Minor in Natural Resources
21 credits
Required Courses
6 credits from
NREM 211 | Water Resources | 3 |
NREM 221 | Soil Resources | 3 |
NREM 331 | Energy and Mineral Resources: Issues and Choices | 3 |
Total Credits: | 6 |
12 credits from
NREM 203 | Decision Making in Natural Resource Management | 3 |
NREM 204 | American Environmental History | 3 |
NREM 205 | International Natural Resources: Development and Conservation | 3 |
NREM 286 | Computer and Quantitative Applications | 3 |
NREM 304 | Sustainable Agriculture | 3 |
NREM 307 | Environmental Management in Developing Countries | 3 |
NREM 309 | Human Dimensions of Global Change | 3 |
NREM 320 | Wetland Characterization | 3 |
NREM 324 | Soil Classification and Interpretation | 3 |
NREM 335 | Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology | 3 |
NREM 357 | International Community Development | 3 |
NREM 369 | Professional Practice/Experiential Learning | 1 TO 3 |
NREM 371 | Outdoor Recreation and Society | 3 |
NREM 372 | Applied Research Methods in Resource Management | 3 |
NREM 392 | Environmental Interpretation | 3 |
NREM 395 | Teaching Environmental Education | 3 |
NREM 402 | Field Study | 1 TO 6 |
NREM 415 | Water Quality Management | 3 |
NREM 422 | Soil Quality | 3 |
NREM 427 | Soil Conservation and Management | 3 |
NREM 477 | Wilderness and Society | 3 |
NREM 497 | Special Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences | 1 TO 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Total Credits: 21
Maximum of 3 credits in NREM 402 is applicable to the minor with permission of the department chairperson.