Dual Major in Elementary Education—Special Education, Exceptional Needs (BA/BS)
The dual major in elementary education and special education prepares highly skilled teachers who can work with both general education students and with students who require mild interventions to be successful. You'll earn a license in Elementary Education (K-6) and Exceptional Needs: Mild Interventions (K-6)
123 credits
Decision Point 1 Courses -- must be taken prior to Decision Point 2 courses
SPCE 201 | Introduction to Students With Exceptional Needs | 3 |
EDEL 200 | Planning for the Elementary and Early Childhood Classroom | 3 |
EDPS 260 | Human Growth and Development for Elementary Education | 3 |
COMM 210 | Fundamentals of Public Communication | 3 |
SPCE 271 | Introduction to Mild Interventions | 3 |
SPCE 266 | Classroom Management | 3 |
Decision Point 2 Courses -- must be completed prior to Decision Point 3 courses
EDEL 350 | Teaching in the Elementary Education Classroom | 3 |
SPCE 361 | Mild Intervention Practicum-Elementary | 3 |
SPCE 375 | Assessment in Special Education, Including Response to Intervention | 3 |
EDFO 420 | Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
SPCE 402 | Legal and Procedural Foundations of Special Education | 3 |
SPCE 376 | Teaching Methods in Mild Interventions K-6 | 3 |
SPCE 361 and SPCE 376 are corequisite courses, meaning they are required to take concurrently.
Decision Point 3 Courses
EDEL 464 | Student Teaching: Elementary | 6 |
SPCE 489 | Student Teaching: Mild Disabilities | 1 TO 12 |
Other Professional Education Courses -- can be taken outside of the Decision Point sequence (39 credits)
EDEL 244 | Early and Elementary Education for Social Justice | 3 |
EDEL 300 | Management, Organization, and Instruction in the Elementary Education Classroom | 3 |
EDPS 393 | Learning & Assessment in Elementary Education | 3 |
EDRD 204 | Literature for Children | 3 |
EDRD 300 | Reading and Language Instruction in the Elementary Classroom | 3 |
EDRD 350 | Advanced Reading and Language Arts Instruction in the Elementary Classroom | 3 |
EDRD 430 | Assessment and Intervention in Elementary Schools | 3 |
HSC 350 | Elementary School Health Program | 3 |
MATH 391 | Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Elementary School | 3 |
SCI 397 | Teaching Science in the Elementary School | 3 |
SPAA 270 | Language Development | 3 |
SS 397 | Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary School | 3 |
SPCE 277 | Human Relations, Collaboration, and Diversity | 3 |
Other Required Courses (36 credits)
AHS 100 | Introduction to Art | 3 |
BIO 102 | Biological Concepts for Teachers | 3 |
EDEL 102 | Reading and Writing in Transdisciplinary Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
HIST 201 | American History, 1492-1876 | 3 |
MATH 100 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 1 | 3 |
MATH 201 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 2 | 3 |
MATH 202 | Mathematics for Elementary Teachers 3 | 3 |
MUSE 265 | Basic Music for Classroom Teachers | 3 |
PHYC 101 | Physical Science Concepts for Teachers | 3 |
SPCE 331 | Technology in Education | 3 |
SPCE 309 | Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis for Special Education | 3 |
Total Credits: 123