2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Secondary Education

The Master of Arts in Secondary Education (MASE) extends the professional knowledge of teachers in four core areas: Curriculum, Social and Multicultural Foundations of Education, Pedagogy, and Educational Technology. The program enables practicing teachers to explore theoretical concepts that relate directly to their instruction to improve instructional effectiveness. Students may pursue additional course work in the six core areas or elect courses through which they enhance their knowledge of content. Students may also elect to complete courses required to complete an Indiana teaching license and/or the credential to teach dual credit courses at the high school level. Thirty credits of graduate courses are required to fulfill the degree requirements. It is possible to complete the Master of Arts in Secondary Education via distance education or online options.
Note: Some courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, SS, SCI, EDRD, etc.) may not be offered via distance education or online, which may limit elective course options or graduate content course options for those pursuing the Concentration in the Education Core, the Concentration in Teaching of a Content Area or Special Area, or the Concentration in Dual Credit Credential.

At least 60% of course credits must be at the 600-level.

30 credits

Core requirements

EDCU 601Principles and Procedures of Curriculum Development


EDTE 650Curricular Integration of Learning Technology


One course from each of the categories below

Social Foundations of Education, 3 credits from

EDFO 620Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education


EDFO 621Education and Ethics


EDFO 631Philosophy of Education


EDFO 641History of American Education


EDFO 651Educational Sociology


EDFO 660Comparative Education


Multicultural Education, 3 credits from

EDMU 660Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools


EDMU 670Social and Cultural Minorities in American Education


Pedagogy, 3 credits from

EDJH 512Instructional Strategies and Approaches in Junior High and Middle Schools


EDJH 534Classroom Management: Practical Approaches to Improving Student Behavior


EDSE 695Dynamics of the Secondary School Classroom


For Concentration in Dual Credit Credential, 3 credits from 500, 600 or 700-level courses from secondary content pedagogy courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, SS, SCI) may be substituted for this requirement.
Note: Some courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, HIST, BIO, CHEM) may not be offered via distance education or online, which may limit course substitution options.

Research, 3 credits from

EDCU 673Curriculum Evaluation


EDST 671Evaluation of Educational Programs


EDST 676Research on Impacting Student Learning


Choose one of the concentrations below

Concentration in the Education Core, 12 credits

Curriculum Course, 3 credits from
EDCU 620The Secondary School Curriculum


EDCU 630The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum


EDCU 640The Alternative School Curricula


EDST 680Staff Development to Strengthen Curriculum


EDCU 665Integrative STEM Education: Principles and Pedagogy


Educational Studies Elective, 3 credits from

one additional graduate course offered by the Department of Educational Studies

EDCU 620The Secondary School Curriculum


EDCU 630The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum


EDCU 640The Alternative School Curricula


EDST 680Staff Development to Strengthen Curriculum


EDCU 665Integrative STEM Education: Principles and Pedagogy


EDFO 620Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education


EDFO 621Education and Ethics


EDFO 631Philosophy of Education


EDFO 641History of American Education


EDFO 651Educational Sociology


EDFO 660Comparative Education


EDMU 660Multicultural and Multiethnic Education in American Schools


EDMU 670Social and Cultural Minorities in American Education


EDJH 512Instructional Strategies and Approaches in Junior High and Middle Schools


EDJH 534Classroom Management: Practical Approaches to Improving Student Behavior


EDSE 695Dynamics of the Secondary School Classroom


EDST 676Research on Impacting Student Learning


EDST 671Evaluation of Educational Programs


EDCU 673Curriculum Evaluation


EDTE 660Instructional Design and Technology


EDTE 665Visual and Digital Literacies


EDTE 670Technology Policy and Pedagogy


EDTE 675Distance, Flexible, and Blended Education


EDTE 685Information Systems for Instruction and Assessment


Other Electives, 6 credits

6 credits from additional graduate course work from Educational Studies courses, secondary content area courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, EDRD, SS, SCI), Teachers College courses (e.g., SPCE, EDAD, EDPS), or Ball State University courses
For electives, will accept any 500, 600, or 700 level courses with the following prefixes, or other courses by program director permission: EDFO, EDST, EDCU, EDMU, EDTE, EDJH, EDSE, EDPS, EDAD, SPCE.
Note: Some courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, SS, SCI, EDRD) may not be offered via distance education or online, which may limit elective course options.

Concentration in Teaching of a Content Area or Special Area, 12 credits

Curriculum Course, 3 credits from
EDCU 620The Secondary School Curriculum


EDCU 630The Junior High and Middle School Curriculum


EDCU 640The Alternative School Curricula


EDST 680Staff Development to Strengthen Curriculum


EDCU 665Integrative STEM Education: Principles and Pedagogy


9 credits in additional course work from a content or special area

9 credits from 500, 600 or 700-level courses from Educational Studies, secondary content area courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, EDRD, SS, SCI), Teachers College courses (e.g., SPCE, EDAD, EDPS), or Ball State University courses.
Note: Some courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, SS, SCI, EDRD) may not be offered via distance education or online, which may limit elective course options.

Concentration in Secondary Teaching License, 12 credits

Pedagogy Courses, 9 credits from
EDSE 660Introduction to Secondary Planning and Instruction


EDSE 670Advanced Secondary Planning and Instruction


EDSE 680Student Teaching: Secondary School


Educational Psychology Course, 3 credits
EDPS 600Advanced Educational Psychology


Note 1: A content pedagogy course may be substituted for EDJH 512, EDJH 534, or EDSE 695 (i.e., the courses listed under the Pedagogy category above) for this concentration only. For example, a MATH, ENG, SCI, SS course with a focus on teaching a specific content at the secondary education level. All substitutions must be approved by the program director.
Note 2: Students in this concentration must take EDFO 620 and EDMU 660 as their foundations of education or multicultural education requirements.

Concentration in Dual Credit Credential, 12 credits

12 credits in 500, 600 or 700-level course work from a content area (i.e., ENG, MATH, HIST, POLS, BIO, CHEM)
Note 1: Some courses (e.g., ENG, MATH, HIST, POLS, BIO, CHEM) may not be offered via distance education or online, which may limit graduate content course options.
Note 2: Students in this concentration MUST communicate with the dual credit provider at their high school to have coursework approved for credentialing. Each dual credit provider (e.g., Ball State, Ivy Tech, Indiana University) has different requirements that teachers must meet to become credentialed to teach dual credit courses for their institution.

Note 3: Students in this concentration may substitute a pedagogy and/or curriculum course in the content area (i.e., ENG, MATH, HIST, POLs, BIO, CHEM) for the pedagogy course and curriculum course requirements.

Total Credit Hours: 30