2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practice

Teachers College 205, 765-285-1168

The following is a complete list of the licensing programs offered at the graduate level at Ball State University.  Initial contact for all programs and questions should be directed to otes@bsu.edu.  In addition, specific content faculty and staff contacts are below for questions concerning the courses themselves.


Licensure Type and Program Grade Coverage  Contact 
 INITIAL License – Administrator (First Administrator License)  
District Level: Superintendent P-12 Dr. Kendra Lowery
Building Level Administrator P-12 Dr. Rachel Geesa
Director of Career and Technical Education P-12 Dr. Ed Lazaros
Director of Exceptional Needs P-12 Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Director of Curriculum and Instruction P-12 Dr. Jill Bradley-Levine
School Counselor P-6 Dr. Renae Mayes 
School Psychology P-12 Dr. Hernandez-Finch
INITIAL License – First Teacher License through the Traditional Route  
Art P-12 Dr. Michael Prater
CTE: Family and Consumer Science (5-12) Mrs. Pam Stigall 
Dual Physical Education and Health (K-12) Dr. Andrew Eberline 
Music-Instructional P-12 Dr. Don Ester 
Music - Vocal P-12 Dr. Don Ester 
Exceptional Needs: Deaf and Hard of Hearing K-12 Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Exceptional Needs: Early Childhood Special Ed K-12 Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Exceptional Needs: Intense Interventions K-12 Dr. Lisa Pufpaff 
Exceptional Needs: Mild Interventions K-12 Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Speech Pathology
P-12 Dr. Mary Jo Germani 
K-12 Dr. Michael Daehn

Initial License - First Teacher License through the Alternative Route   
Elementary Transition to Teaching (T2T) K-6 Dr. Scott Popplewell 
Secondary Transition to Teaching (T2T) (5-12) Dr. Jill Bradley-Levine
Secondary T2T covers the following areas grades 5-12: Business, Chemistry, Chinese (Mandarin), CTE: Engineering and Technology, CTE: Family and Consumer Science, Earth/Space Science, English/Language Arts, French, German, Japanese, Journalism, Latin, Life Science (Biology), Math, Physics, Social Studies (all areas), Spanish (5-12) Dr. Jill Bradley-Levine
STEM (5-12) Mrs. Kizman Jones 
Speech Pathology P-12 Dr. Mary Jo Germani 
ADDITIONS – Added to an existing valid Indiana License   
CTE: Co-op
Dr. Allen Truell 
Computer Education
P-12 Dr. Ayesha Sadaf 
CTE: Business
(5-12) Dr. Allen Truell
CTE: Marketing (5-12) Dr. Allen Truell 
Early Childhood Ed - Add to Elementary license P-3 Dr. Linda Martin
Elementary Ed. (add to Mild Intervention) K-6 otes@bsu.edu 
English as a New Language  P-12 Dr. Lynne Stallings 
High Ability (Gifted and Talented)  P-12  Dr. K. Speirs Neumeister 
Health Education (add to a Physical Ed license) (5-12)  Dr. Martin Wood 
Elementary Ed (add to Mild Interventions)  K-6  Dr. Linda Martin 
Journalism  (5-12)  
Junior High/ Middle School Math  (5-9)   Dr. Ann Leitze 
Physical Education addition to Health license  P-12 Dr. Andrew Eberline 
Reading  K-6 Dr. Linda Martin 
Social Studies (individual areas)  (5-12)  Dr. Sara Drake-Brown 
Special Ed.- Deaf and Hard of Hearing    Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Special Ed - Early Childhood Special Ed  P-3  Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Special Ed - Intense Interventions    Dr. Lisa Pufpaff 
Special Ed - Mild Interventions    Mrs. Bonnie Krupa 
Technical Education  (5-12)  Dr. Rich Seymour 
LICENSE EXPANSIONS*/CONVERSIONS** – Specialty Licensing Cases   
Building Level Admin - Conversion from Rules 46-47  P-12  otes@bsu.edu 
Mild Disabilities Rules 400/46-47 to REPA  K-12  otes@bsu.edu 
Secondary License 7-12 to 5-12  (5-12)  otes@bsu.edu 
Elementary 1-6 to K-6  K-6  otes@bsu.edu 
Elementary REPA Conversion  K-6  otes@bsu.edu 
Physical Education 5-7or 5-12 to K-12
K-12 otes@bsu.edu
Special Education Mild K-6 to K-12  K-12  otes@bsu.edu 

*An expansion program will expand the current grade coverage of a previous set of valid Indiana licensing rules to the current set of licensing standards.

**A conversation is typically for an individual who was licensed under a previous set of valid Indiana licensing rules.  This program will convert that license to the current licensing rules if such an action is needed.

Licensing Programs

Programs at the graduate level prepare students for teacher licensure based on the current rules and standards, “Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability, REPA,” in the state of Indiana. The State Board of Education has approved programs at Ball State University that meet the requirements for the following license types:

  • Instructional
  • School Services
  • Administrative

Each type of license entails three different levels of licensure.  Initial practitioner is the first license one receives. Proficient practitioner is one step up from initial practitioner.  Accomplished practitioner follows as the last level of license one can receive under REPA.

Initial Practitioner to Proficient Practitioner

Under REPA, which went into effect January 2013, the initial license issued within each license type will be the initial practitioner license. Upon successful completion of the two-year Residency program, those eligible may apply for a proficient practitioner license. This proficient practitioner license must be renewed every five years by completing renewal requirements set by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). If these requirements are met by completing 6 semester credits of course work through Ball State, The Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practice will approve the online *LVIS application for renewal, and forward application materials to the IDOE for processing.

*LVIS – License Verification and Information System

Proficient Practitioner to Accomplished Practitioner

Upon successful completion of the bulleted information below, one holding a proficient practitioner license can apply for an accomplished practitioner license. Please note that the requirements for obtaining an accomplished practitioner license differ per license type (instructional, administrative, school services). The accomplished practitioner license is the highest level of license one can achieve and is valid for 10 years.

For an instructional license these requirements include:

  • Six (6) semester credits completed at an accredited Indiana institution – The six (6) credits must have been completed after the issue date of the license you are renewing or
  • Six (6) semester credits completed at an accredited Out-of-State institution. The six (6) credits must have been completed after the issue date of the license you are renewing or
  • Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
  • National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification (NBPTS).
  • Official transcripts showing completion of Masters degree from accredited institution
  • Proof of two (2) years teaching experience in an accredited school
  • Hold Proficient Practitioner/Standard/Provisional license for five (5) years
  • Provide evidence of current CPR/AED certification (through state approved agencies).

For an administrative license these requirements include:

  • Official transcripts showing a total of 60 credits of graduate course work from accredited institution in Administration and related areas
  • Five (5) years administrative experience in the content area of the license in an accredited school or public school district
  • Provide evidence of current CPR/AED certification (through state approved agencies).

For a school services license these requirements include:

School Counselor

  • Proof of two (2) years experience as a school counselor in an accredited school
  • Hold Proficient Practitioner/Standard/Provisional license for five (5) years.
  • Provide evidence of current CPR/AED certification (through state approved agencies).

School Psychologist

  • Proof of two (2) years experience as a school psychologist in an accredited school or public school district
  • Hold Proficient Practitioner/Standard/Provisional license for five (5) years
  • Provide evidence of current CPR/AED certification (through state approved agencies).