2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Minor in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

15 credits

Required Courses

ISOM 300Project Management


ISOM 351Operations Management


LSCM 355Quality Mgt and Lean Six Sigma


Total Credit Hours:9

Electives (choose two courses from)

LSCM 361Simulation, Modeling, Optimiz


LSCM 452Inventory, Warehousing, Negot


LSCM 453Manufacturing Plan and Control


LSCM 460Global Logistics, Transp Mgt


Total Credit Hours:6

Total Credit Hours: 15

To pursue this program, students must have sufficient mathematical preparation to meet the prerequisite for ECON 221. The prerequisite for ECON 221 is a C or better grade in MATH 111 or a passing grade (D- or better) in MATH 132, MATH 161, MATH 162, MATH 165, or MATH 166 and a C or higher grade in ISOM 125. MATH 132 simultaneously substitutes for the University Core Curriculum math requirement. Students must have credit in ISOM 125 and ISOM 210 or equivalent.