2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Minor in Early Intervention

This program is offered online only if desired.  


Curriculum is designed in compliance with First Steps in Indiana. A need exists in the state and nation-wide for early intervention services and training educated staff to carry-out developmental therapy services. With a related degree along with these 18 hours of academic coursework related to child development and early intervention for infants and toddlers, students will meet the minimum qualifications for persons working in Developmental Therapy as an Early Childhood Specialist (DT-EC). Not available to students enrolled in the Family and Child major with a concentration in Early Intervention.

18 credits

Required Courses

Students will complete eighteen (18) credit hours of academic coursework related to child development and early intervention services. SPCE 210 and SPCE 215 are co-requisites and are to be taken the same term. Students enrolled in the Early Intervention Minor are exempt from the prerequisites for SPCE 210 (SPCE 200 Min Grade: C; SPCE 201 Min Grade: C; SPCE 302 Min Grade: C).

ECYF 252Creative Experiences for Young Children


ECYF 210Promoting Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Guidance and Cultural Factors


ECYF 315Infant Toddler Curriculum and Environment


SPCE 210Theory and Practices in Early Childhood Special Education


SPCE 215Assessment of Young Children With Exceptional Needs


SPCE 311Developmental Methods for Infants and Toddlers with Exceptional Needs


Total Credits: 18