2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog


Course Repetition

An undergraduate student may repeat a course an unlimited number of times except in cases where a department has imposed repetition limits. The repetition of a course does not remove the previous grades from the student’s official academic record. A W will not replace a previous grade. The last grade in a course will be used in computing the student’s grade-point average. The credits will count only once toward meeting minimum credit requirements for graduation. The University is not obligated to offer courses so that a student can repeat them. Students are strongly encouraged to meet regularly with an advisor. 

The university reserves the right to modify or cancel courses when necessary because of accreditation requirements, insufficient enrollment, lack of staff members, or for financial or other reasons. In addition, the chairperson of a department can transfer students from one section of a class to another section of the same class.

Departments can substitute courses to meet major and minor requirements as long as the substitution does not reduce the number of credits required in the program. Either a student or a department can request a course substitution before the alternate course is taken. The department chairperson must sign a copy of the approval of the substitution; the form must then be submitted to the appropriate advising center.

Students who need to change their class schedules can do so any time after their initial registration through the end of the add/drop time frame. There is no charge for changes made during this time frame.

Extended Education Courses

The Division of Online and Distance Education offers a wide variety of courses to meet continuing or extended education needs.       

Students enrolled in extended education courses are entitled to the support services of University Libraries and Unified Technology Support. Access to other services and facilities is only available to students who have paid all necessary fees.

Ball State students enrolled in any extended education course will only receive residence credit for those courses that originate at Ball State University.

For students pursuing a degree at Ball State University, there may be a limit to the number of independent learning credits that will count toward a major or minor. To inquire about the limitations governing degree programs, contact the academic department responsible for the major or minor.

Class Attendance

A student’s official course program is regarded as a contract with the university. Since full performance requires, in part, regular and punctual class attendance, students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. Faculty will establish attendance policies for their courses and communicate those policies through course syllabi or outlines.

Students who know they must be absent from a class should notify the instructor or departmental office. Courtesy requires that students speak to the instructor and preferably present a signed and dated memo briefly stating the reasons for absence.

Faculty members are responsible for keeping records of attendance of all students registered in each class. Students are responsible for completing any work they have missed. The faculty member is not required to do extra teaching to help students “catch up.”

Right to Bereavement Leave

Students will be excused from class in the event of the death of a close friend or member of the student’s family or household. The number of excused absences allowed is determined by the distance of funeral services from Muncie, Indiana, as follows:

Three work days —150-mile radius of Muncie

Four work days —Between 150-300 mile radius of Muncie

Five work days —Beyond 300-mile radius of Muncie

Seven work days —Outside of North America

If the student is unable to attend the funeral services, the student will be allowed three school days for bereavement.

Given proper documentation, the instructor will excuse the student from class and provide the opportunity to earn equivalent credit for assignments missed. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome, he or she may appeal as outlined in Ball State University’s Procedure for Student Bereavement Appeals found in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Field Trips

Field trips consistent with the purpose of the course should be planned at the beginning of the semester. Absence caused by field trips in a course or by official university responsibilities will be announced in advance to the instructors of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled. Students obtain these notices through the department chairperson’s office and take them to their instructors at least three days in advance of the absence. No field trips, travel, or other special events involving students are scheduled during the first week or the last two weeks of a semester. Exceptions will be granted only after consultation with and approval by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs. Whenever possible, trips should be scheduled for weekends.

Field trips are voluntary, but a course grade may be lowered if students do not go on a field trip and do not complete adequate make-up work as assigned.

Internships and Practica

The university encourages student internships and practica. Internships and practica are defined as supervised practical experience in a student’s field of study. In order to be recorded on the student’s academic transcript, the internship or practicum must have an academic component. Academic supervision must be conducted by faculty in the student’s major or minor course of study in collaboration with a supervisor at the internship or practicum site. Academic internships and practica must be approved by the department chairperson or a designated representative of the student’s major or minor course of study.