Major in Music Media Production (BS)
The bachelor’s degree in music media production offers a series of courses in recording techniques, music production, songwriting, mixing, mastering, live sound, and music business. As a program major, you’ll develop as a musician while you formulate and refine a portfolio of skills that you can later apply to the rapidly changing music and entertainment industry.
89 credits
Required Courses
Complete the following
2 credits from
8 credits from
7 credits from
MUSC ensembles, i.e. 340 or 341 or 350 or 351. Students are required to follow the Large Ensemble Policy found in the undergraduate music handbook.
Students must then complete either the concentration in "Audio Engineering Technology" or "Commercial Music Design"
Complete the following required courses for a concentration in Audio Engineering Technology
and 3 credits from the following directed electives
MUST 221 | Introductory Composition Lessons and Seminar 1 | 2 |
MUST 444 | Human-Computer Interface Design | 3 |
MMP 299 | Cardinal Music Group | 3-6 |
MMP 492 | Special Topics in Music Media Production | 1 TO 6 |
MUSC 299X | Experimental/Developmental Topics | 1 TO 6 |
Complete the following required courses for a concentration in Commercial Music Design
Total Credits: 89