University Core Curriculum
A. Preamble: Core Goals for Undergraduate Education
Graduates of Ball State University are individuals who realize their intellectual potential, who seek to add breadth and depth to their perspectives, and who maintain their physical well-being.
Graduates of the university command extensive knowledge and a mature repertoire of cognitive, practical, and technological skills. They exhibit integrity and responsible action in their social, professional, and civic lives. They respect the histories, cultures, and needs of others. They inform their decisions through critical, creative, and scientific reasoning, and they discern the consequences of their decisions and actions at the local, national, and global levels. They acknowledge responsibility for environmental well-being and for the civic engagement that a diverse democracy requires.
Employing scientific, critical, and creative thinking, Ball State graduates transform
Experience into information (isolate discrete, recognizable and usable facts),
Information into knowledge (analyze facts within an intellectual framework, discover meaning in experience),
Knowledge into judgment (reflect on knowledge gained to make choices and direct what they think, say and do),
Judgment into action (take individual responsibility and contribute to the well-being of their communities).
B. Goals and Objectives
To achieve this vision and accomplish these transformations, student learning experiences are guided by a recursive, intellectual development process inherent in the following goals:
- To transform experience into information, Ball State graduates are intentional learners who
- accurately observe and measure elements of the natural and social worlds,
- are alert to the importance of context,
- explore diverse ways of knowing,
- develop strategies for reflecting on experience.
- To transform information into knowledge, Ball State graduates are informed, flexible thinkers who
- analyze data to reveal existing patterns of information and to create new patterns;
- understand the various ways that information is incorporated into branches of knowledge;
- work independently as well as collaboratively to generate knowledge;
- develop an intellectual framework with which to synthesize information from multiple sources;
- adapt their intellectual framework to accommodate new information;
- develop the art of communication—oral, visual, and written—in more than one language (natural and/or symbolic).
- To transform knowledge into judgment, Ball State graduates are critical and creative thinkers who
- use multiple sources of information and knowledge in forming judgments;
- evaluate strengths and weaknesses of arguments and actions;
- understand the ethical implications of possessing and using knowledge;
- take an inquiring stance toward the world while appreciating the contributions of tradition;
- consider and understand others’ values as well as their own;
- value diversity in the social and natural world;
- develop effective decision-making strategies based on an awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses;
- understand how their actions affect the complex, interrelated systems that compose our environment.
- To transform judgment into action, Ball State graduates are responsible learners who
- recognize the responsibilities of an educated person to self, family, community, country, and the world;
- accept the responsibility to act on their principles;
- adapt to change;
- work with others to overcome obstacles to communication, building consensus for action;
- communicate effectively—in oral, visual and written modes, and in more than one language (natural and/or symbolic);
- adopt habits of mind for continuous inquiry about themselves, others, and the world;
- act responsibly given the dangers to and the fragility of the natural environment;
- make and act on a commitment to health and wellness.
C. Rationale for the University Core Curriculum (UCC)
In keeping with the recursive nature of learning transformations and the goals stated in the Preamble and the Goals and Objectives, the core curriculum is designed to enable students to
- realize their intellectual potential,
- add breadth and depth to their educational experience,
- increase their personal well-being, and
- participate actively in their communities.
Moreover, the University recognizes its responsibility to ensure that students are conversant with ways of knowing, with criteria for judgment, and with types of information outside their majors. To succeed in the 21st Century, where work often requires a group effort by experts from multiple disciplines, university graduates will need to form, lead, or be members of problem-solving, brainstorming, or decision-making teams in a wide variety of professional settings. Thus the core curriculum requires students to engage disciplines outside the domains of knowledge in which their majors reside, to develop skills in written and oral communication, to become mathematically, scientifically, and historically literate, and to understand issues in the areas of physical wellness and personal finance. Any forward-looking curriculum must also address the mounting issues, problems, and opportunities in the areas of civic engagement, diversity, and international and environmental awareness.
The UCC has six distinguishing features:
- Intellectual development: As indicated in the Preamble and Goals and Objectives, UCC courses must have intellectual development goals, not simply content area requirements.
- Exposure to multiple domains: The UCC ensures that students will be able to distinguish among domains of knowledge based on their specific epistemologies and methods, as well as on the basis of content.
- Integration of 21st Century skills: In addition to developing writing skills beyond those of the required course in English composition, the UCC asks students to engage issues related to civic life, diverse cultures, and the environment, not in separate courses for each of these areas, but in courses that address one or more of these areas either inside or outside the major, inside or outside the UCC.
- Integration of Core courses and the major: The UCC allows course work in the major to count for as many as six credits in the Core as long as the courses in the major meet learning transformation requirements.
- Experiential/immersion experience or similar learning experience: The UCC envisions that students will demonstrate the ability to work successfully in the major (and related areas, as appropriate) through experiences that are cumulative and integrative, that include individual or collaborative reflective components, and that provide an opportunity to communicate, both orally and in writing, at a level expected of a college graduate.
- Learning outcomes: The UCC encourages participation by any department in the university because the acceptability of courses for the core depends on learning outcomes, as well as course content.
Writing Proficiency Program. All baccalaureate students must satisfy the Writing Proficiency Requirement prior to graduation. All WPP courses have as a prerequisite completion of ENG 104 or its equivalent with a grade of “C” or better.
Students who have at least 60 but not more than 89 completed credits may attempt WPP 392 (Writing Proficiency Examination) two times. WPP 392 is a 0 credit course.
Students who have at least 90 may attempt WPP 394 (Writing Proficiency Seminar). WPP 394 is a 1 credit course, and the credit does apply toward total credits.
Students who do not satisfy the Writing Proficiency requirement through successful completion of either WPP392 (Exam) or WPP 394 (Seminar) may choose to take WPP 393 (Writing Proficiency Course). WPP 393 is a 2-credit course, and the credits do apply toward total credits.
Students with baccalaureate degrees from accredited institutions who are pursuing a second baccalaureate degree from BSU are exempt from the Writing Proficiency Requirement.
One course required from each category except two courses are required for Written Communication:
Written Communication
ENG 103 | Rhetoric and Writing | 3 |
| | |
ENG 104 | Composing Research | 3 |
| or | |
ENG 114 | Composing Research (HC) | 3 |
| | |
Total Credits: | 6 |
ENG 101 and ENG 102 substitute for ENG 103.
Oral Communication
COMM 210 | Fundamentals of Public Comm | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
HIST 151 and HIST 152 substitute for HIST 150, which will satisfy the core foundation history requirement.
Physical Wellness
Personal Finance
FIN 101 | Pers Fin for Fiscal Wellness | 1 |
FIN 110 | Personal Finance | 3 |
Total Credits: | 1-3 |
TIER 1 Domain
One course required from each category:
Fine Arts
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
One course required from each of 2 categories:
Fine Arts/Design/Humanities
Natural Sciences/Social Sciences
ANTH 231 | Intro Native American Studies | 3 |
ANTH 311 | Ethnicity and Race | 3 |
ANTH 401 | Hist Method and Theory in Anth | 3 |
ASTR 124 | The Solar System | 3 |
ASTR 126 | Blk Holes, Dark Matter, Univ | 3 |
BIO 102 | Biol Concepts for Teachers | 3 |
BIO 113 | Microbiology for Health Sci | 5 |
BIO 216 | Ecology | 3 |
BIO 220 | Ecological Issues 21st Century | 3 |
CHEM 112 | General Chemistry 2 | 4 |
CHEM 200 | Society and Chemistry | 3 |
CJC 211 | Race, Gender, and Crime | 3 |
CJC 332 | Victimology | 3 |
CJC 333 | Policing Free Diverse Society | 3 |
CJC 341 | Community Corrections | 3 |
CJC 350 | Criminal Evidence Procedure | 3 |
CS 200 | Computers and Society | 3 |
CT 300 | Sustainability in Info Tech | 3 |
ECON 202 | Elementary Macroeconomics | 3 |
ECON 279 | Problems of Emerging Nations | 3 |
ECON 309 | Amer Econ Hist 1: to Civil War | 3 |
ECON 310 | Amer Econ Hist 2: 1860-1990 | 3 |
ECON 311 | Environmental Economics | 3 |
ECON 331 | Labor Economics | 3 |
ECON 348 | Health Economics | 3 |
ECON 351 | International Economics | 3 |
EDFO 420 | Soc, Hist, Phil Found of Ed | 3 |
EDMU 205 | Intro to Multicul Ed | 3 |
EDMU 302 | Self and Social Const of ID | 3 |
EDMU 370 | Rep and Multicul Thry and Prac | 3 |
EDMU 400 | Top Sem in Multicul Stds | 3 |
EDTE 355 | Lrn and Tchng w Emerging Tech | 3 |
FCFC 250 | Family Relations | 3 |
GEOG 265 | Intro Geographic Info Systems | 3 |
GEOG 270 | Geog of International Conflict | 3 |
GEOL 201 | Earth, Life, and Time | 3 |
GEOL 204 | Nat Landscape for Storytellers | 3 |
GEOL 206 | Oceans and Nations | 3 |
HONR 199 | Contemp American Civilization | 3 |
HONR 296 | Inquiries in Physical Sciences | 3 |
HONR 297 | Inquiries in Earth Sciences | 3 |
HONR 298 | Inquiries in Life Sciences | 3 |
HSC 180 | Principles of Community Health | 3 |
HSC 261 | Health, Sex, and Family Life | 3 |
HSC 371 | Death and Dying | 3 |
NREM 205 | Internatnl Natural Resources | 3 |
NREM 211 | Water Resources | 3 |
NREM 221 | Soil Resources | 3 |
PHYC 151 | Energy: Technology and Society | 3 |
PLAN 220 | Hist and Thry of Plan 1 | 3 |
POLS 431 | Congress | 3 |
POLS 432 | The Presidency | 3 |
POLS 433 | The Judiciary | 3 |
PSYS 324 | Psychology of Women | 3 |
PSYS 325 | Psych Prejudice Discrimination | 3 |
PSYS 326 | Psychology of Diversity | 3 |
SOC 235 | Sociology of Gender | 3 |
SOC 328 | Global and the Social World | 3 |
SOC 333 | Sociology of Media | 3 |
SOC 380 | Sociological Research Methods | 3 |
SOC 421 | Racial and Cultural Minor US | 3 |
SOC 425 | Sociology of Law | 3 |
SOCW 325 | Human Behav and Social Envr 2 | 3 |
TDPT 406 | Technical Decision Making | 3 |
WGS 210 | Intro Womens and Gender Stud | 3 |
WGS 220 | International Womens Issues | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3-5 |
TIER 3 Course/Experience
One course required:
One course required: