Minor in Foundations of Management
24 credits
Offers students the essential fundamentals for practicing business management in numerous applied settings. Presents students with the essentials of operations management, human resource management, organizational behavior, and small business management. This minor is not open to Miller College of Business majors.
Required Courses
ACC 201 | Principles of Financial Accounting | 3 |
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ECON 116 | Survey of Economic Ideas | 3 |
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ECON 201 | Elementary Microeconomics | 3 |
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ENT 241 | The Entrepreneurial Experience | 3 |
ISOM 125 | Introduction to Business with Integrated Computer Applications | 3 |
ISOM 210 | Business Information Systems | 3 |
ISOM 251 | Supply Chain and Logistics in Society | 3 |
MGT 300 | Managing Behavior in Organizations | 3 |
MGT 361 | Foundations of Human Resource Management and Employee Relations | 3 |
Total Credits: 24
The prerequisite for ISOM 210 is C or better grade in ISOM 125.