goal-Setting
MIL 499
Ind Study in Military Science
MKG 299X
Experimental Develop Topics
MKG 300
Principles of Marketing
MKG 310
Consumer Behavior
MKG 320
Advertising Management
MKG 325
Professional Selling
MKG 330
Retail Management
MKG 345
Procurement and Supply Mgt
MKG 350
Marketing Res and Analytics
MKG 369
Professional Practice in Mkg
MKG 375
Social Media Marketing
MKG 400
Product Management
MKG 410
Marketing Channels
MKG 420
Integrated Mkg Communications
MKG 425
Seminar in Adv Prof Selling
MKG 427
Sales Management
MKG 429
Sales Technology Application
MKG 431
Retail Strategy
MKG 432
Sales Strategy
MKG 450
Advanced Mkg Res and Analytics
MKG 460
Strategic Supply Chain Mgt
MKG 470
International Marketing
MKG 475
Marketing Simulation
MKG 476
Executing Social Media Mkg
MKG 480
Marketing Strategy
MKG 495
Seminar in Marketing
MKG 497
Independent Study in Marketing
MKG 498
Advanced Immersive Project Mkg
MMP 100
Survey of the Music Industry
MMP 125
MMP 140
Computer Music 1
MMP 201
Pro Tools 101
MMP 202
Pro Tools 110
MMP 220
Electronics and Studio Mainten
MMP 235
Recording Technology 1
MMP 236
Recording Technology 2
MMP 241
Computer Music 2
MMP 242
Computer Music 3
MMP 280
Music Products and Industy
MMP 301
MMP 329
Compositional Practices in Electro-Acoustic Music
MMP 330
Live Sound and Recording
MMP 335
MMP 350
Electronic Composition
MMP 429
Music Perception
MMP 430
Production Workshop
MMP 440
Advanced Topics in Computer Music
MMP 450
Advanced Electronic Composition
MMP 491
Indep Study in Mus Engin Tech
MMP 492
Special Topics
MMP 494
MMP 495
MMP Project and Recital
MUHI 100
Introduction to Music
MUHI 105
Mus and Pop Culture in America
MUHI 107
Rock and Roll in America
MUHI 139
Perspectives of Jazz
MUHI 200
Survey of Music Literature
MUHI 330
Music History
MUHI 331
Music History 2
MUHI 390
Honors Colloquium in Music
MUHI 399
Collegium Musicum
MUHI 401
Piano Literature
MUHI 435
Music in the Baroque Era
MUHI 436
Music in the Classical Era
MUHI 437
Music in the Romantic Era
MUHI 438
Opera History: 1780 to 1980
MUHI 441
Jazz History
MUHI 488
Hist Harpsich Lit and Design
MUHI 491
Indep Study in Music History
MUHI 492
Special Topics in Musicology
MUHI 493
Wkshp in Mus Hist and Musicolo
MUHI 496
Hist of Organ Lit and Design
MUHI 498
Church Choral Music Hymnody
MUSC 120
Jazz: A Multicultural Legacy
MUSC 140
Large Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 141
Large Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 150
Large Vocal Ensemble
MUSC 151
Large Vocal Ensemble
Experimentl Develpmentl Topics
MUSC 340
Large Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 341
Large Instrumental Ensemble
MUSC 350
Large Vocal Ensemble
MUSC 351
Large Vocal Ensemble
MUSC 372
Musical Theatre Workshop
MUSC 471
Musical Theatre in America
MUSC 493
Workshop in Music
MUSC 499
MUSE 100
Intro to Music Ed 1
MUSE 150
Intro to Music Ed 2
MUSE 250
Brass Techniques
MUSE 252
Woodwind Techniques 1
MUSE 253
Woodwind Techniques 2
MUSE 254
Percussion Techniques
MUSE 256
String Techniques
MUSE 258
Voice Techniques
MUSE 265
Music Basics for the Classroom
MUSE 350
Contemporary Issues Music Ed
MUSE 351
Elem General Music Methods
MUSE 353
Secondary Generl Music Methods
MUSE 355
Instrum Music Methods (String)
MUSE 356
Choral Music Methods 1
MUSE 375
Instrum Music Methods (Band)
MUSE 376
Choral Music Methods 2
MUSE 390
Instrumental Laboratory
MUSE 391
Choral Laboratory
MUSE 451
Marching Band Techniques
MUSE 455
Instrument Maintenance and Repair
MUSE 456
Principles of String Teaching: Seminar and Practicum
MUSE 457
Specl Approaches: Voc Gen Maj
MUSE 458
Methods of Organ Teaching
MUSE 465
Jazz Pedagogy
MUSE 470
Student Teaching in Music
MUSE 478
Teaching Multicultural Music
MUSE 491
Independent Study in Music Ed
MUSE 492
Spec Top in Music Ed
MUSE 493
Work in Music Ed
MUSP 130
Small Ensemble (Woodwinds)
MUSP 131
Small Ensemble (Brass)
MUSP 132
Small Ensemble (Percussion)
MUSP 133
Small Ensemble (String)
MUSP 134
Small Ensemble (Harp)
MUSP 135
Small Ensemble (Piano)
MUSP 136
Ensemble for New Music
MUSP 137
Sm Ens (Org and Ch Musc)
MUSP 138
Small Ensemble (Vocal)
MUSP 139
Small Ensemble (Guitar)
MUSP 200
Major Study
MUSP 201
Principal Study
MUSP 202
Secondary Study
MUSP 203
Minor Study
MUSP 204
Jazz Study
MUSP 206
Piano Accompanying
MUSP 231
Jazz Combo
MUSP 250
Fundamentals of Jazz 1
MUSP 251
Jazz Styles
MUSP 290
Introduction to Conducting
MUSP 300
Orchestral Repertoire
MUSP 306
Piano Accompanying
MUSP 325
Secondary Study (Piano)
MUSP 326
Group Piano
MUSP 327
Sec Study (Org and Harpschrd)
MUSP 348
Opera Workshop
MUSP 360
Popular Vocal Styles
MUSP 370
Opera Productions
MUSP 377
Church Music: Services Admin
MUSP 390
Instrumental Cond and Reh Tech
MUSP 391
Choral Conducting and Reh Tech
MUSP 397
Junior Recital
MUSP 398
Diction for Singers
MUSP 400
Major Study
MUSP 401
Principal Study
MUSP 420
Wind and Perc Lit and Pedagogy
MUSP 423
String and Harp Lit and Pedag
MUSP 424
Adv String and Hrp Lit and Ped
MUSP 425
Elemtry Piano Pedagogy and Lit
MUSP 426
Intermd Piano Pedagogy and Lit
MUSP 427
Guitar Literature and Pedagogy
MUSP 429
Vocal Pedagogy
MUSP 430
Small Ensemble (Woodwinds)
MUSP 431
Small Ensemble (Brass)
MUSP 432
Small Ensemble (Percussion)
MUSP 433
Small Ensemble (Strings)
MUSP 434
Small Ensemble (Harp)
MUSP 435
Small Ensemble (Piano)
MUSP 436
Ensemble for New Music
MUSP 437
Sm Ens (Org and Ch Musc)
MUSP 438
Small Ensemble (Vocal)
MUSP 439
Small Ensemble (Guitar)
MUSP 440
Vocal Diction and Literature
MUSP 456
Jazz Improv 1
MUSP 457
Jazz Improv 2
MUSP 462
Jazz Piano Lab
MUSP 477
Contnuo Play and Keybd Improv
MUSP 490
Advanced Conducting
MUSP 493
Workshop in Music Performance
MUSP 495
Performance Career Seminar 1
MUSP 496
Performance Career Seminar 2
MUSP 497
Capstone Entrepreneurial Music
MUSP 498
Senior Recital
MUSP 499
Independ Study in Musical Perf
MUST 100
Fundamentals of Music Theory
MUST 101
Sight Singing and Ear Training
MUST 102
Sight Singing and Ear Training
MUST 111
Music Theory
MUST 112
Music Theory
MUST 121
Introduction to Computer Music
MUST 122
Acoustics for Musicians
MUST 201
Sight Singing and Ear Training
MUST 202
Sight Singing and Ear Training
MUST 211
Music Theory
MUST 212
Music Theory
MUST 221
Music Composition 1
MUST 222
Music Composition 2
MUST 223
Jazz Composition
MUST 241
Computer Music 1
MUST 250
Jazz Theory
MUST 311
Mus Thry: Form and Analy
MUST 312
MusTh: 18th-Cent Counterpoint
MUST 321
MUST 322
MUST 341
Creat Prac in Sonic Arts Tech
MUST 342
Computer Music 2
MUST 350
Computer Composition 1
MUST 410
Choral Arranging
MUST 411
Instrumentation and Orchestrtn
MUST 412
17th 18th Cent Compositn Pract
MUST 413
Band Arranging
MUST 414
Jazz Arranging
MUST 415
Jazz Arranging 2
MUST 416
Theory of 19th-Century Music
MUST 417
Thry of 20th 21st-Cent Music
MUST 420
Sixteenth-Century Counterpoint
MUST 421
Analytical Technique
MUST 431
MUST 432
MUST 443
Adv Topics in Computer Music
MUST 444
Human-Computer Interface Desg
MUST 445
Music Perception
MUST 450
Computer Music Composition 2
MUST 491
Indep Study in Music Theory
MUST 492
Special Topics
MUST 493
Workshp in Mus Theory and Comp
MUST 495
Composition-Project Recital
12 credits from 300- and 400-level FR courses
12 credits from 300- and 400-level SP courses
12 credits of electives in SOC (at least 6 credits must be at the 300-400 level)
15 credits from CC and/or LAT and GRK courses
15 credits from CJC 300-400-level electives
18 credits from 300- and 400-level FR courses
18 credits from CC and/or LAT and GRK courses
1 credit from 300- or 400-level approved CHEM course
21 credits from 300- and 400-level GER courses
21 credits of electives in SOC (at least 12 credits must beat the 300-400 level)
300-400-level ECON
300-400-level ECON electives
300- or 400-level courses in BIO, BIOT, BOT, or ZOOL
300- or 400-level courses in BIO, BIOT, BOT, or ZOOL
3 additional credits in European history
3 additional credits in European or World history
3 additional credits in United States history
3 additional credits in World history outside Europe (Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America)
3 credits from 300- and 400-level FR courses
3 credits from 300- and 400-level GER courses
3 credits from 300- and 400-level SP courses
3 credits from any other 300-400-level CC course
3 credits from any other 300-400-level FR course
3 credits from any other 300-400-level GER course
3 credits from any other 300-400-level SP course
3 credits from elective (approved 300- or 400-level university course)
3 credits from electives in HIST
3 credits from HONR 499 or approved CHEM Internship (369) or Research (470)
3 credits from Topics courses
4 credits from electives in SPAA
5 credits from 200-400 level BIO, BIOT, BOT or ZOOL
6 additional credits from United States history
6 credits from 200- and 300-level AHS courses
6 credits from 300-400-level ECON
6 credits from 300- and 400-level CH courses
6 credits from 300- and 400-level SP courses
6 credits from 300-level GRK courses
6 credits from 300- or 400-level CC or LAT courses
6 credits from CC, GRK, and LAT courses
6 credits from GRK or LAT at the college level
6 credits in open electives
7 credits from approved electives in CHEM
9-12 credits from 300- and 400-level LAT courses
9-12 credits from CC, GRK, and LAT courses
9 credits from 300- and 400-level CH courses
9 credits from 300- and 400-level JAPA courses
9 credits from 300- and 400-level LAT courses
9 credits from CC, GRK, and LAT courses
9 credits from electives in history
9 credits from TCOM electives
Additional student teaching
Advisor approved elective
Any course in FR, GER, LAT, World History (Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia)
Any ECON course
Any foreign language course in CH, FR, GER, JAPA, or SP
Any Tier 2 Fine Arts, Design, or Humanities
Any TIER 3 (UCC)
Advisor approved 300- or 400-level university course(s) in a related discipline. A total of 6 credits required of the major.
Approved elective
Approved HIST electives
Approved technical elective
12 credits from electives in ARCH, PLAN, LA, and CAP (excludes required courses in the professional curriculum, University Core Curriculum courses, and general electives)
(any 2 BIOT classes, except BIOT 493)
Business elective
CJC 300-400 level
Concentration area
CT elective course
Any 100-level dance course other than DANC 100
Directed electives
Elective: Content Area
From teaching methods courses
From teaching methods courses
General electives
Humanities and fine arts
Junior year: 3 credits journalism
Language requirement
400-level courses
Music Electives: MMP, MUHI, MUSE, MUST
applied primary instrument
applied voice or piano
(small ensembles)
Choose 2 credits from MUST courses
NUTR Elective 3
One 300-level GRK course
One 300-level LAT course
One course from category 2
One course from category 3
One course from category 4
or appropriate ENG 400-level offerings
or approved
or approved MATH courses
other approved courses
Physical, earth, and life sciences
Required Business Administration minor
Research (honors, thesis, internship, or department research)
Senior year: 3 credits advertising and public relations
Social and behavioral sciences
Special Methods
Student teaching
elective course
technical electives approved by advisor
Transfer and/or authorized departmental credit
Two courses from category 1
Two courses from the distribution areas above
Up to one other THEA or DANC course not listed above as approved by the PDA or chairperson.
Up to three other THEA or DANC courses not listed above as approved by PDA or chairperson. Exception: THEA 318 may be taken up to four times total, but each must be on a different topic. Students are expected to take THEA 220 to meet the prerequisite for THEA 320.
NEWS 105
Journ Storytelling: Intro
NEWS 108
Fndtns Great Storytellers
NEWS 109
Fndtns Ethic Legal Principles
NEWS 120
Newsgathering: Sourcing
NEWS 121
Newsgathering: Interviewing
NEWS 122
Journalistic Storytelling: Covering Events
NEWS 130
Multimedia: Design
NEWS 131
Multimedia: Stills
NEWS 132
Multimedia: Audio
NEWS 133
Multimedia: Video
NEWS 197
Introduction to Student Media
NEWS 215
News Editing
NEWS 221
Storytelling: Covering Issues
NEWS 229
Multimedia: Production
NEWS 233
Specialized Story Form
NEWS 234
Multimedia: Graphics
NEWS 235
Multimedia: Photos
NEWS 240
Current Issues 1
NEWS 270
Audience Analysis: Communities
NEWS 315
News Editing
NEWS 340
Current Issues 2
NEWS 370
Media Analytics
NEWS 397
Immersion: Special Topics
NEWS 409
Fndtns Ethical Legal Issues
NEWS 418
Specialty Reporting
NEWS 449
Legal and Ethical Issues
NEWS 497
Immersion: Student Media
NREM 101
Environment and Society
NREM 201
Undergraduate Seminar
NREM 203
Decision-Making in Nat Res Mgt
NREM 204
American Environmental History
NREM 205
Internatnl Natural Resources
NREM 211
Water Resources
NREM 221
Soil Resources
NREM 241
Air Resources
NREM 286
Computer Quant Applications
Experimental Develop Topics
NREM 304
Sustainable Agriculture
NREM 307
Env Mgt Developing Countries
NREM 309
Human Dimensions Global Change
NREM 315
Water Quality Management
Water Quality Management Lab
NREM 320
Wetland Characterization
NREM 322
Soil Quality
Soil Quality Lab
NREM 324
Soil Classification Interpret
NREM 327
Soil Conservation and Management
Soil Conservation and Management Lab
NREM 331
Energy and Mineral Resources
NREM 335
Renewable Energy Sustain Tech
NREM 346
Indoor Environmental Quality
NREM 347
Occupational Indust Hygiene
NREM 357
Internat Community Development
NREM 369
Professional Practice
NREM 371
Outdoor Recreation and Socy
NREM 372
Applied Research Methods
NREM 385
Wastewater Management
NREM 387
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
NREM 390
Honors Colloquium in Nat Res
NREM 392
Environmental Interpretation
NREM 395
Teaching Environmental Ed
NREM 401
Forest Plan
NREM 402
Field Study
NREM 405
Integrated Resource Management
NREM 415
Water Quality Management
NREM 422
Soil Quality
NREM 427
Soil Conservation and Mgmt
NREM 442
Air Quality Management
NREM 473
Outdr Recreation Plan and Adm
NREM 477
Wilderness and Society
NREM 487
Solid and Hazardous Waste Mgt
NREM 488
Site Assessment Remediation
NREM 490
Community Engagement in NREM
NREM 491
Environmental Readings
NREM 497
Special Studies
NSE 399
National Student Exchange
NUR 101
Termin Hlth Care Prof and Cons
NUR 102
Diab Ed and Hlth Care Cons
NUR 103
Health Behav: Cult Variations
NUR 201
Compl and Altern Hlth Mdlities
NUR 228
Introduction to Nursing
NUR 230
Hlth Apprais Across Lifespn
NUR 231
Fundamental Nursing Skills
NUR 234
LPN Trans to Bacc Nursing
NUR 299X
Exp and Dev Topics
NUR 300
Env Contexts in Hlth Care
NUR 301
Sexl Hlth: Sign for Nursing
NUR 302
Nurs Founds and Issues
NUR 303
Health Assessment
NUR 304
Hlth Policy: Issues and Impct
NUR 307
Gerontological Nursing
NUR 314
Nursing Statistics
NUR 320
NUR 322
Research in Nursing
NUR 330
Adlt Hlth 1: Nrs Care Ad Life
NUR 340
Adlt Hlth 2: Nrs Care Ad Life
NUR 350
Psych-Mentl Hlth Nurs
NUR 351
Operating Room Nursing
NUR 352
Oncology Nursing
NUR 370
NUR 375
Economic Issues of Nursing
NUR 401
Applied Nursing Concepts
NUR 402
Adult Health 3
NUR 404
Community Health
NUR 405
Management and Leadership
NUR 406
Nurs and Childbrng Fams
NUR 423
Seminar: Transition to Pract
NUR 425
Leadership and Management
NUR 426
Health Assessment
NUR 430
Adult Health 4
NUR 456
Iss Hlth, Illnss and Aging
NUR 499
Independent Study
NUTR 101
Introduction to Dietetics
NUTR 240
Nutrition for Educators
NUTR 275
Personal Nutrition
NUTR 300
Field Study Nutrition Dietetic
NUTR 340
Prin of Human Nutrition
NUTR 345
NUTR 346
Micronutrients and Phytochem
NUTR 350
Technology of Food Science
NUTR 360
Nutr Cardiometabolic Disease
NUTR 363
Admin of Food and Nutr Systems
NUTR 365
Prof Leadership Nutr Dietetics
NUTR 375
Nutr Assessment Counsel Educ
NUTR 396
Nutrition Counseling Practicum
NUTR 411
Seminar in Nutrition Dietetics
NUTR 425
Nutrition Counseling Practicum
NUTR 435
Intro Research Nutr Dietetics
NUTR 444
Sports Nutrition and Wght Ctrl
NUTR 445
Advanced Nutrition
NUTR 446
Medical Nutrition Therapy 1
NUTR 447
Medical Nutrition Therapy 2
NUTR 448
Nutrition and Weight Mgmt
NUTR 455
Lifecycle Nutrition
NUTR 456
Community Nutrition
NUTR 480
Global Nutrition
PEP 158
Teaching Dance and Gymnastics
PEP 161
Found Prin of Health Phys Ed
PEP 164
Life Skill for Student Athlete
PEP 205
Introduction to Sport in American Life
PEP 209
Intro to Teaching Physical Ed
PEP 222
Field and Court Invasion Games
PEP 226
Disability Sport
PEP 227
Intro Adapted Physical Ed Act
PEP 231
Foundations of Coaching
PEP 232
Net and Wall Games
PEP 250
First Aid
PEP 252
Teaching Fitness Activities
PEP 288
Practicum Adapted PE Survey
PEP 291
Motor Development and Learn
PEP 299X
Experiment Development Topics
PEP 310
Formal Assess Health Phys Ed
PEP 326
Adapted Water Exercise
PEP 327
Assess in Adapted Phys Ed Act
PEP 328
Practicum Adapted PE Education
PEP 331
Administration of Coaching
PEP 366
Teach and Coach an Ind Sport
PEP 368
Teach and Coach a Team Sport
PEP 394
Teaching Phys Educ in Elem Sch
PEP 399
Teaching Phys Ed High Sch
PEP 400
Curr Design in Physical Educ
PEP 403
Seminar in Adapted PE
PEP 409
Psychological Social Issues
PEP 433
Coaching Internship
PEP 444
Developing Health PE Classroom
PEP 471
Mainstream and Inclusion in PE
PEP 484
Practicum Adapted PE Clincial
PEP 494
Programming in Adapted PE
PEP 499
Independent Study in PE
PFW 100
Physical Conditioning
PFW 101
Physical Fit and Well Activity
PFW 102
Physical Fit and Well Lecture
PFW 103
PFW 104
PFW 105
Adapted Physical Fit and Well
PFW 117
Aqua Fitness
PFW 148
Group Fitness
PFW 160
Physical Fitness and Wellness
PFW 161
Physical Fit Wellness Activity
PFW 162
Physical Fit Wellness Lecture
PFW 217
PHIL 100
Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 102
Intro to Critical Reasoning
PHIL 200
Symbolic Logic
PHIL 202
PHIL 203
Social Philosophy
PHIL 210
Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 215
Philosophy of Race
PHIL 230
Environmental Ethics
PHIL 235
PHIL 240
Society, Discipline, & Control
Exp Dev Topics
PHIL 300
History of Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 302
History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 303
American Philosophy
PHIL 304
Philosophy of Sport
PHIL 306
Contemporary Philosophy
PHIL 307
PHIL 310
African Philosophy
PHIL 312
Current Issues in Philosophy
PHIL 320
Emotion and Responsibility
PHIL 369
PHIL 370
PHIL 380
PHIL 390
Honors Colloquium Philosophy
PHIL 400
Immers Experiential Learning
PHIL 403
Reading and Special Study
PHIL 404
PHIL 406
Feminist Ethics Epistemology
PHIL 410
PHIL 415
Topics in Neurophilosophy
PHIL 420
Contemp Ethical Thry and Prob
PHYC 100
Conceptual Physics
PHYC 101
Phys Sci Concepts for Teachers
PHYC 102
Prep of Phys Sci Tchng Matls
PHYC 110
General Physics 1
PHYC 111
Prob Solvng in Gen Physics 1
PHYC 112
General Physics 2
PHYC 115
Career Issues
PHYC 120
General Physics 1
PHYC 122
General Physics 2
PHYC 140
General Physics 1 (Calc-based)
PHYC 141
General Physics 1 (Calc-based)
PHYC 142
General Physics
PHYC 143
General Physics 2 (Calc-based)
PHYC 151
Energy: Technology and Society
PHYC 200
Topics in Physics
PHYC 260
Introduction to Modern Physics
PHYC 262
Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYC 330
PHYC 336
Computational Physics
PHYC 340
Physical Optics
PHYC 346
PHYC 354
Electronics 1
PHYC 356
Electronics 2
PHYC 360
Intro Nuc Tech
PHYC 369
Professional Experience
PHYC 370
Intro Mathl Physics 1
PHYC 372
Intro Mathl Physics 2
PHYC 380
Seminar in Modern Physics
PHYC 390
Honors Colloquium in Physics
PHYC 396
Tching Physics in Sec Schl
PHYC 434
Thermal Physics
PHYC 450
Electricity and Magnetism 1
PHYC 452
Electricity and Magnetism 2
PHYC 461
Elementary Particles
PHYC 463
Nuclear Physics
PHYC 464
Intro to Quant Mech
PHYC 465
Quantum Mechanics
PHYC 466
Condensed Matter Physics
PHYC 469
Immersion Experiences
PHYC 479
Practical Experience
PHYC 482
Independent Studies in Physics
PHYC 483
Seminar in Physics
PHYC 485
Meas of Lrnng in Physics
PHYS 205
Fund of Hum Phys
PHYS 215
Human Physiology
Exp and Dev Topics
PHYS 411
PHYS 413
Renal Physiology
PHYS 414
Cardiovascular Physiology
PHYS 415
Physiology of Aging
PHYS 416
Human Toxicology
PHYS 420
PHYS 435
PHYS 485
Res Tech in Phys
PHYS 490
Special Studies in Physiology
PLAN 100
Intro Urb Planning and Dev
PLAN 101
Introduction to Planning
PLAN 202
Site Plan and Des Studio
PLAN 203
Reg Analy and Des Studio
PLAN 220
Hist and Thry of Plan 1
PLAN 221
Hist and Thry of Plan 2
PLAN 240
Plan and Priv Dev
PLAN 261
Comm and Pres Tech
PLAN 302
Urb and Neighbrhd Analy Stdio
PLAN 303
Economic Development Studio
PLAN 320
Quant Meth for Urb Plan
PLAN 350
Comp Apps in Planning
PLAN 365
Econ Dev in Planning
PLAN 369
Planning Internship
PLAN 401
Field Studio
PLAN 402
Field Studio
PLAN 404
Urban Design
PLAN 411
Property Law
PLAN 412
Intro to GIS for Urbn Plan
PLAN 413
Adv Conc in GIS for Urbn Plan
PLAN 421
Urban Land-use Planning
PLAN 425
Urban Ag as Comm Dev
PLAN 428
Urban Impact Analysis
PLAN 430
Housing and Comm Dev
PLAN 431
Urban Transportation Planning
PLAN 433
Environmental Planning
PLAN 435
Energy Planning
PLAN 436
Thry of Urbn Spatial Plan
PLAN 439
Community Facilities Planning
PLAN 440
Building Performance
PLAN 441
Sustainable Housing
PLAN 450
Neighborhood Planning
PLAN 451
Issues of Planning Practice
PLAN 452
Urban Planning Law
PLAN 453
Center City Revitalization
PLAN 455
Women and Urban Environments
PLAN 458
Intro to Multicul as Plan Cont
PLAN 459
International Planning
PLAN 460
Altern Sustainable Comm Plan
PLAN 461
Emergency Disaster Planning
PLAN 465
Comm Dev and Faith Based Init
PLAN 477
History of Urban Form
PLAN 481
Public Participation
PLAN 482
Grant Proc and Admn for Plnrs
PLAN 484
Adv Digital Communication
PLAN 485
Intro Comm Dev and Enter Plng
PLAN 486
Methods of Public Interest Dev
PLAN 490
Ind Study in Plan
PLAN 498
Spec Proj in Urbn Plan and Dev
PMGT 104
Housing Decisions
PMGT 123
Interior Design Basics
PMGT 235
Intro to RPM
PMGT 255
Facilities Management
PMGT 275
Market Leasing Resident Prop
PMGT 305
Maintenance for Prop Mgr
PMGT 315
Sr Housing: Dsgn, Mkg, and Mgt
PMGT 330
Apt Financial Management
PMGT 350
Residential Equip, Energy Tech
PMGT 369
RPM Internship
PMGT 375
Simulation in RPM
PMGT 400
Housing and Society
PMGT 405
Mgt of Gov Assisted Housing
PMGT 425
RPM Project
PMGT 435
Trends Issues in RPM
POLS 130
American National Government
POLS 140
Intro to the Legal System
POLS 141
Introduction to Legal Studies
POLS 210
Pol Sci Res Methods
POLS 229
Law Office Management and Technology
POLS 237
State and Local Politics
POLS 238
Urb Gov in United States
POLS 241
Family Law
POLS 242
Legal Research and Writing
POLS 243
POLS 250
Access to Justice in Legal Sys
POLS 280
Comparative Political Systems
POLS 281
Econ Pol Prob of Emerg Ntns
POLS 290
American Foreign Policy
POLS 293
International Relations
POLS 312
Early West Pol Thought
POLS 313
Mod West Pol Thought
POLS 320
Tort Law
POLS 340
Introduction to Law and Enforcement
POLS 342
Problems in Public Policy
POLS 344
Adv Legal Research and Writing
POLS 345
National Defense Policy
POLS 347
Environmental Law and Policy
POLS 350
Public Administration
POLS 369
Pd Prof Exp Amer Gov and Law
POLS 370
Pub Opinion and Pol Behavior
POLS 371
Public Interest Groups and Government
POLS 372
Political Campaigns
POLS 373
Survey Research Methods
POLS 375
Media and Politics
POLS 382
Governments and Politics of Western Europe
POLS 384
Politics in British Isles
POLS 385
Politics of the European Union
POLS 386
Politics of Russia and the Successor States
POLS 390
Honrs Col in Political Science
POLS 392
UN and InternationalOrg
POLS 394
Internatnl Relations in Asia
POLS 395
Politics of the Global Economy
POLS 403
Issues in Political Science
POLS 404
Sr Thes in Gov and Pols
POLS 405
Reading and Special Study
POLS 407
Workshop in Political Science
POLS 408
Topics in Legal Studies
POLS 411
American Political Thought
POLS 431
POLS 432
The Presidency
POLS 433
The Judiciary
POLS 434
State Legislatures
POLS 435
Intergov Conflict and Coop
POLS 437
Gov and Politics of Indiana
POLS 438
Metropolitan Problems
POLS 443
American Constitutional Law
POLS 444
Constitutional Liberties
POLS 445
Adv Litigat and Alt Disp Res
POLS 450
Masculinity and Politics
POLS 454
Pol Admin of Local Gov Budgets
POLS 455
Administrative Law
POLS 457
Alternative Dispute Resolution
POLS 460
Pub Soc Entp & Soc Change
POLS 461
Community Planning and Its Administration
POLS 465
Labor-Management Relations in Government
POLS 466
Admin Prob in State Gov
POLS 471
Public Interest Groupsand Gov
POLS 473
American Political Parties
POLS 474
Women and Politics
POLS 475
Minority Group Politics
POLS 479
Pract Exp Amer Gov and Law
POLS 480
Access to Justice Clinic
POLS 482
Govs and Politics of W Europe
POLS 486
Pols Russia and Successor Sts
POLS 488
Gov and Politics of China
POLS 490
International Law
POLS 493
World Politics
POLS 494
Politics of Terrorism
POLS 495
Foreign Policy of China
POLS 499
Sr Seminar in Gov and Pols
PSYS 100
Intro to Psychological Science
PSYS 213
The Psychology of Human Adjustment
PSYS 241
PSYS 277
Psychology of Sexual Behavior
PSYS 284
Research Methods in Psych Sci
PSYS 285
Professl Ethics in Psychology
PSYS 295
Career Planning in Psych
PSYS 301
Health Psychology
PSYS 313
Psych of Human Adjustment
PSYS 316
Social Psychology
PSYS 317
PSYS 318
PSYS 321
Developmental Psychology
PSYS 324
Psychology of Women
PSYS 325
Psych Prejudice Discrimination
PSYS 326
Psychology of Diversity
PSYS 342
Advanced Statistics
PSYS 362
Motivation and Emotion
PSYS 363
Cognitive Psychology
PSYS 364
Psychology of Learning
PSYS 367
Introduction to Neuroscience
PSYS 368
Sensation and Perception
PSYS 371
Applied Behavior Analysis
PSYS 373
Industrial Psychology
PSYS 377
Psychology of Sexual Behavior
PSYS 385
Professional Ethics in Psychology
PSYS 395
Special Topics in Psychology
PSYS 396
Seminar for Teaching Assistants
PSYS 412
Sensation and Perception
PSYS 416
Cognitive Psychology
PSYS 424
Psychology of Diversity
PSYS 432
Abnormal Psychology
PSYS 441
Advanced Statistics
PSYS 447
Tests and Measures
PSYS 468
Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYS 471
Psych in the Legal System
PSYS 475
Advanced Industrial Psychology
PSYS 476
Human Factors Psychology
PSYS 477
Senimar Teaching Assistants
PSYS 478
Teaching Assistantship
PSYS 479
Practical Experience
PSYS 491
History and Psychology
PSYS 492
Research Seminar
PSYS 493
Teaching Psychology 1
PSYS 494
Teaching Psychology 2
PSYS 495
Seminar in Psychology
PSYS 496
International Studies Psych
PSYS 497
Supervised Empirical Research
PSYS 498
Independent Study in Psych
PSYS 499
Honors in Psychology
RELS 110
World Religions
RELS 160
Religion in Culture
RELS 201
Religion and Popular Culture
RELS 206
Sex and the Bible
RELS 208
The Qur'an
RELS 210
Religion, Morality, Pub Debate
RELS 250
Biblical Interpretation
RELS 275
RELS 280
Topics in Religions in America
RELS 285
Religious Diversity in the US
RELS 290
Experimental Develop Topics
RELS 340
Adv Study of Western Religions
RELS 375
Paul's Letters
RELS 380
Religion, Nonviolence and War
RELS 390
RELS 400
Immersive Experiential Learn
RELS 403
Reading and Special Study
RELS 420
Themes in Religion
RELS 450
Crit Issues in Study of Relig
RELS 470
Perspectives on Religion
RE 230
Real Estate Principles
RE 331
RE Construction Law and Fin
RMI 270
Principles of Risk Mgt and Ins
RMI 330
Employee Benefits and Ret Plan
RMI 369
Risk Mgt and Ins Internship
RMI 377
Operations of Ins Enterprises
RMI 378
Commercial Risk Mgt and Ins
RMI 401
Health Care Risk Management
RMI 473
Insurance Law
RMI 474
Corporate Risk Management
RMI 497
Independent Study in RMI
SCI 150
Bsc Con in Science Education
SCI 295
Intro to the Teaching of Sci
SCI 392
Teaching of Sci in the JHS
SCI 396
Using Sci Methods and Mats
SCI 397
Teach Sci in the Elem Schl
SCI 398
Teach Sci in Early Pri Grds
SCI 498
Science as Inquiry
SNLN 251
American Sign Language 1
SNLN 252
American Sign Language 2
SNLN 253
American Sign Language 3
SNLN 254
American Sign Language 4
SOC 100
Principles of Sociology
SOC 200
Sociological Thinking
SOC 221
Intro Race and Ethnic Relat
SOC 224
Family and Society
SOC 227
Spirituality, Self, and Soc
SOC 228
Globalization and the Third World
SOC 235
Sociology of Gender
SOC 241
SOC 242
Social Problems
SOC 260
Social Interaction
SOC 299X
Exp and Dev Topics
SOC 312
SOC 320
Social Inequality
SOC 328
Global and the Social World
SOC 329
Work and Society
SOC 333
Sociology of Media
SOC 341
Sociology of Hlth and Illness
SOC 343
SOC 355
SOC 369
Internship Experience - Paid
SOC 380
Sociological Research Methods
SOC 382
Applied Social Statistics
SOC 390
Honors Colloq in Gen Soc
SOC 402
Sociological Theory
SOC 421
Racial and Cultural Minor US
SOC 422
Analysis of Social Inequality
SOC 424
SOC 425
Sociology of Law
SOC 427
Sociology of Religions
SOC 431
Aging and the Life Course
SOC 433
Sociology of Mental Health
SOC 434
Sociology of Human Sexuality
SOC 441
Social Change
SOC 450
Sociology of Education
SOC 470
Population Dynamics
SOC 472
Urban Dynamics and Problems
SOC 488
Internship Experience - Unpaid
SOC 490
Ind Study of Sociology
SOC 492
Capstone Course in Sociology
SOC 499
Advanced Topics in Sociology
SOCW 100
Introduction to Social Work
SOCW 200
Social Work Practice 1
SOCW 220
Social Welfare Policy 1
SOCW 230
Human Behavior and the Social Environment 1
SOCW 250
Human Behav and Social Envr 1
SOCW 300
Social Work Practice 2 with Field Experience
SOCW 310
Social Work Practice 2
SOCW 320
Soc Welf Pol and Progs 2
SOCW 325
Human Behav and Social Envr 2
SOCW 330
Human Behavior and the Social Environment 2
SOCW 340
Research in Social Work 1
SOCW 370
Sel Aspects of Social Wk Pract
SOCW 400
Social Work Practice 3
SOCW 410
Social Work Practice 3
SOCW 430
Social Work Practice 4
SOCW 440
Research in Social Work 2
SOCW 460
Social Work Practicum
SOCW 462
Social Work Practicum Seminar
SOCW 490
Independent Std in Social Work
SPAA 100
Survey of Speech Path and Aud
SPAA 101
Clinical Phonetics
SPAA 161
Anat and Phys of Sp and Hr
SPAA 210
Speech Sound Disorders
SPAA 260
Speech Acoustics
SPAA 270
Language Development
Experimentl Developmentl Tpcs
SPAA 311
Clinical Procedures
SPAA 312
Intro to Diagnostics
SPAA 319
Clinical Practicum
SPAA 342
Audiology for Deaf Educ
SPAA 343
Introduction to Audiology
SPAA 344
Hearing 2
SPAA 345
Clinical Audiology
SPAA 361
Neuroanat Spch, Lng, and Hr
SPAA 371
Child Language Disorders 1
SPAA 414
Stuttering 1
SPAA 418
Neurogenic Organic Disorders
SPAA 419
Clinical Practicum
SPAA 420
Clinical Practice in Schools
SPAA 492
Directed Studies
SPCE 200
Exc Children Adults
SPCE 201
Intro Stdnts with Except Nds
SPCE 202
Legal and Proc Founds Spec Ed
SPCE 210
Thry and Pract in EC Spec Ed
SPCE 215
Assess Yng Chldrn Exc Nds
SPCE 240
Hist Ed Deaf Prsns Psych Dfns
SPCE 246
Spch Dev and Deaf or Hard Hrng
SPCE 248
Pract Deaf or Hard of Hearing
SPCE 266
Classroom Management
SPCE 277
Hum Rltn, Collab, & Diversity
SPCE 280
Beh Analy Prin, Proc, and Phil
SPCE 290
Intro Autism Spectrum Disorder
SPCE 292
Treatment and Intervention ASD
Exp and Dev Topics
SPCE 300
Independent Study
SPCE 302
Tch Studs and Dis in Gen Ed
SPCE 307
Ethical, Prof Prac Beh Analy
SPCE 309
Prin of ABA for Spec Ed
SPCE 310
Application Consultation ABA
SPCE 311
Dev Meth Infs and Todds Exc
SPCE 312
Dev Meth PS Chldrn with Exc
SPCE 315
Advanced Behavior Analysis
SPCE 316
Single Subj Res Design and App
SPCE 320
Advanced Interventions for ASD
SPCE 331
Tech in Education
SPCE 332
Intro of Behavior Disorders
SPCE 334
Topics in Autism
SPCE 336
Educ Sec Studs w Beh Dis
SPCE 361
Adv Pract in Special Ed
SPCE 362
Adv Pract in Sev Disab
SPCE 363
Adv Pract Phys Impair
SPCE 366
Intro Phys Dis and Other
SPCE 371
Intro to Mild Intervs
SPCE 372
Intro to Mental Retard
SPCE 375
Assessment in Spec Ed Incl RtI
SPCE 376
Tchng Meths Mild Intervs K12
SPCE 377
Children and Youth w Sev Dis
SPCE 378
Instr Meth Chldrn and Yth Sev
SPCE 379
Meth for Chldrn and Yth w Phys
SPCE 380
Educ HS Students w Sev Dis
SPCE 417
Pract: Inf Tods PS Spec Nds
SPCE 419
Stu Teach Erly Chld SPCE
SPCE 438
Advanced Seminar in ABA
SPCE 454
Intro to Lang for Deaf Prsns
SPCE 456
Lang Meth for Deaf Prsns
SPCE 458
Teach Read and Elem Deaf Prsns
SPCE 466
Stud Teach: Hearng Impd
SPCE 474
Methods Materials for the MMD
SPCE 475
Tch Meths in Mild Intervs Adl
SPCE 476
Transition Pln for Adol Exc
SPCE 483
Seminar in ASD
SPCE 488
Stud Teach: Mildly Ment Dis
SPCE 489
Stud Teach: Mild Disabilities
SPCE 491
Stud Teach: Sec Mld Int
SPCE 492
Stud Teach Children and Youth
SP 101
Beginning Spanish 1
SP 102
Beginning Spanish 2
SP 201
Intermediate Spanish 1
SP 202
Intermediate Spanish 2
SP 301
Conversation and Composition
SP 302
Composition and Grammar
SP 304
Spanish Reading Skills
SP 305
Grammar for Heritage Speakers
SP 306
Comp for Heritage Speakers
SP 335
Topics in Hispanic Cultures
SP 337
SP Phonetics and SLA
SP 338
Spanish for Professions
SP 340
Survey in Spanish Linguistics
SP 361
Survey of Spanish Literature
SP 362
Survey of Spanish-American Lit
SP 400
Spanish Study Abroad
SP 403
Seminar in Culture Lit Studies
SP 404
Seminar in Lang and Ling
SP 498
SPST 200
Approaches to the Study of Sport
SPST 250
Special Topics in Sports
SPST 450
Selected Topics in Sports Studies
SPST 469
Sports Internship
SPST 490
Capstone Seminar
SPST 499
Independent Study
SPTA 190
Introduction to Sport Admin
SPTA 195
Comp Tech App for Sport Admin
SPTA 205
Sport History
SPTA 290
Revenue Generation in Sport
SPTA 300
Sport Law
SPTA 303
Sport Marketing
SPTA 305
Sport Finance
SPTA 345
Sport Communication
SPTA 402
Sport Event and Facility Mgt
SPTA 448
Sport Governance
SPTA 470
Int and Comp Admin of Sport
SPTA 479
Sport Admin Internship
SPTA 485
Sport Management
SPTA 499
Indep Study in Sport Admin
SS 150
Intro Tch Hist/Soc St
SS 350
Teach Hist SS Jr Hi Mid School
SS 392
Teaching State and World Conns
SS 395
Teaching SS in Sec Schools
SS 397
Teaching SS in the Elemen Schl
SS 398
Teaching SS EC Kind-Grade 3
SS 450
Independent Study
SS 460
St Tch in Hist and Social Sci
SUST 250
Intro to Sustainable Dev
SUST 320
Sys Thnk for Sust
SUST 330
Measure and Rpt Sust
SUST 340
Analytics and Mod for Sust
SUST 400
Creating a Sustainable Future
TCOM 100
The Entertainment Media
TCOM 101
Foundations of TCOM
TCOM 204
Media Analysis and Criticism
TCOM 206
Writing Elec Media Scriptwrtng
TCOM 207
Writing Elec Media Copywriting
TCOM 284
Practical Aspects of Media Law
TCOM 288
Special Topics in Pre-TCOM
Experimental Devlpment Topics
TCOM 301
Emerging Media and Culture
TCOM 306
Programs and Audiences
TCOM 307
Television Studies
TCOM 324
News Videography
TCOM 326
Presentation Techniques
TCOM 330
Beginning Audio Production
TCOM 331
Media Aesthetics
TCOM 332
Beginning Video Production
TCOM 333
Advanced Audio Production
TCOM 334
Advanced Video Production
TCOM 340
Electronic Media Sales
TCOM 344
Electronic Media Promotion
TCOM 345
Adv Media Sales and Promotion
TCOM 346
Sales and Promotion Writing
TCOM 347
Spec Tpcs Sales and Promotion
TCOM 350
Motion Graphics and Design
TCOM 351
Web Development
TCOM 357
Spec Topics Film Media Stds
TCOM 360
World Film History 1
TCOM 361
World Film History 2
TCOM 363
Film Genres
TCOM 365
Documentary Film History
TCOM 381
Sports and Electronic Media
TCOM 383
Digital Sports Seminar
TCOM 384
Electronic Media Law
TCOM 390
Independent Study
TCOM 391
TCOM 395
Honors Colloquium in Telecommunications
TCOM 397
Immersion: External Projects
TCOM 399
TCOM 407
Business of the Media
TCOM 408
Med Ethics Soc Responsibility
TCOM 422
Adv Video and Audio Reporting
TCOM 426
News Producing
TCOM 433
Audio Production Seminar
TCOM 434
Video Production Workshop
TCOM 435
Cinema Entertainment
TCOM 436
Digital Post-Production Wkshp
TCOM 444
TCOM Management
TCOM 445
Sales and Promotion Management
TCOM 450
Seminar in Emerging Media
TCOM 464
Media and Controversy
TCOM 465
Film Theory Seminar
TCOM 487
Video Production Seminar
TCOM 497
Immersion: Internal Projects
TCOM 499
Production Seminar Spl Proj
TCST 104
Introduction to Construction
TCST 106
CAD for Construction Management
TCST 180
Construction Documents
TCST 200
Site Preparation
TCST 206
Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Construction Management
TCST 222
Technical Presentation for Construction Managers
TCST 250
Construction Methods and Materials 1
TCST 251
Construction Methods and Materials 2
TCST 252
Building Diagnostics
TCST 261
Mechanical Construction Management
TCST 262
Electrical Construction Management
TCST 280
Construction Specifications for Construction Management
Special Topics in Construction Management
TCST 300
Structural Mechanics
TCST 302
Highway Construction 1
TCST 303
Highway Construction 2
TCST 310
Ethics in Construction
TCST 315
Sustainable Construction
TCST 320
TCST 350
Mechanical and Electrical Systems
TCST 355
Planning and Scheduling
TCST 365
Construction Safety
TCST 400
Construction Project Management
TCST 420
Construction Finance and Law
TCST 460
Capstone in Construction
TCST 490
Independent Study in Construction Management
TDPT 100
Technology and Society
TDPT 101
Fund S and H Technology
TDPT 102
Intro to Computer Aided Design
TDPT 105
Technical Design Graphics
TDPT 110
Inst Tech in Elementary School
TDPT 125
Survey of Plastics
TDPT 154
Graphic Communication for Interior Design
TDPT 160
Technical Analysis
TDPT 161
Intro Manufacturing Industries
TDPT 201
S and H Reg Compliance
TDPT 203
Material Processing
TDPT 204
Energy Processing
TDPT 210
Engineering Principles
TDPT 213
Int Const Mat Pro Prod
TDPT 262
Manufacturing Materials
TDPT 280
3D Prototyping
Experimental Development Topic
TDPT 301
Develop Manage S and H Prog
TDPT 303
Manufacturing Systems
TDPT 360
Industrial Safety and Health
TDPT 364
Tech Edu for Elementary Grades
TDPT 369
Cooperative Edu in Technology
TDPT 380
Internship in Technology
TDPT 390
Training and Devel in Industry
TDPT 400
Capstone in Technology
TDPT 406
Technical Decision Making
TDPT 450
Industrial Research and Devel
TDPT 480
Adv Prototyping: Additive Mfg
TDPT 495
Green Prototyp Upcycl
TEDU 102
Design Techniques
TEDU 108
Production Techniques
TEDU 195
Exploring Technology Education
TEDU 202
Product Design
TEDU 290
Career and Technical Student Organizations
TEDU 292
Principles and Philosophy of Career and Technical Education
TEDU 304
Transportation Systems
TEDU 305
Technological Systems
TEDU 390
Trade N Occupational Analysis
TEDU 392
Career and Technical Related Class Content
TEDU 393
CTE Guidance
TEDU 395
Teaching Technology
TEDU 396
Prgrm Plnnng Implemt
TEDU 403
Technological Enterprise
TEDU 410
Capstone Technology Education
TEDU 490
Study in Technology
TEDU 492
Organization and Coordination of Career and Technical Education
TGRA 180
Introduction to Graphic Comm
TGRA 181
Print Imaging Systems
TGRA 182
Digital Imaging 1
TGRA 183
Screen and Specialty Graphics
TGRA 184
Comp Applications-Graphic Arts
TGRA 281
Ink and Substrate
TGRA 282
Digital Imaging 2
TGRA 283
Packaging Technology
TGRA 285
Digital Imaging 2
TGRA 286
Digital Photography 1
TGRA 380
Internship in Graphic Arts MGT
TGRA 381
Color Management
TGRA 382
Digital Imaging 3
TGRA 383
Offset Lithographic Presswork
TGRA 385
Cross Media Communications
TGRA 386
Planning and Finishing
TGRA 387
Digital Photography 2
TGRA 480
Capstone for Graphic Comm
TGRA 484
Practicum in Graphic Comm
TGRA 486
Advanced Management Systems
TGRA 488
Cost Analysis
TGRA 489
Quality Control and Automation
TGRA 499
Problems in Graphic Comm
THEA 100
Intro to Theatre
THEA 102
Branding and Marketing
THEA 103
Aesthetics of Theatre 1
THEA 104
Aesthetics of Theatre 2
THEA 105
Freshman Experience
THEA 106
Styles and Concept
THEA 107
Design Awareness
THEA 123
Color Studies
THEA 150
Introduction Theatre Education
THEA 207
Design Awareness for Non-Major
THEA 220
THEA 221
Stagecraft 2
THEA 223
Costume Design and Tech 1
THEA 224
Form and Materials
THEA 225
Theatrical Drafting
THEA 229
Stage Makeup Design and Tech 1
THEA 232
Acting 1
THEA 233
Acting 2
THEA 234
Intro to the Singing Actor
THEA 235
Intro Shakespeare Performance
THEA 250
Directing 1
THEA 270
Basic Musicianship 1
THEA 271
Basic Musicianship 2
THEA 272
Sight Singing 1
THEA 273
Sight Singing 2
THEA 274
Musical Theatre Ensemble
THEA 280
Theatre and Dance Practicum
THEA 291
Stage Management
THEA 295
Intro to Teaching Methods
Experimental Topics
THEA 317
Pre-Modern Theatre History
THEA 318
Advanced Topics
THEA 319
Modern Theatre History
THEA 320
Scenic Design and Technology 1
THEA 321
Rendering for the Theatre
THEA 322
Theatre of the 21st Century
THEA 324
Musical Theatre History
THEA 325
THEA 326
Lighting Design and Tech 1
THEA 327
Sound Design and Technology 1
THEA 328
Voice Lesson
THEA 329
Costume History
THEA 332
Freshman Performance Lab
THEA 333
Intro to Voice and Movement
THEA 334
Studio 1
THEA 335
Studio 2
THEA 336
Studio 3
THEA 337
Studio 4
THEA 338
Studio 5
THEA 339
Studio 6
THEA 340
Playwriting 1
THEA 350
Directing 2
THEA 352
Topics in Directing
THEA 353
Acting and Directing History
THEA 354
Directing for Young Audiences
THEA 371
Singing Actor 1
THEA 372
Singing Actor 2
THEA 373
Musical Theatre Scene Study
THEA 380
Advanced Practicum
THEA 391
Advanced Stage Management
THEA 392
Topics in Stage Management
THEA 395
Introduction to Teaching Methods for Theatre
THEA 396
Teaching and Administration
THEA 405
Senior Experience
THEA 420
Scenic Design and Technology 2
THEA 421
Stage Properties
THEA 423
Costume Design and Tech 2
THEA 426
Lighting Design and Tech 2
THEA 427
Sound Design and Technology 2
THEA 428
Stagecraft 3
THEA 429
MakeupDesign and Technology 2
THEA 430
Studio 7
THEA 431
Studio 8
THEA 432
Studio 9
THEA 433
Studio 10
THEA 434
Immersion Experience
THEA 435
Shakespeare Performance
THEA 450
Directing 3
THEA 491
Theatre Management
THEA 496
Directed Study
THEA 499
TMFG 104
Introduction to Six Sigma
TMFG 105
Technical Design Graphics
TMFG 161
Introduction to Manufacturing Industries
TMFG 205
Computer-Aided Design
TMFG 225
Industrial Plastics
TMFG 233
Machine Tools
TMFG 262
Manufacturing Materials
TMFG 265
Applied Quality Control
TMFG 270
Industrial Electronics
TMFG 301
Automation and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems
TMFG 305
Manufacturing Design with CAD
TMFG 307
Applied Statics
TMFG 325
Plastics Product Design
TMFG 326
Plastic Production Systems
TMFG 327
Advanced Plastics Product Design
TMFG 331
Automated Machines
TMFG 333
Manufacturing Machine Tool Processing
TMFG 334
Welding and Foundry
TMFG 335
Applied Mechanics
TMFG 340
Fluid Power: Hydraulic Systems
TMFG 363
Manufacturing Operations
TMFG 365
Six Sigma Foundations
TMFG 370
AC Circuit Analysis
TMFG 371
Microprocessor to Machine Interfacing
TMFG 375
Project Planning and Control
TMFG 407
Applied Strength of Materials
TMFG 425
Design of Experiments
TMFG 426
Research and Development in Plastics
TMFG 460
Projects in Computer-Aided Manufacturing 1
TMFG 463
Manufacturing Planning and Controls
TMFG 465
Advanced Six Sigma
TMFG 469
Six Sigma Project 2
TMFG 473
Projects in Computer-Aided Manufacturing 2
TMFG 495
Green Prototyping and Upcycling
TMFG 499
Problems in Industrial Technology
WELN 325
Comm Collab Serv Lrng in Wlns
WGS 210
Intro Womens and Gender Stud
WGS 220
International Womens Issues
WGS 310
Special Topics in WGS
WGS 369
Paid Internship
WGS 410
Feminist Theory
WGS 479
Unpaid Internship
WGS 498
Independent Study
WGS 499
Wom and Gender Study Capstone
WPP 392
Writing Proficiency Exam
WPP 393
Writing Proficiency Course
WPP 394
Writing Proficiency Seminar
WWIN 201
Improving Worker Wellbeing
WWIN 305
Intro to WW Planning
WWIN 310
Workplace Wellness Admin
WWIN 396
Civ Engag: Workplc Wellns Prg
WWIN 397
Civ Engag: Workplc Wellns Prj
WWIN 405
Workplace Wellness Coaching
WWIN 496
Seminar in Workplace Wellness
WWIN 498
Sr Seminar Workplace Wellness
ZOOL 330
Struct and Dev of Vertebrates
ZOOL 347
Animal Parasitology
ZOOL 432
Invertebrate Zoology
ZOOL 440
ZOOL 441
ZOOL 444
ZOOL 445
ZOOL 446
ZOOL 465
Fishery Resources Management
ZOOL 483
Wildlife Biology
ZOOL 484
Aquatic Entomology
Up one level
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog