MAE Core Requirement
Students admitted to MAE programs are required to complete three courses from a professional education core, including the following:
Educational Foundations
One course from
Total Credits: 3
Educational Research and Measurement
One course from
CPSY 653 | Research in Counseling Psychology and Guidance | 3 |
EDEL 676 | Research in Elementary Education | 3 |
EDJH 676 | Research in Junior High/Middle School Education | 3 |
EDPS 640 | Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research | 3 |
EDPS 641 | Introduction to Statistical Methods | 3 |
EDPS 646 | Tests and Measurements | 3 |
EDST 676 | Research on Impacting Student Learning | 3 |
SPCE 636 | Research in Special Education | 3 |
Total Credits: 3
Pedagogy and Curriculum
One course from
EDCU 610 | The Elementary School Curriculum | 3 |
EDCU 620 | The Secondary School Curriculum | 3 |
EDCU 630 | The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum | 3 |
EDCU 673 | Curriculum Evaluation | 3 |
EDEL 626 | Discipline and Classroom Management: Some Practical Approaches | 3 |
ECYF 640 | Introduction to Early Childhood Education | 3 |
EDEL 644 | Education in a Diverse Society | 3 |
EDEL 690 | Practicum in Elementary Education | 1 TO 8 |
EDMU 660 | Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools | 3 |
EDPS 520 | Introduction to the Gifted and Talented Student | 3 |
EDRD 610 | The Teaching of Reading in the Elementary School | 3 |
EDRD 620 | Disciplinary and Integrated Literacy in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
EDSE 534 | Classroom Management: Practical Approaches to Improving Student Behavior | 3 |
EDSE 690 | Practicum in Secondary Education | 1 TO 9 |
EDSE 695 | Dynamics of the Secondary School Classroom | 3 |
EDST 671 | Evaluation of Educational Programs | 3 |
EDTE 650 | Curricular Integration of Learning Technology | 3 |
SPCE 600 | Education of Exceptional Children | 3 |
Total Credits: 3-9
Some programs require specific courses from this core.
Students admitted to doctoral programs in Teachers College must complete the following: EDPS 640 or equivalent; EDPS 641 and EDPS 642 or another course from among qualitative and quantitative Concentrations; ID 705; one course from humanistic studies; and one course from behavioral studies.