2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Teaching Major in Modern Language- Spanish (BA/BS)

The Teaching Major in Modern Language- Spanish will help students to develop the ability to communicate in oral and written Spanish, develop intercultural skills, and prepare students for a career in teaching Spanish on the secondary school level.

Minimum GPA: The grade point average of all SP courses must be 2.0 or better.

78-79 credits

Required Language Sequence, 18 credits

SP 101Beginning Spanish 1


SP 102Beginning Spanish 2


SP 201Intermediate Spanish 1


SP 202Intermediate Spanish 2


SP 301Advanced Spanish 1


SP 302Advanced Spanish 2


Total Credits:18

SP 305 may substitute for SP 301; SP 306 may substitute for SP 302.

ML required courses, 6 credits

ML 101 intended to be taken in conjunction with one of the following parallels:

  • Language Courses in the Beginning Sequence (101 and 102)
  • Language Courses in the Intermediate Sequence (201 and 202)
  • Language Courses in the Advanced Sequence (301 and 302)

ML 401 intended to be taken in the final year of the program

ML 101Going Global: Tools for Exploring Languages and Cultures


ML 401Capstone in Modern Languages


Total Credits:6

Core Categories, 9 credits

Select one course in each category (Literature, Linguistics, and Culture)

Literature, 3 credits

SP 361Survey of Spanish Literature


SP 362Survey of Spanish-American Literature


Linguistics, 3 credits

SP 337Spanish Phonetics and Phonology: Theory and Application


SP 340Survey in Spanish Linguistics


Culture, 3 credits

SP 335Topics in Hispanic Cultures


Total Credits:9

Electives, 6-7 credits

SP Elective, 3 credits

Select one 300 or 400-level SP course not used to satisfy the three core categories (Literature, Linguistics, and Culture)

3 credits from 300- and 400-level SP courses


Non-SP Elective, 3-4 credits

Student may choose to take a course from one of the following categories:

  • A 300-level AR, CH, FR, GER or ML course taught in English, or 200 or 300-level JAPA course taught in English
  • A language sequence (101-302) AR, CH, FR, GER or JAPA course
Non-SP Elective 3-4 credits


Total Credits:6-7

Senior High, Junior High/Middle School Education Program

Professional Education Sequence, 39 credits

Decision Point 2 Courses -- must be completed prior to Decision Point 3 courses

EDFO 420Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education


EDJH 385Principles of Teaching in the Middle School


EDPS 390Learning & Assessment in Secondary Education


EDSE 380Principles of Teaching in the Secondary School


FL 395Teaching Methods, Reading Strategies, and Materials for World Language


FL 396Technology and Assessment for World Language Education


Total Credits:18

Decision Point 1 Courses -- must be taken prior to Decision Point 2 courses

EDMU 205Introduction to Multicultural Education


EDPS 251Human Growth and Development for Secondary Education


FL 150Introduction to Teaching World Languages in Secondary Schools


Total Credits:9

Decision Point 3 Courses

EDSE 460Student Teaching: Secondary School


EDSE 465Elective Student Teaching: Secondary, Junior High/Middle, or All-Grade

3 OR 5

Total Credits:12

Total Credits: 78-79

See Professional Education Assessment/Decision Points for additional information.

During either term of the senior year, students are required to complete a summative assessment. Guidelines will be provided by the department. In order to achieve the proficiency necessary to teach a foreign language, students are required to earn at least 6 hours toward this major in study abroad courses.