Specialist in Educational Administration and Supervision
63 credits
The EdS degree in school superintendency provides opportunities for specialized study in the school superintendency. The program assists qualified individuals in developing the knowledge, performances, and disposition essential for success in the day-to-day operation of the school system and develops broad understandings relative to the scope and nature of educational programs. The program schedule will qualify the student for the superintendent license. The program includes appropriate work from the field of educational administration and related fields, such as educational psychology, curriculum, adult and community education, educational foundations, and counseling psychology.
Degree requirements
The EdS degree in school superintendency requires the satisfactory completion of prescribed graduate course work beyond the master’s degree with a minimum of a 3.2 GPA. All candidates for the degree will have
- completed a minimum of 63 graduate credits including the master’s degree
- a minimum of 24 credits of the “specialist-required courses,” which must be completed at Ball State University.
Required courses
EDAD 630 | Human Resource Development | 3 |
EDAD 635 | Educational Decision Making | 3 |
EDAD 650 | Supervision of Instruction | 3 |
EDAD 684 | Educational Finance and Ethics | 3 |
EDAD 686 | School Law | 3 |
EDAD 689 | The School Principal | 3 |
EDCU 601 | Principles and Procedures of Curriculum Development | 3 |
EDPS 640 | Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research | 3 |
3 credits from
EDFO 631 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
EDFO 641 | History of American Education | 3 |
EDFO 651 | Educational Sociology | 3 |
EDMU 660 | Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools | 3 |
Total Credits: | 27 |
Specialist-required courses: (a minimum of 24 credits must be taken at Ball State)
EDAD 640 | The Educational Administrator and Public Relations | 3 |
EDAD 685 | Fiscal Management of Educational Agencies | 3 |
EDAD 687 | Legal Aspects of Education | 3 |
EDAD 688 | School Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment | 3 |
EDAD 696 | Superintendent Internship | 3 |
EDAD 698 | Seminar in Theory of Educational Administration | 3 |
EDAD 780 | School District Administrator | 3 |
EDAD 782 | Specialist Capstone Seminar | 3 |
| | |
EDCU 610 | The Elementary School Curriculum | 3 |
| or | |
EDCU 620 | The Secondary School Curriculum | 3 |
6 credits from courses generally taken in master’s degree
EDEL 644 | Education in a Diverse Society | 3 |
EDFO 631 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
EDFO 641 | History of American Education | 3 |
EDFO 651 | Educational Sociology | 3 |
EDMU 660 | Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools | 3 |
EDPS 603 | Psychology of Human Development | 3 |
EDPS 641 | Introduction to Statistical Methods | 3 |
EDPS 646 | Tests and Measurements | 3 |
EDST 671 | Evaluation of Educational Programs | 3 |
SCCO 600 | Introduction to School Counseling | 3 |
Total Credits: | 36 |
Total Credits: 63
Each student in the EdS program must complete a supervised internship. The internship assignment will be arranged by the department in consultation with the student. Students are responsible for any necessary leave and other arrangements related to this assignment. Internship assignments will ordinarily be arranged in a school setting to provide a practical, supervised experience in educational leadership. Ball State faculty, in cooperation with an outside agency, will supervise all interns.
Specialist Committee
A three-member committee, consisting of educational administration faculty members, will usually be appointed during the first semester that the student is accepted into the degree program. The committee chair, in consultation with the student, will develop a plan of study. The committee will also conduct the required written and oral examinations when the student has completed all course work.
Deadline for Completion of Degree Work
All requirements (30 credits) listed in the “specialist-required courses” section must be met within a six-year time limit from the date of the completion of the first class in the specialist in education degree program.
Additional admission requirements
Applicants are expected to have a GPA of 3.2 or higher on previously completed graduate work.