ART 295 Mid-Program Portfolio Review
Program Portfolio Review to be completed during the Spring of the Sophomore year. This will be an opportunity for students to share their portfolios with faculty, get feedback, and identify their “area of emphasis” by identifying four courses that will prepare them for their capstone.
Prerequisite: AFA 101, ADS 101, ADS 102, ADS 103, AHS 101 and AHS 102; and ACR 211 or ACR 231 or ACR 233 or ACR 221 or ART 200 or ART 234 or ART 231 or ART 232 or AFA 221 or AFA 202 or AFA 211 or AFA 217 or AFA 231
* Students are required to have a grade of C or better in AFA 101, ADS 101, ADS 102 and ADS 103
Open to School of Art majors.