2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Fresh Start Admission

A graduate student may request a “fresh start” when changing or returning to a graduate program leading to a master’s degree at Ball State University. A “fresh start” is defined as beginning a graduate program and having the graduate academic record recalculated to reflect no credits attempted and no graduate grade point average for the new program. All graduate courses previously taken at Ball State University, however, will remain on the student’s academic record.

To be considered for a fresh start, the student must submit a graduate application and a written statement of purpose for seeking readmission to the Dean of the Graduate School and must meet the following criteria:

a period of time of no less than six years has expired since the student withdrew or was dismissed from a Ball State graduate program,
the student’s previous graduate GPA is below the minimum required to earn a master’s degree (3.0 on a 4.0 scale),
the student meets current Graduate School admission requirements, and 
the student has been recommended for admission into the program by the appropriate department.

Courses completed in a previous Ball State graduate program will not transfer or be applied to the requirements of the new program. The new program must be finished and the degree conferred within six years of the completion of the first new course. The student must complete a minimum of 30 credits, and the program of study must meet all departmental and Graduate School requirements.

Only one fresh start will be granted to any one graduate student at Ball State University. Final approval for a fresh start application rests with the Dean of the Graduate School.  Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Department Chair, program advisor, and the dean of the Graduate School.