69 credits
Admission and Retention Requirements
Formal Admission to the Social Work Major
- While a student can declare social work as their major at any time, to complete the BSW degree a student must be formally admitted to the major through a selective process following the procedures listed below and meeting the requirements for admission. Admission procedures and requirements include:
completing an approved volunteer assignment of a minimum of twenty-five clock hours (course requirement in SOCW 200) and submitting a performance evaluation to the department;
obtaining at least two Social Work faculty references;
having earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, in 100- and 200-level required social work courses for the major;
submitting a completed admission application to the department prior to the Fall and Spring due dates;
completing the admission committee review process;
declaring any criminal convictions.
Students denied admission to or continuation in the major may appeal the decision within fourteen calendar days. Appeals are made by informing the department chairperson in writing that the decision to deny admission or continuation in the major is being appealed by specifying the basis of the appeal. The department chairperson will convene the social work faculty within fourteen calendar days of notification of the appeal to review all information obtained for the admissions interviews, faculty advising conferences, and academic records. The BSW Student of Concern Committee will meet with the student within fourteen calendar days. The BSW Student of Concern Committee has the authority to admit or retain the student in the major. Students denied formal admission to or retention in the major will be advised of alternative options.
Retention in the Social Work Major
To enroll in the senior-level required social work courses (SOCW 410, SOCW 430, SOCW 440, SOCW 460, and SOCW 462) students must have:
- earned and maintained a cumulative minimum grade-point average of 2.5 in required social work courses and required nonsocial work courses;
- earned a grade of C or better in SOCW 325;
- successfully completed MATH 125 or equivalent prior to enrolling in SOCW 440.
To enroll in social work practicum courses (SOCW 460 and SOCW 462) students must have:
- submitted a practicum application and resume to the Practicum Coordinator;
- earned a minimum grade-point average of 2.5 in all required courses for the social work major;
- earned grades of C or better in SOCW 410, SOCW 430, SOCW 440;
- to successfully complete the BSW degree program, students must have earned a grade of C or better in SOCW 460 and SOCW 462.
Minimum number of required courses for the major at Ball State University
- Transfer students from other accredited BSW programs must take a minimum of 18 semester credits within the department including SOCW 410, SOCW 460, and SOCW 462 (18 credits) in order to complete the BSW degree at Ball State.
- Transfer students who have not taken a separate group practice course will also be required to take SOCW 310.
- Transfer students must meet the department’s grade-point average requirements for the major and for the 400-level courses.
Required Courses
SOCW 100 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 |
SOCW 200 | Social Work Practice 1 | 3 |
SOCW 220 | Social Welfare Policy 1 | 3 |
SOCW 250 | Human Behav and Social Envr 1 | 3 |
SOCW 310 | Social Work Practice 2 | 3 |
SOCW 320 | Soc Welf Pol and Progs 2 | 3 |
SOCW 325 | Human Behav and Social Envr 2 | 3 |
SOCW 340 | Research in Social Work 1 | 3 |
SOCW 410 | Social Work Practice 3 | 3 |
SOCW 430 | Social Work Practice 4 | 3 |
SOCW 440 | Research in Social Work 2 | 3 |
SOCW 460 | Social Work Practicum | 12 |
SOCW 462 | Social Work Practicum Seminar | 3 |
PSYS 100 | Intro to Psychological Science | 3 |
| | |
PSYS 367 | Introduction to Neuroscience | 3 |
| or | |
BIO 254 | Biology in the Social Context | 3 |
| | |
SOC 100 | Principles of Sociology | 3 |
| or | |
SOC 242 | Social Problems | 3 |
| | |
ANTH 311 | Ethnicity and Race | 3 |
| or | |
COMM 290 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
| or | |
EDMU 205 | Intro to Multicul Ed | 3 |
| or | |
SOC 421 | Racial and Cultural Minor US | 3 |
| | |
ANTH 441 | Anthropology of Gender | 3 |
| or | |
PSYS 324 | Psychology of Women | 3 |
| or | |
SOC 235 | Sociology of Gender | 3 |
| or | |
WGS 210 | Intro Womens and Gender Stud | 3 |
| | |
SOCW 370 | Sel Aspects of Social Wk Pract | 3 TO 6 |
| or | |
| Advisor approved 300- or 400-level university course(s) in a related discipline. A total of 6 credits required of the major. | 6 |
Total Credits: 69