Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Under the Indiana Administrative Code (Rules 2002), the following criteria are specified for candidates wishing to obtain the Director of Curriculum and Instruction license:
hold a proficient practitioner license;
successfully meet the standards for the district level administrator;
successfully meet all developmental standards;
successfully obtain a master’s degree;
successfully complete the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA);
be recommended by the licensing advisor of the accredited institution.
“The holder of the district level administrator; director of curriculum and instruction license is only able to serve as a director of curriculum and instruction administrator or supervisor. The district level administrator; director of curriculum and instruction licensure applies to all who have the role or responsibility for direct supervision or primary evaluation of other licensed personnel, regardless of title, for example assistant to, assistant, or deputy.” (p. 17, Indiana Administrative Code).
Program of Studies
Candidates who wish to apply for the Director of Curriculum and Instruction License (District Level Administrator License) will be expected to hold a Master of Arts in one of the following areas: elementary education, secondary education, educational administration and supervision, curriculum and educational technology; meet the minimum criteria defined under REPA; and have taken the following courses
Required courses
EDAD 600 | Introduction to Educational Leadership | 3 |
EDCU 601 | Principles and Procedures of Curriculum Development | 3 |
EDCU 610 | The Elementary School Curriculum | 3 |
EDCU 620 | The Secondary School Curriculum | 3 |
EDPS 646 | Tests and Measurements | 3 |
EDST 671 | Evaluation of Educational Programs | 3 |
| | |
EDST 676 | Research on Impacting Student Learning | 3 |
| or | |
EDJH 676 | Research in Junior High/Middle School Education | 3 |
| or | |
EDEL 676 | Research in Elementary Education | 3 |
6 credits from
EDCU 630 | The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum | 3 |
EDCU 640 | The Alternative School Curricula | 3 |
EDST 680 | Staff Development to Strengthen Curriculum | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
6 credits from
EDEL 644 | Education in a Diverse Society | 3 |
EDFO 631 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
EDFO 641 | History of American Education | 3 |
EDFO 651 | Educational Sociology | 3 |
EDMU 660 | Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools | 3 |
EDMU 670 | Social and Cultural Minorities in American Education | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
6 credits from
EDAD 650 | Supervision of Instruction | 3 |
EDJH 512 | Instructional Strategies and Approaches in Junior High and Middle Schools | 3 |
EDRD 610 | The Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School | 3 |
EDSE 695 | Dynamics of the Secondary School Classroom | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
6 credits from
EDTE 650 | Curricular Integration of Learning Technology | 3 |
EDTE 670 | Technology Policy and Pedagogy | 3 |
EDTE 675 | Distance Education and Distributed Learning Technology | 3 |
EDTE 685 | Information Systems for Instruction and Assessment | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
Total Credits: 45
Director of Career/Technical Education
Director of Exceptional Needs
Required courses
EDAD 600 | Introduction to Educational Leadership | 3 |
| | |
EDAD 684 | Educational Finance and Ethics | 3 |
| or | |
EDAD 685 | Fiscal Management of Educational Agencies | 3 |
| | |
EDAD 687 | Legal Aspects of Education | 3 |
EDAD 689 | The School Principal | 3 |
SCCO 600 | Introduction to School Counseling | 3 |
| or | |
SPCE 677 | Teaching Parents to Educate Their Exceptional Child | 3 |
SPCE 637 | Special Education Administration and Law | 3 |
SPCE 639 | Special Education Administration and Organizational Behavior | 3 |
SPCE 687 | Educational Assessment: Mild Interventions | 3 |
SPCE 694 | Internship in Special Education | 3 TO 9 |
9 credits from
SPAA 543 | Introduction to Audiology | 3 |
SPCE 577 | Introduction to Students with Intense Intervention Needs | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
SPCE 612 | Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Special Education | 3 |
SPCE 631 | Computer Technology and the Learner with Special Needs | 3 |
SPCE 632 | Introduction to Emotional and Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
SPCE 686 | Introduction: Mild Interventions | 3 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
Total Credits: 36
SPCE 686 is required for students without the prerequisite for SPCE 687.