Major in Strategic Communication (BA/BS)
Students will be guided by the outline of baccalaureate degrees, the University Core Curriculum and the program outline listed below. Students majoring in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication are encouraged to meet with an advisor in the school within the first semester of the program. Prior to graduation, students must complete an exit exam. Instructions on exam completion will be sent to students during the final semester of enrollment.
Students are encouraged to select a second major or minor. Please check with an advisor in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication before selecting a complementary major, minor, or concentration. Some majors, minors, and concentrations in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication may not be open to students majoring in strategic communication.
45-48 credits
Required SJSC Core, 27 credits
The School of Journalism and Strategic Communication (SJSC) offers majors in Journalism, Media Design and Development, and Strategic Communication. Requirements include (1) the SJSC core (27 credit hours) and (2) major/concentration area (18-23 credit hours). Multiple SJSC majors/concentrations may be earned by completing the additional requirements, typically 15 credit hours per added major/concentration.
All students are required to complete a minimum of three credits in JOUR 369 (internship).
3 credits from:
ADPR 250 | Introduction to Advertising | 3 |
ADPR 261 | Principles of Public Relations | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
Complete one concentration from below:
Students must select one of the required concentrations in Advertising, Public Relations, or Sports.
Advertising Concentration, 21 credits
Public Relations Concentration, 21 credits
ADPR 348 | Social Media Management and Practice | 3 |
ADPR 385 | Public Relations Advanced Writing | 3 |
ADPR 397 | Public Relations Topics | 3-9 |
ADPR 405 | Public Relation Case Studies | 3 |
ADPR 465 | Public Relations Campaigns | 3 |
EMDD 103 | Introduction to Media Design | 3 |
NEWS 105 | Journalistic Storytelling: Introduction | 3 |
Total Credits: | 21 |
Sports Concentration, 18 credits
Not open to the Sports Writing and Multimedia Storytelling concentration in the Journalism major.
CCIM 125 | Fundamentals of Sports Content Creation | 3 |
ADPR 122 | Sports Media and Strategic Communication | 3 |
ADPR 314 | Strategic Communication I: Esports and Sports | 3 |
ADPR 385 | Public Relations Advanced Writing | 3 |
ADPR 465 | Public Relations Campaigns | 3 |
Total Credits: | 15 |
3 credits from:
COMM 355 | Communication and Sport | 3 |
JOUR 322 | Sportswriting and Reporting | 3 |
MDIA 383 | Digital Sports Seminar | 3-6 |
Total Credits: | 18 |
Optional add-on concentrations
Optional add-on concentrations are not required in the Strategic Communication Major. These may be considered to be added to your academic pursuits.
Advertising Sales concentration, 15 credits
Open only to the Advertising concentration students.
3 credits from:
ECON 116 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
ECON 201 | Elementary Microeconomics | 3 |
Total Credits: | 15 |
Communication Studies concentration, 12 credits
Not open to students minoring in communication studies.
12 credits from:
COMM 240 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM 290 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COMM 320 | Persuasion | 3 |
COMM 322 | Communication and Popular Culture | 3 |
COMM 351 | Organizational Communication | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Emerging Media concentration, 12 credits
Not open to digital media minors.
9 credits from:
Event Planning and Management concentration, 12 credits
HOSP 210 | Customer Service | 3 |
HOSP 262 | Facilities Planning, Layout and Design | 3 |
HOSP 287 | Introduction to Event Management | 3 |
HOSP 387 | Event Mechanics and Promotions | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Media Analytics concentration, 9 credits
ADPR 182 | Media Analytics and Content Strategy | 3 |
ADPR 282 | Media Analytics Metrics | 3 |
ADPR 482 | Media Analytics in Practice | 3 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
Media Presentation and Design concentration, 15 credits
3 credits from:
3 credits from:
JOUR 332 | Photojournalism Managing and Editing | 3 |
EMDD 345 | Data Analysis and Visualization | 3 |
Total Credits: | 15 |
Total Credit Hours: 45-48