Teaching Major in Technology and Engineering Education (BA/BS)
81 credits
The Teaching Major in Technology and Engineering Education curriculum prepares students to teach pre-engineering and technology courses at the secondary level (grades 6-12).
Required Courses
3 credits related to engineering competency
CM 106 | CAD for Const Management | 3 |
TDPT 105 | Technical Design Graphics | 3 |
TDPT 210 | Engineering Principles | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
3 credits related to information processing
CS 110 | Intro Comp Sci and Web Prog | 3 |
CT 111 | Computer Assembly Trblshooting | 3 |
TGRA 180 | Introduction to Graphic Comm | 3 |
Total Credits: | 3 |
3 credits related to materials/resources
Directed elective
Total Credits: 39
CHEM 111 is prerequisite to TDPT 262. Students should take PHYC 100 for the University Core Curriculum and to satisfy the prerequisite for TDPT 210. Either CHEM 111 or PHYC 100 may satisfy the University Core Curriculum Tier 1 Domain-Natural Sciences.
Senior High, Junior High/ Middle School Education Program
Professional education sequence, 42 credits
Total Credits: 81
See Professional Education Assessment/Decision Points for additional information. Students must complete TEDU 195, TEDU 395, and TEDU 396 prior to student teaching.