Minor in Computer Science
A minor in Computer Science supplements your primary major. Computing is a necessity in so many career paths, and the insight provided by a minor in computer science will distinguish you from the crowd, and allow you to expand the reach of what you learn in your major field of study. Common majors that pair well with a computer science minor include: Visual Arts & Animation, Actuarial Science, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Psychology, Accounting, English: Creative Writing or Applied Linguistics, Business Administration, and sciences such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Geography.
The computer science minor allows students majoring in other disciplines to learn the foundations of computer science, and customize the minor to focus on building knowledge and skills especially relevant to their primary major. Just about every other major can benefit from the applied problem solving and computational skills learned in a computer science minor.
17 credits
Required Courses, 8 credits
CS 120 | Computer Science 1: Programming Fundamentals | 4 |
CS 121 | Computer Science 2: Data Structures and Objects | 4 |
Total Credits: | 8 |
Elective Courses, 9 credits from:
CS 124 | Discrete Structures | 3 |
CS 222 | Advanced Programming | 3 |
CS 224 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
CS 230 | Computer Organization and Architecture | 3 |
CS 315 | Game Programming | 3 |
CS 316 | Introduction to Operating Systems and Computer Networks | 3 |
CS 380 | Theory of Computation 1 | 3 |
CS 411 | Mobile Application Development | 3 |
CS 418 | Database Design | 3 |
CS 421 | Data Analytics | 3 |
CS 439 | Current Topics Seminar in Computer Science | 3 TO 6 |
CS 445 | Human-Computer Interaction | 3 |
CS 448 | Secure DevOps | 3 |
CS 490 | Software Production Studio | 3 TO 6 |
CS 455 | Data Mining and Machine Learning | 3 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
No more than 8 transfer credits are accepted in the minor, and the minor is not open to majors in computer science or minors in cybersecurity.
Total Credit Hours: 17