2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Certificate in Humanities and Entrepreneurship

51-63 Credits

The Certificate in Humanities Entrepreneurship combines a major in a humanities discipline from the College of Sciences and Humanities (CSH) with the Minor in Entrepreneurial Management from the Miller College of Business (MCOB) and seminar/workshop and career counseling preparation from the Career Center to facilitate the transition of CSH humanities graduates to employment and advancement in the corporate workplace. The transition is as much cultural as it is substantive. The interdisciplinary, multi-college curriculum and co-curriculum recognize that the preparation for a successful career begins with the first step after graduation, which may not be graduate school for all.


Satisfactory completion of a major in one of the following departments





Modern Languages and Classics


Philosophy and Religious Studies



Satisfactory completion of the Minor in Entrepreneurial Management (Miller College of Business)



Satisfactory completion of a Career Center program, consisting of an initial Career Center advising appointment, a minimum of seven (7) seminars and workshops (e.g., Orientation to the Professional Workplace, How to Write a Resume, Interviewing for Success, How to Make a Presentation, Interview Skills Workshop, Skills Employers Want, Marketing Your Certificate Program for Employment Success), the creation and revision of a professional resume, and successful completion of practice interviews.


51-63 crs

Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required courses.