2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Specialist in Education Degree (EdS)

The major purpose of the program for the specialist in education (EdS) degree is to provide a plan of advanced study.  The curricular program allows a greater depth of specialization than is possible at the master’s level, and a plan of study is tailored to meet each candidate’s specific needs. Although the specialist in education degree is self-contained and terminal, certain courses may sometimes be applied to a doctoral program.

Specific Functions

The specific functions of the specialist in education degree program are

•  To prepare more effective and competent elementary and secondary classroom teachers.
•  To prepare junior college and lower-division college teachers.
•  To provide the candidate with the additional preparation needed to fill specialized school positions as superintendents, principals, school psychologists, supervisors, subject specialists, subject consultants, or similar school personnel.

Area of Specialization

Each candidate must have an area of specialization tailored to personal needs. In planning a candidate’s program of study, the committee also will consider the student’s general and professional education needs.

Ball State offers a Specialist in Education degree in the following areas: Educational Administration and Supervision; School Psychology.