Credit for Prior Learning
1. Purpose
Ball State University offers opportunities for students to earn credit toward a degree by providing evidence of knowledge acquired independently, at work, in the military, through certifications, courses, and in other ways.
This policy provides guidance to students seeking to obtain college credit(s) for prior experiential learning or through non-credit training programs that are equivalent to college coursework. This policy does not replace existing transfer credit policies at Ball State University.
Most of these opportunities require that students take an examination to “test out” of a course or group of courses. Credit earned in this way counts toward graduation requirements, but students do not receive a grade for it. Students can earn up to 60 credits through CPL and transfer credits. There are multiple ways to accelerate your educational journey through previously learned competencies and non-academic prior learning experiences:
- College Level Exam Program (CLEP tests—subject and general, including credit for language fluency)
- Credit earned through military service
- Credit for work and non-academic prior learning experiences (demonstrated portfolio of skills)
- Credit by credential
- Credit by departmental examination
2. Advanced Standing Credit Types and Definitions
Competency or skills-based learning may be determined to be equivalent to credit earned through the completion of college courses offering students advanced standing credit based on:
A. STANDARDIZED TESTS – Tests that are administered and scored in a standard way to measure satisfactory mastery of acquired skills, such as CLEP, AP, IB, Dantes Subject Standardized Test (DSST). Testing is centralized in Ball State’s Testing Center. Credit and advanced placement in foreign languages and mathematics may be awarded through the Advanced Credit Placement Test that is available online and can be taken prior to attending first-year student orientation. Testing instructions are mailed to students with their orientation invitation. Students must receive placement through the testing process before registering for the appropriate courses.
B. MILITARY SERVICE and TRAINING – Credit for prior learning from recognition of military experience and training as documented on a Joint Service Transcript (JST) or another military transcript (CCAF). This is done in conjunction with the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations and standards.
C. PORTFOLIO – Credit by departmental authorization may be awarded for learning experiences the department believes to be the equivalent of college work. A written narrative document where students explain their prior experiences and describe how these match the expected student outcomes of an existing college course is required. The assessment process adheres to the high level of academic rigor found at accredited higher learning institutions, which follows the Ten Standards for Quality Assurance in Assessing Learning, by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).
D. NON-CREDIT CREDENTIALS – Credit may be awarded for non-credit certifications and courses offered through Lifetime Learning where an MOU articulation agreement exists between a Ball State college and Lifetime Learning identifying equivalency of course competencies. Credentials will be recognized with visual evidence, such as an articulation digital badge or certificate of completion.
E. DEPARTMENTAL EXAM – Any department may, at its discretion, administer an examination for any course offered in the department. The department also determines the standards for passing these examinations. Students who earn passing scores will be granted credit for the courses. Credit by examination will not be awarded to students who have been enrolled or are currently enrolled in the courses for credit or audit.
3. Responsible Parties
The Office of the Provost, with input from the Registrar, Admissions Office, Lifetime Learning and the college CPL coordinator(s), is responsible for establishing procedures under this policy.
4. Assessment Procedures and Fees
The assessment of experiential or competency-based learning will be conducted by the University’s designated credit for prior learning (CPL) coordinator in conjunction with qualified faculty within the academic program for which credit is desired. Requests for prior learning assessment credit should be made to Lifetime Learning or The Testing Center directly. Lifetime Learning will route requests to the appropriate program based on the student’s experience and goals. The Admissions Office will be notified in writing of all decisions and may maintain records.
Standardized Test/Exam
The Testing Center will coordinate with the Provost’s Office to review if the standardized testing equates to academic courses as needed or at minimum every five years. Official test score reports will be submitted to the Admissions Office. Assessment procedures are managed by the Testing Center.
Fees: The total cost for a CLEP exam is $138.00. This total is comprised of a $93.00 fee payable to CLEP and a $45.00 fee payable to Ball State University.
Military Credit
The Joint Service Transcript (JST) is an official academic record that contains college credit recommendations. Students from the Community College of the Air Force will submit their transcripts for review at the time of admission. Ball State awards credit according to the guidelines of the Office of Educational Credit (OEC) of the American Council on Education. Contact Jennifer Lawson, Academic Services Coordinator, for information on having military credit evaluated.
Portfolio Evaluation
The CPL coordinator(s) will initiate the portfolio evaluation process. The portfolio will be evaluated by the faculty member or expert most familiar with the course content for which credit is being sought. Portfolio reviewers should base their evaluation on national standards established by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). The evaluation recommendation must be approved by the respective Division/Department Chair. If approved, credit will be awarded by the Registrar’s office. If not approved, the portfolio evaluator should provide detailed feedback explaining the reason for the denial. To get started, students must fill out the online eligibility form, provide a resume, unofficial transcripts and evidence or documentation of prior learning. Evidence includes sample work products, projects or work-based experiences, training certificates, certifications, or digital badges, workplace evaluations, letters of recommendation, multimedia – photographs, videos, published articles, essays, blogs, etc.
Fees: All students requesting portfolio review will pay a $150 processing fee.
Portfolio Review Appeals Process: There is no guarantee that a submitted portfolio will result in an award of credit. Portfolio reviewers base their evaluation on national standards established by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and on expertise in the subject matter. Appeals may occur when the institution denies the student credit for their claim. The Assessment Committee will review appeals. The decision of the Committee is final. To be eligible for an appeal, the student must demonstrate that one the following criteria applies:
- The standard assessment process was not followed.
- Feedback from the portfolio assessor was not sufficient.
- The student demonstrates evidence of bias in the review process.
Credit by Credential
Ball State recognizes that there is value to providing credit for noncredit programs that may increase access to our current credit programs. Memorandums of Understanding will be developed between Lifetime Learning and one or more of the seven academic colleges. Student earns the articulation credential (articulation badge), and it is submitted through a secured link to the Admissions office. For credentials and certifications earned outside of Ball State University, competencies will be verified, and a credit award recommendation will be achieved by either The American Council on Education (ACE) National Credit Registry, verification from the issuing organization/institution; and/or assessment by qualified faculty.
All undergraduate academic programs will need to review Credit for Prior Learning and will need to review existing admission requirements related to specific state regulations (e.g., licensure). Credits awarded for prior learning may be applied toward degree requirements.
For more information, visit to learn how Ball State awards advanced credit. Ball State University will accept courses for transfer evaluation and advanced standing credit transcript posting only if the student is currently enrolled.