102 credits
Required Courses
These major courses, AHS 100, BIO 102, GEOG 101 or GEOL 101, HIST 201, MATH 201, MUSE 265, PHYC 101, also fill a University Core Curriculum requirement.
English as a Second Language, 12 credits
Prepares teachers to work with non-native speakers of English in listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills. These courses can be applied toward licensure in Teaching English as a Second Language as well.
ENG 334 | Eng Linguistics for Educators | 3 |
ENG 436 | Theory and Research in TESOL | 3 |
ENG 437 | Methods and Materials in TESOL | 3 |
ENG 457 | Practicum in TESOL | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
The above requirements are for the English as a Second Language concentration area available for Teaching Majors in Elementary Education (Grades K-6) only.
Gifted and Talented, 12 credits
Kindergarten/Primary Education, 12 credits
EDEL 231 | Family and Community Relations | 3 |
EDEL 252 | Creative Exp for Yng Children | 3 |
EDEL 440 | Kindergarten Education | 3 |
EDRD 390 | Early Emergent Literacy | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Language Arts, 12 credits
Exploration in depth of the theory and content of the study of literature, writing, and language. Courses selected for this concentration are particularly related to content, issues, and concerns of the elementary classroom.
Required course
Choose one of the following writing courses
Choose one of the following literature courses
Choose one of the following language courses
ENG 220 | Language and Society | 3 |
ENG 320 | Intro to Linguistics Science | 3 |
ENG 321 | English Linguistics | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Mathematics, 12 credits
Designed to provide a mathematics background in the content standards characterizing the K-12 mathematics curriculum. These courses can be applied toward requirements for licensure in middle school mathematics.
Required courses
Choose from one of the following courses
MATH 181 | Elementary Probability Stats | 3 |
MATH 331 | Technology Teach Assess Math | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Modern Languages, 12 credits
Modern Languages: Classical culture concentration
CC 301 | Classical Lit in English Trans | 3 TO 6 |
CC 305 | Classical Myth and Theory | 3 |
| 6 credits from CC, GRK, and LAT courses | 6 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Modern Languages: French concentration
FR 202 | Intermediate French 2 | 3 |
FR 301 | Conversation | 3 |
FR 302 | Composition | 3 |
| 3 credits from any other 300-400-level FR course | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Modern Languages: German concentration
GER 202 | Intermediate German 2 | 3 |
GER 301 | Conversation | 3 |
GER 302 | Composition | 3 |
| 3 credits from any other 300-400-level GER course | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Modern Languages: Japanese concentration
Modern Languages: Spanish concentration
SP 202 | Intermediate Spanish 2 | 3 |
SP 301 | Conversation and Composition | 3 |
SP 302 | Composition and Grammar | 3 |
| 3 credits from any other 300-400-level SP course | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Classical Languages, 12 credits
Classical Languages: Latin concentration
LAT 202 | Intermediate Latin 2 | 3 |
LAT 301 | Introduction to Prose 1 | 3 |
LAT 302 | Introduction to Poetry 1 | 3 |
| 3 credits from any other 300-400-level CC course | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Psychology and Counseling, 12 credits
Elementary teachers must understand the psychology of children; their thinking, feelings, behavior, development, learning, the measurement of these characteristics, and the environments in which they occur. These psychological issues are essential for understanding, interacting with, and instructing children.
12 credits from
Counseling psychology and guidance services
Educational psychology
Psychological science
Students electing PSYS courses must take PSYS 100 for University Core Curriculum to satisfy prerequisites.
Teacher of Reading for Elementary concentration/license, 12 credits
Required courses
Choose 3 credits from the following courses
EDRD 320 | Disciplinary Literacy Elem Sch | 3 |
EDRD 390 | Early Emergent Literacy | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
Science, 12 credits
Includes a broad range of courses that cover life, earth, and physical sciences. Students seeking this concentration learn to use scientific knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to solve problems and think critically about the natural world. If GEOL 101 was selected for the University Core Curriculum requirement, then GEOL 201 must be selected for the concentration.
Choose a minimum of 12 credits from the following courses:
State/World Connections, 12 credits
Includes a broad range of courses from the social sciences chosen to help prepare teachers for educating students in a world of ever-expanding worldwide connections. Students selecting this concentration will learn how to use this content in their own teaching of students in elementary grades.
Required course
SS 392 | Teaching State and World Conns | 3 |
9 credits from three different subjects
Technology, 12 credits
This concentration area provides the opportunity for students to acquire specialized professional knowledge beyond the minimum technological benchmarks expected of all future teachers.
“Technology is human innovation in action” (Technology for All. n.d., p.16). This action facilitates the generation of knowledge that leads to the development of solutions that assist and extend our capabilities as people.
Required courses
Choose 3 credits from the following courses
Wellness, 12 credits
Wellness: Nutrition and family concentration
Designed to provide an integrated approach to understanding relationships among wellness, nutrition, and the family environment. The teacher is prepared to identify children at risk and apply problem-solving skills using appropriate community health resources.
Required courses
Choose 6 credits from the following courses
NUTR 240 substitutes for NUTR 340 for prerequisite purposes.
Wellness: Physical education concentration
Provides both content knowledge and practical experiences in designing and implementing a developmentally appropriate physical education program on the elementary school level.
HSC 363 | Current Issue Admin Coord H PE | 3 |
PEP 227 | Intro Adapted Physical Ed Act | 3 |
PEP 252 | Teaching Fitness Activities | 3 |
PEP 291 | Motor Development and Learn | 3 |
Total Credits: | 12 |