2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog


C. Day, Acting Chairperson


The English Department offers directed majors and minors that allow students to develop advanced intellectual and professional skills in writing, in analytical thinking, and in creative expression. With courses in literature, linguistics and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), creative writing, rhetoric and writing, and English education, English studies offers diverse gateways into the study of language. American, British, and world literature courses enable students to read and interpret works of literature with a greater understanding of their cultural, aesthetic and philosophical contexts. Linguistics and Global Communications offer an understanding of how languages are structured and how languages are used in communicative and interactional contexts. TESOL courses prepare students to teach those for whom English is a new language. Creative writing courses offer students the opportunity to sharpen their writing and creative thinking skills through the study of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and screenwriting. Rhetoric and writing courses help students grow as writers and understand how writing contributes to lifelong learning and professional success. English education courses prepare students for the challenges and rewards of teaching in secondary schools.

Each major has its own unique gateway class, and all students take a required capstone course, ENG 444, Senior Seminar. The Department of English offers a Bachelor of Arts degree for all majors, except for the English/Language Arts teaching major, which may be awarded either as a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science. We also offer minors in creative writing, film/screenwriting, linguistics and global communication, literature, and professional writing and emerging media, and coursework for an add-on license in English as a Second Language for teachers.

The lowest acceptable grade in a course for credit toward any major or minor in English is C. In addition, for graduation with the English/Language Arts teaching major, the minimum overall grade-point average (GPA) is 3.0.

For information about the related minors in European studies and women’s and gender studies, see Interdepartmental Programs.


Regulations for University Core Curriculum: English Grade Requirements

Students must earn grades of C or better to fulfill University Core Curriculum requirements in ENG 101, 102, 103, 104, and 114.

Time Limitations

Students must complete the University Core Curriculum requirements in English before completing 63 semester credits. Any exception to this regulation must be approved by the chairperson of the English department.

Course Withdrawal

Students may withdraw only once from any of the following composition courses: ENG 101, 102, 103, 104, 114. Any exception to this regulation must be approved by the chairperson of the English department.


English/Language Arts teaching majors may apply two courses to both a major and minor in English. All other students who major and minor in English may apply only one course to both the major and the minor. Students who complete two majors in English may only count ENG 444 and two additional courses towards both majors. Students who complete no English major but two minors may apply only one course to both minors.