Teaching Major in Physics (BA/BS)
The Physics Teaching Major is a four-year accredited program that meets the requirements for students to obtain an undergraduate degree with an Indiana secondary physics teaching license. Students in this degree program receive a strong foundation in physics content knowledge, along with courses in educational foundations, educational psychology, multicultural education, secondary education, and science education pedagogy. Students may use this degree and license to teach high school physics or middle school science, but additional science courses are recommended for students who wish to teach middle school science.
96 credits
Major Requirements, 57 credits
Physics, mathematics, and chemistry courses are included so that candidates for licensure develop the content knowledge necessary for meeting the state's licensure requirements and passing licensure exams.
The major requirements include specific courses in physics, mathematics, and chemistry, plus one additional elective physics or astronomy course approved by the Dept Chair (3 credits).
Senior High, Junior High/Middle School Education Program
Professional Education Sequence, 42 credits
Decision Point 1 Courses -- must be taken prior to Decision Point 2 courses
EDMU 205 | Introduction to Multicultural Education | 3 |
EDPS 251 | Human Growth and Development for Secondary Education | 3 |
SCI 150 | Introduction to Teaching Science in Secondary Schools | 3 |
Total Credits: | 9 |
Decision Point 2 Courses -- must be completed prior to Decision Point 3 courses
EDFO 420 | Social, Historical, and Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDJH 385 | Principles of Teaching in the Middle School | 3 |
EDPS 390 | Learning & Assessment in Secondary Education | 3 |
EDSE 320 | Reading for Diverse Learners in Secondary Content Classes | 3 |
EDSE 380 | Principles of Teaching in the Secondary School | 3 |
SCI 396 | Using Science Methods and Materials | 3 |
SCI 395 | Methods of Secondary Science Teaching, Curriculum & Research | 3 |
Total Credits: | 21 |
Decision Point 3 Courses
EDSE 460 | Student Teaching: Secondary School | 6-7 |
EDSE 465 | Elective Student Teaching: Secondary, Junior High/Middle, or All-Grade | 3 OR 5 |
Total Credits: | 12 |
See Professional Education Assessment/Decision Points for additional information.
Total Credit Hours: 96