The following licensing programs can only be added to existing licenses. It should be noted that coursework alone will not achieve a license addition. Coursework, plus the following will allow a completed license addition.
Early Childhood Special Education
This program adds the developmental level Early Childhood (birth-6 grade) to an existing special education license. The result is a single license in P-6 Mild ONLY.
Required Courses
EDPS 627 | Child Development | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPCE 612 | Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPCE 613 | Assessment Strategies in Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPCE 614 | Developmental Methods for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs | 3 |
SPCE 616 | Developmental Methods for Preschool Children with Special Needs | 3 |
SPCE 617 | Practicum: Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with Special Needs | 1 TO 12 |
SPCE 677 | Teaching Parents to Educate Their Exceptional Child | 3 |
Total Credits: 25
Exceptional Needs: Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The graduate license additional in Exceptional Needs: Deaf and Hard of Hearing is designed to prepare teachers of deaf and hard of hearing (d/hh) students K-12, across content areas, and in a variety of settings to meet the learning and language needs of d/hh learners. Students will gain a strong professional preparation and understanding of the different philosophies, theories, and evidence-based strategies that are used in deaf education. They will understand assistive technology, listening devices, and how to establish a learning environment that supports the needs of d/hh learners. In addition, students will be able to use assessments to write IEPs, collaborate with other professionals, guide instruction, and work with families.
Proof of a valid elementary and/or secondary teaching license is required. The Indiana developmental levels covered by the Exceptional Needs: Deaf and Hard of Hearing license will match the levels of coverage in the candidate’s existing teaching license, unless students complete a department approved practicum to meet the requirements for licensure in all school settings (K-12). Contact the Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice for other requirements.
The following courses or approved undergraduate equivalents:
SNLN 651 | American Sign Language 1 | 3 |
SNLN 652 | American Sign Language 2 | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPCE 640 | Introduction to Deaf Education | 3 |
SPCE 641 | Introduction to Speech and Language Development for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students | 3 |
SPCE 642 | Collaborating with Professionals and Families in the Field of Deaf Education | 3 |
SPCE 643 | Teaching Strategies for Speech, Language, and Social Communication for Deaf and Hard of Hearing | 3 |
SPCE 644 | Assessments and Standards-Based Programming for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students | 3 |
SPCE 645 | Reading Methods for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students | 3 |
SPCE 670 | Practicum in Deaf Education | 3 |
Total Credits: 33
Exceptional Needs: Intense Intervention
The Indiana developmental levels covered by the Exceptional Needs: Intense Intervention license will match the levels of coverage of the candidate’s existing teaching licenses. Please contact the Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice for other requirements.
Required Courses
SPCE 566 | Introduction to Students with Orthopedic, Sensory and Multiple Disabilities | 3 |
SPCE 577 | Introduction to Students with Intense Intervention Needs | 3 |
SPCE 578 | Educational Methods for Students with Intense Intervention Needs | 3 |
SPCE 579 | Educational Methods for Students with Orthopedic-Sensory-Multiple Disabilies | 3 |
SPCE 580 | Educating High School Students with Intense Intervention Needs | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPCE 604 | Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers | 3 |
SPCE 631 | Computer Technology and the Learner with Special Needs | 3 |
SPCE 693 | Practicum in Special Education: Physical Impairment | 1 TO 9 |
SPCE 698 | Practicum in Special Education: Intense Intervention | 1 TO 9 |
Total Credits: 30
Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention
This licensure program requires an existing elementary and/or secondary teaching license. The Indiana developmental levels covered by the Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention license will match the levels of coverage of the candidate’s existing teaching licenses. Please contact the Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice for other requirements.
The following courses or approved undergraduate equivalents:
EDRD 610 | The Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPCE 603 | Collaboration in Special Education | 3 |
SPCE 604 | Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers | 3 |
SPCE 632 | Introduction to Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPCE 686 | Introduction: Mild Interventions | 3 |
SPCE 687 | Educational Assessment: Mild Interventions | 3 |
SPCE 688 | Methods of Mild Intervention | 3 |
SPCE 697 | Practicum: Mild Interventions | 1 TO 9 |
Total Credits: 27
Teaching License Additions—(only to be added to existing teaching licenses)
Computer Education
This license area may only be added to an existing teaching license.
Computer Education Teaching License
One course from each area:
EDTE 650 | Curricular Integration of Learning Technology | 3 |
EDTE 670 | Technology Policy and Pedagogy | 3 |
EDTE 585 | School Information Infrastructures | 3 |
| or | |
EDTE 675 | Distance Education and Distributed Learning Technology | 3 |
EDTE 652 | Multimedia Web Design and Development for Education | 3 |
| or | |
EDTE 655 | Inquiry and Simulation Models in Educational Computing | 3 |
| or | |
EDTE 660 | Instructional Design and Technology | 3 |
EDTE 665 | Visual and Digital Literacies | 3 |
| or | |
EDRD 624 | Integrating Technology in the Literacy Program | 3 |
SPCE 631 | Computer Technology and the Learner with Special Needs | 3 |
Total Credits: | 18 |
3 credits from
CS 616 | Digital Animation | 3 |
EDRD 624 | Integrating Technology in the Literacy Program | 3 |
EDTE 650 | Curricular Integration of Learning Technology | 3 |
EDTE 680 | Advanced Projects in Digital Media | 3 |
EDTE 685 | Information Systems for Instruction and Assessment | 3 |
EDTE 690 | Practicum in Educational Technology | 2 TO 4 |
EDTE 699 | Independent Study in Educational Technology | 1 TO 4 |
MATH 631 | Technology for Mathematics Teachers | 3 |
Total Credits: | 21 |
- The computer education license is available only to teachers who already hold a current elementary, secondary, or all-grade teaching license.
- At the discretion of the Department of Educational Studies graduate advisor or EDTE program advisor, an introductory course in educational computing may be required for a student seeking a computer education license. If so, any course designed for teachers that is an introduction to computers may be used. In such cases, EDTE 650 must be taken as an elective.
Any content-area course that addresses significant curriculum integration of technology may be substituted for EDRD 545 or MATH 631.
English as a New Language License, 15 credits
ENG 616 | Introduction to Theories of Language Learning | 3 |
ENG 617 | Methods for Teaching English Language Learners | 3 |
ENG 619 | Assessment in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | 3 |
ENG 620 | English Linguistics for Educators | 3 |
ENG 633 | Practicum in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages | 1 TO 6 |
Total Credits: | 15 |
This program is offered on-line only.
Gifted and Talented Education
This license area may only be added to an existing teaching license.