2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Health Center

The Health Center is funded by a separate fee required each semester of all students who wish to receive services. The fee covers office visits to the main Health Center clinic, the Women’s Center, and Physical Therapy. Each of these areas at the Health Center operates on appointment-based scheduling. Laboratory testing, x-ray services, and prescriptions, if required, are not covered. Services are provided by a dedicated and experienced professional staff of physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses who specialize in primary care. The Health Center is also responsible for reporting compliance with vaccine requirements to the State of Indiana. All on-campus students must submit proof of 2 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccines and a Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccine within 10 years of admission.  Beginning Fall 2018, on-campus students are also required to submit proof of 2 Meningococcal quadrivalent (ACWY) vaccines and 2 Meningococcal B vaccines.