51-57 credits
Recommended minors for all concentrations include anthropology, history, natural resources, and environmental management.
Core requirements, 15 credits
Complete one concentration
Concentration 1: Human Geography, 36 credits
6 credits from
6 credits from
Minors in related fields are recommended.
Concentration 2: Travel and tourism, 42 credits
12 credits from
6 credits from
9 credits from
Recommended minors for concentration 2 include journalism, public relations, modern languages and classics, food management, hospitality management, natural resources and environmental management, and any business or area studies.
Concentration 3: GIScience, 36-39 credits
6 credits from
6 credits from
6 credits from
Recommended minors for concentration 3 include computer science, geology, mathematics, urban planning and development, biology, natural resources, and environmental management.
Concentration 4: Meteorological Studies, 36-39 credits
6-9 credits from
6 credits from
Additional course work in the basic sciences such as mathematics, physics, and computer science is encouraged. Recommended minors for concentration 4 include natural resources, environmental management, and telecommunications.