2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Additional Language Requirements

Students preparing for additional language exams may enroll in the appropriate language courses. Arrangements also may be made with the Department of Modern Languages and Classics for a tutorial class. Either the Graduate School Foreign Language Test (GSFLT) or a reading translation may be taken by the candidate, as determined by the department concerned. Other means of demonstrating appropriate language competence may be permitted, with the approval of the department, the Department of Modern Languages and Classics or other appropriate academic unit, and the dean of the Graduate School. Material for this examination will be selected jointly by the chairperson of the concerned department and the Department of Modern Languages and Classics or other appropriate academic unit. A student may use a language dictionary during the examination and will be permitted a maximum of three attempts to pass the examination for each language.

If the examination facilities for a particular additional language are not available at Ball State University, the student will be examined by a cooperating institution or agency. Additional language proficiency established at other institutions will be accepted by Ball State University if the proficiency is approved by the program director, the chairperson of either the Department of Modern Languages and Classics or other appropriate academic unit, and the dean of the Graduate School. If the student’s committee chairperson has been appointed at the time the request for acceptance of additional language proficiency is being evaluated, the approval of the committee chairperson will also be necessary.

If the additional language Concentration is being followed, students must successfully complete the examination in one language by the time they complete one half of the Ball State University courses prescribed for their degree programs. The examination for the additional language, if any, must be successfully completed before the student will be permitted to take the comprehensive examinations.