2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Natural Resources and Environmental Management

Amy Gregg, Chairperson


The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management prepares students for various career tracks related to demand for natural resources in modern society and the management of the environment to reduce risk factors related to human health and safety.

The programs offered by the department are designed to give students a basic scientific understanding of physical, biological, social, and political aspects of natural and managed systems. The department offers a major in natural resources and environmental management, and various minors, such as  emergency management and homeland security, energy, environmental management, international resource management, and natural resources.

Students majoring in natural resources and environmental management choose one of the following concentrations: environmental management or natural resources. All majors must complete a common core track of required courses. To ensure that students are meeting their degree requirements, majors and minors should have advising appointment frequently in their program.

Facilities consist of teaching and research laboratories, lecture and discussion classrooms, a computer lab, and outdoor areas in association with the Ball State Field Station properties. All classrooms and laboratories are accessible to students with disabilities. Students have opportunities to use modern laboratories and equipment, conduct research and support resource conservation practices on field properties, attend workshop classes leading to professional certification, and participate in off-campus service learning activities.

Students are given opportunities to participate in experiential and immersive courses as well as internships (professional practice) under the supervision of faculty members and professionals working in governmental agencies, private industry, or non-profit environmental organizations.

Those interested should contact the department chairperson for additional details about the program.