Teaching Major in Physics (BA/BS)
89 credits
This is a four-year program that will meet the high school physics certification standards of Indiana.
Common core, 34 credits
Students must complete the high school physics concentration area or follow the guidelines outlined below.
High school physics concentration area, 16 credits
Total Credits: 50
Students who currently hold or are pursuing a secondary license in one of the following areas will not be required to complete the high school physics concentration area: chemistry, earth/space science, life science, mathematics.
Senior High, Junior High/Middle School Education Program
Professional education sequence, 39 credits
EDFO 420 | Soc, Hist, Phil Found of Ed | 3 |
EDJH 385 | Prin of Tchng in Mid Schl | 3 |
EDMU 205 | Intro to Multicul Ed | 3 |
EDPS 251 | Development Secondary | 3 |
EDPS 390 | EducationalPsychology | 3 |
EDSE 380 | Princ of Tchng in Sec School | 3 |
SCI 150 | Bsc Con in Science Education | 3 |
SCI 295 | Intro to the Teaching of Sci | 3 |
SCI 396 | Using Sci Methods and Mats | 3 |
| Student teaching | 12 |
Total Credits: | 39 |
Total Credits: 89
See Professional Education Assessment/Decision Points for additional information.