Minor in Intermedia, Photography, and Sculpture
Students will explore introductory, intermediate, and advanced course work in the media areas of Intermedia, Photography, and Sculpture. Students will complete 6 credits of 200 level introductory studio courses in one or two of these areas, then complete an additional 9 credits of course work in 300 and 400 level classes in any of the three areas. This minor program is only open to current art majors.
Only up to 6 credits of this minor may overlap with a student's major requirements.
The structure of this program allows a student to specialize in one studio area or take a range of courses in Intermedia, Photography, and Sculpture. But it is important to keep in mind that certain upper level courses may require specific prerequisites beyond introductory studio courses. Students should work with their advisor to develop a plan of study for the minor.
15 credits
Introductory Studio Courses, 6 credits
Complete 6 credits of introductory studio courses from:
AFA 221 | Sculpture: Introduction | 3 |
ART 200 | Introduction to Computer Art | 3 |
ART 231 | Photography: Black and White Darkroom | 3 |
ART 232 | Photography: Darkroom to Digital | 3 |
ART 233 | Photography: Fine Art Digital Imaging | 3 |
ART 234 | Intermedia: Experimental Video | 3 |
ART 235 | Intermedia: Space and Time | 3 |
Intermediate and Advanced Studio Courses, 9 credits
Students must complete 9 credits of the following 300 or 400 level studio courses in the areas of Intermedia, Photography, and Sculpture.
Students can specialize in one studio area or select courses from more than one studio area based on interest and availability.
AFA 322 | Sculpture: Additive and Subtractive Processes | 3 |
AFA 323 | Sculpture: Introduction to Casting | 3 |
AFA 324 | Sculpture: Wood | 3 |
AFA 325 | Sculpture: Casting and Mold Making | 3 |
AFA 415 | Independent Study in Fine Arts | 1 TO 3 |
AFA 426 | Sculpture: Advanced Problems | 3 |
ART 323 | Intermedia: Production | 3 |
ART 330 | Photography: Color | 3 |
ART 331 | Photography: Lighting Equipment and Techniques | 3 |
ART 332 | Photography: Special Topics | 3 |
ART 333 | Photography: Fine Art Digital Imaging 2 | 3 |
ART 424 | Intermedia: Professional Practice | 3 |
ART 433 | Photography: Directions | 3 |
ART 434 | Photography: Advanced Directions | 3 |
ART 437 | Professional Practices for Studio Artists | 3 |
ART 498 | Seminar in Art | 3 |
Total Credits: 15
For BFA Art majors, BFA Visual Arts/Animation majors, BA/BS Art Education majors, and BA Art majors, a maximum of 6 credits can overlap with major requirements. At least 9 credits of the minor must be taken in addition to all major requirements, including electives.
Consult individual course descriptions for details. Certain classes may not be available to minors, and other 3** or 4** level classes may require specific 2** level courses as prerequisites. Consult individual course descriptions for details. A student may seek permission from individual course faculty if a prerequisite is not met, but that permission is not guaranteed.