2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Undergraduates and Graduate Work

Undergraduates are limited to a total of 12 graduate-level credits, provided the student has:

  completed at least 75 credits toward the baccalaureate degree

  achieved a 3.0 overall grade-point average, and

  has the approval of the graduate program director, the department chairperson, the dean of the college in which the course is offered, and the dean of the Graduate School.

Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in graduate courses must complete the appropriate form, with all necessary signatures, before the first day of classes for the term during which the student wishes to take the graduate-level course.  This form is available on the Graduate School’s website.  On the form, students will indicate if they want to take the course for undergraduate or graduate credit.   If a student opts to take a graduate class for undergraduate credit, this means that the course will appear on their transcript as fulfilling the requirements for their bachelor’s degree and will not be accepted for credit in a graduate program at Ball State or any other institution.  If a student opts to take a graduate class for graduate credit, then these credits will not count towards the bachelor’s degree, but may be transferred into a graduate program at Ball State or another institution (if accepted by the student’s graduate program).

Ball State undergraduate students admitted to and enrolled in an AMP may count 9 graduate credits toward both their undergraduate and graduate degrees, and take an additional 3 graduate credits that may be applied to either the undergraduate or graduate degree, but not to both.  To be admitted into an AMP, students must have completed at least 75 credits toward their baccalaureate and have achieved a 3.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA (see Accelerated Master’s Program).  Under no circumstances will undergraduate students be permitted to take more than 12 graduate credits.