2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Master of Architecture

60-99 credits

Degree requirements for the 2-year (Track 1) MArch

The Master of Architecture Program has 2 options for completion:

Total credits required for 2-year (Track 1) MArch: 48-60 crs

For students with a BA/BS in Architecture and evidence of strengths in design and writing, the 2-year (Track 1) program requires 48-60 credit hours.

Each design studio has critical and creative content that allows students to incrementally build towards their final independent project studio (ARCH 604). The first design studio (ARCH 601) is a collaborative, immersive learning, applied design-build project that unites all students together from both the 2-year and 3-year (Track 1 and 2) MArch programs.

Design studio connected course content seminars Applied Systems Thinking (ARCH 618) and Applied Architecture Building Technology (ARCH 624) focus on the technical aspects of design, systems, and materials and their application to architectural solutions and the impact of such decisions on the environment. Design studio connected course content seminar Urban Design: History, Theory, and Practice (ARCH 646) focuses on a historical and contemporary understanding of the urbanism of Indianapolis, allowing students to understand the impact of their design ideas based in this rich urban context. Design Studio connected course content seminar Applied Theory and Representation (ARCH 647) provides students with a diverse range of theoretical knowledge and representation skills to convey architectural ideas in their final project.

A minimum of 12 credits of elective graduate courses are required for those who do not hold an advanced design degree. The 12 credits are available for electives in three certificate programs offered in the Department of Architecture which include: Historic Preservation (HP); and Social and Environmental Justice (SEJ). The elective requirement may also be used to fulfill certificate programs in other departments.

The 12 credits of elective graduate courses may also be used to fulfill dual degree programs in a customizable platform that consolidates curricula in allied disciplines within the College of Architecture and Planning (MUD; MLA; MUP; MID; MSHP) or another college (College of Business; College of Fine Arts; College of Communication, Information, and Media). The elective credits may include ARCH 590 (Independent Study), ARCH 598 (Special Project in Architecture), and any graduate course at Ball State University approved by the graduate program director.

Required courses in the 2-year (Track 1) MArch

ARCH 551Contemporary Issues in Architecture


ARCH 601Community Engaged Applied Learning Design Studio


ARCH 602Integrated Architecture Design Studio


ARCH 603Multi-Disciplinary Design Knowledge Studio


ARCH 604Independent Final Project Studio


ARCH 618Applied Systems Thinking


ARCH 620Professional Practice


ARCH 624Applied Architectural Building Technology


ARCH 636Research Methods in Architecture


ARCH 637Final Project Preparation


ARCH 646Urban Design: History, Theory, and Practice


ARCH 647Applied Theory and Representation


12 credits in 500 or 600-level courses in ARCH, PLAN, LA, IDES or SUST


*based on the evaluation of prior academic work, up to 12 credits may be applied toward prior learning credit at the discretion of the Graduate Program Director for those who hold an advanced design degree in an allied field.


Degree requirements for 3-year (Track 2) MArch

The Master of Architecture Program has 2 options for graduation:

Total credits required for 3-year (Track 2) MArch: 99 crs

For students with a BA/BS in any discipline other than Architecture, the 3-year (Track 2) program requires 99 credit hours.

Students in Track 2 of the M.Arch program begin with a year (three semesters) of introductory content that facilitates the transition into the combined years of the program. After the first year of courses, students in Track 2 will join their colleagues in Track 1 to create one combined cohort. Beginning in the second year, all course details are reflected in the information in Track 1.

During the first year, students will complete two introductory studios (ARCH 501 and ARCH 502), which focus on familiarizing students with disciplinary questions and building fundamental skill sets necessary for success in the upper years of the program. Students are exposed to history (ARCH 639), theory (ARCH 642), building technology (ARCH 514), environmental systems (ARCH 570 and ARCH 571), and structural design (ARCH 518 and ARCH 538). Visualization techniques and assembly details will be emphasized in ARCH 561 and ARCH 503.

Required foundational courses (unless waived) in the 3-year (Track 2) MArch

ARCH 500Design Thinking and Visualization Workshop


ARCH 501Design Thinking and Foundations Studio


ARCH 502Environmental Design and Site Context Studio


ARCH 503Design Application Workshop


ARCH 514Introduction to Architectural Building Technology


ARCH 518Introduction to Structural Systems


ARCH 538Structural and Material Systems


ARCH 561Visualization and Communication


ARCH 570Passive Environmental Systems


ARCH 571Active Environmental Systems


ARCH 639Contemporary History and Theory of Architecture


ARCH 642Architectural Theory


*based on evaluation of prior academic work, up to 15 credits may be applied toward prior learning credit at the discretion of the Graduate Program Director for those who hold an advanced design degree in an allied field.

Required second and third year courses in the 3-year (Track 2) MArch

ARCH 551Contemporary Issues in Architecture


ARCH 601Community Engaged Applied Learning Design Studio


ARCH 602Integrated Architecture Design Studio


ARCH 603Multi-Disciplinary Design Knowledge Studio


ARCH 604Independent Final Project Studio


ARCH 618Applied Systems Thinking


ARCH 620Professional Practice


ARCH 624Applied Architectural Building Technology


ARCH 636Research Methods in Architecture


ARCH 637Final Project Preparation


ARCH 647Applied Theory and Representation


ARCH 646Urban Design: History, Theory, and Practice


12 credits in 500 or 600-level courses in ARCH, PLAN, LA, IDES or SUST



Total Credit Hours: 60-99