Teaching Major in English/Language Arts (BA/BS)
87 credits
Core requirements, 36 credits
One class in American Literature
Choose from:
Group A: Before 1900:
Group B: 1900-present:
ENG 250 | American Lit 2: 1860 to Pres | 3 |
ENG 347 | 20th Century Amer Lit | 3 |
ENG 351 | Contemporary American | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
Take the following
COMM 220 | Argumentation and Debate | 3 |
| | |
COMM 240 | Intro to Interpersonal Comm | 3 |
| or | |
COMM 290 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
Total Credits: | 36 |
Complete one of the following concentrations
English concentration, 12 credits
One class in American Literature
Choose from Group A if you took Group B in the core or choose from Group B if you took Group A in the core.
One class in British Literature
Choose from:
3 credits from
Diverse literature electives 400 and above
Choose from
ENG 490 | Literature and Gender | 3 |
ENG 491 | Lit of African American Trad | 3 |
ENG 492 | Native American Literature | 3 |
ENG 493 | American Ethnic Literature | 3 |
ENG 494 | Queer Lit and Queer Theory | 3 |
ENG 498 | Studies in Global Literature | 3 |
Total Credits: | 48 |
Communication studies concentration, 12 credits
Choose COMM 240 if you took COMM 290 in the core or choose COMM 290 if you took COMM 240 in the core.
Senior High, Junior High/Middle School Education Program
Professional education sequence, 39 credits
EDFO 420 | Soc, Hist, Phil Found of Ed | 3 |
EDJH 385 | Prin of Tchng in Mid Schl | 3 |
EDMU 205 | Intro to Multicul Ed | 3 |
EDPS 251 | Development Secondary | 3 |
EDPS 390 | EducationalPsychology | 3 |
EDSE 380 | Princ of Tchng in Sec School | 3 |
ENG 150 | Intro to Teach Eng in Sec Sch | 3 |
ENG 350 | Teach Writing in Sec Schools | 3 |
ENG 395 | Teach Lit and Lang Sec Schools | 3 |
| Student teaching | 12 |
Total Credits: | 39 |
Total Credits: 87
See Professional Education Assessment/Decision Points for additional information.