English studies, 36 credits
This program is designed to provide a foundation in the full range of subjects within English studies: literature, rhetoric, writing, linguistics, and creative writing. It is designed for students seeking a broad liberal education but not necessarily planning to pursue graduate studies in English. Four semesters (or the equivalent) of a modern or classical language at the college level are required.
Required Courses
3 credits from
Creative writing course
3 credits from
Linguistics course
3 credits from
Literature course
3 credits from
Rhetoric/Writing course
9 credits of English electives from courses numbered 300 or above
Total Credits: 36
Electives may not include WPP 392, WPP 393, or any course specially designed for teacher preparation: ENG 150, ENG 350, ENG 395. May include only 3 credits of ENG 369.
Creative Writing, 36 credits
This program is designed to equip students with the writing and creative thinking skills necessary for graduate study and a variety of writing-intensive careers. Courses in fiction, poetry, screenwriting, creative nonfiction, literature, service learning, and literary editing offer students a balanced liberal and professional education. Four semesters (or the equivalent) of a modern or classical language at the college level are required.
Required Courses
15 credits from creative writing classes, including at least 6 credits from courses numbered 406 and above.
3 credits from literature courses numbered 300-399
3 credits from literature courses numbered 400-499
3 credits from English course numbered 205 or higher, excluding creative writing courses, ENG 206, and any course specially designed for teacher preparation:
ENG 150, ENG 350, ENG 395.
Total Credits: 36
Literature, 36 credits
This program is designed to provide a foundation in the methods of and contexts for literary study, to sharpen students’ analytical and communicative skills, and to prepare students for a variety of academic and professional opportunities. Four semesters (or the equivalent) of a modern or classical language at the college level are required.
Required Courses
Distribution requirements
3 courses from British literature (one pre-1800 required)
ENG 260 | British Lit 1: Beg to 1780 | 3 |
ENG 280 | British Lit 2: 1780 to Pres | 3 |
ENG 362 | Medieval British Literature | 3 |
ENG 363 | Ren and 17th Cen Brit Lit | 3 |
ENG 364 | Rest and 18th Cen Brit Lit | 3 |
ENG 365 | 19th Cen BritLit | 3 |
ENG 366 | Brit Lit 1900-1945 | 3 |
ENG 367 | Contemporary Brit Lit | 3 |
| or appropriate ENG 400-level offerings | 9 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
3 courses from American literature (one pre-1900 required)
ENG 240 | American Lit 1: Beg to 1860 | 3 |
ENG 250 | American Lit 2: 1860 to Pres | 3 |
ENG 345 | Early American Lit | 3 |
ENG 346 | Studies 19th Cen Amer Lit | 3 |
ENG 347 | 20th Century Amer Lit | 3 |
ENG 351 | Contemporary American | 3 |
| or appropriate ENG 400-level offerings | 9 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
1 course from diverse literature
ENG 490 | Literature and Gender | 3 |
ENG 491 | Lit of African American Trad | 3 |
ENG 492 | Native American Literature | 3 |
ENG 493 | American Ethnic Literature | 3 |
ENG 494 | Queer Lit and Queer Theory | 3 |
ENG 498 | Studies in Global Literature | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
1 course at the ENG 400-level
Two elective courses in English numbered 205 and above. May not include ENG 206 or any course specially designed for teacher preparation: ENG 150, ENG 350, ENG 395. May include 3 credits of ENG 369.
Total Credits: 36
Rhetoric and Writing, 36 credits
This program introduces students to rhetoric as the theory and practice of discourse; it is especially relevant for students planning further academic or professional studies. Four semesters (or the equivalent) of a modern or classical language at the college level are required.
Required Courses
ENG 104 or ENG 114 are prerequisites for ENG 210, ENG 213, ENG 231, ENG 303, ENG 335, and ENG 435. Students must take ENG 210 prior to taking ENG 303.
9 directed elective credits from the following courses (no more than 3 credits from ENG 369):
Students must take COMM 210 prior to taking COMM 310 or COMM 320. Students must take COMM 320 prior to taking COMM 412.
Two elective courses in English numbered 205 and above. May not include ENG 206, or any course specifically designed for teacher preparation: ENG 150, ENG 350, and ENG 395.
Total Credits: 36