2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

WPP 394 Writing Proficiency Seminar

May be used to satisfy Writing Proficiency requirement by students who have earned at least 90 but no more than 108 completed credits and have not previously attempted either WPP 392 or WPP 393. Required of eligible returning students who have not previously attempted WPP 392 or WPP 393 and have been inactive for at least one calendar year. Provides intensive writing instruction to prepare students to write an essay under timed circumstances that is assessed similarly to WPP 392. May be attempted one time only and is offered on a credit/no credit basis. Prerequisite: ENG 104 or 114 (or equivalent) with a grade of C or better; completed at least 90 but no more than 108 completed credits by the first day of the semester within which the student wishes to attempt the course.
