2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

Certificate in American Sign Language and Deaf Studies

The coursework will prepare individuals to have an understanding of American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf Culture. It will prepare students to have an understanding of how to communicate in ASL, interact with Deaf individuals, learn about the history and Deaf culture. The graduate certificate program will align with multiple fields of course work as it builds a cultural cultural awareness and diversity experience. This exploration is the ideal context where graduate students can incorporate and apply ASL and Deaf studies into their field of study. The certificate will analyze different historical and current perspectives within deaf education and provide information about the impact of the laws, mandates, policies and assistive technology and assistive listening devices. 


SNLN 651American Sign Language 1


SNLN 652American Sign Language 2


SNLN 653American Sign Language 3


SNLN 654American Sign Language 4


SPCE 646Evolution of American Deaf Culture


Total Credit Hours: 15