2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Cognate in Clinical Neuropsychology

The Cognate (specialization) in Clinical Neuropsychology is designed for students pursuing specialized training in clinical neuropsychology at the doctoral training level. The cognate is primarily designed for doctoral students in the School Psychology and Counseling Psychology doctoral programs. There is a 24 and 15 hour option.

15 or 24 credits

24 Hour Cognate in Clinical Neuropsychology

6 credits in EDPS 752 are required. Although only six credits are required most students elect to complete an additional one year (six credits) of EDPS 752. If a student completes any credits in EDPS 752 beyond the required six (e.g., 12) those extra credits do not count towards the cognate. EDPS 698 is three credits.

EDPS 656Pediatric Neuropsychology


EDPS 669Concepts in Developmental Neuropsycholinguistics


EDPS 698Special Topics

3 TO 6

EDPS 752Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment

3 TO 6

EDPS 754Seminar in Neuropsychology


Choose two courses from:

PSYS 668Physiological Psychology


CPSY 637Introduction to Psychopharmacology


CPSY 657Objective Personality Appraisal


15 Hour Cognate in Clinical Neuropsychology

6 credits in EDPS 752 are required. EDPS 698 is three credits.

EDPS 656Pediatric Neuropsychology


EDPS 752Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment

3 TO 6

EDPS 754Seminar in Neuropsychology


Choose one course from:

EDPS 698Special Topics

3 TO 6

EDPS 669Concepts in Developmental Neuropsycholinguistics


Total Credit Hours: 15-24