2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

SOCW 325 Human Behav and Social Envr 2

Builds a foundational understanding of people and their social environments focusing primarily on factors that influence human behavior such as culture, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, discrimination, economic forces, organizations, and communities. Covers theories and knowledge about the ways social systems promote or deter people in maintaining or achieving health and well-being. Prerequisite: SOCW 200 and 220 and 250; PSYS 100. Prerequisite or parallel: PSYS 367 or BIO 254; or permission of the department chairperson (PSYS 367 or BIO 254 waived for minors, family and consumer science - family and child: family studies concentration students, and women and gender studies majors and minors). Open only to social work majors and minors, family and consumer science - family and child: family studies concentration students, and women and gender studies majors and minors.
