2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Philosophy and Religious Studies

D. Reagan, Chairperson



Philosophy students learn to think. Philosophy students become precise readers, writers, and speakers who are able to accurately and creatively understand big questions concerning right and wrong, justice, freedom, beauty, knowledge, and truth. By evaluating historical and contemporary arguments, philosophy students are able to justify their conception of the world and humanity’s place in it with public reasons.

Religious Studies

The academic study of religion addresses many dimensions and functions of religion in the world’s cultures. Among these are sacred scripture, symbols, beliefs, rituals, and ethics. It also examines the dynamic relationship between religion and other social, economic, and political institutions. The academic study of religion fosters a critical understanding of religious traditions, issues, questions, and values. In addition, it cultivates awareness of religion’s influence within the world and promotes appreciation for the diversity of religious beliefs and practices.

The department’s programs in philosophy and religious studies offer excellent preparation for professional work in education, law, public service, government, writing, and religion.