Doctor of Education in Elementary Education
The Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Elementary Education was designed for busy school professionals interested in advanced development and those who seek leadership roles and want to provide a greater service to their profession.
In this flexible, fully online program, candidates can specialize in a variety of areas within elementary education, such as diversity, literacy, early childhood education, curriculum development and assessment, technology, and more. Our program is individualized to meet each candidate’s specific goals. Many of our graduates teach at the college or university level. Others have leadership position such as administrators, policy makers, and education specialists.
Teachers College Requirements (8 credits)
(or another approved course)
ID 705 must be taken for 2 credits
Humanistic Studies (3 credits)
One course from:
(or another approved course)
Behavioral Studies (3 credits)
One course from:
(or another approved course)
Area of Specialization (27 credits)
27 credit hours selected coursework in area of specialization (Elementary, Early Childhood, Literacy/Reading).
(coursework for Area of Specialization is selected in consult with student's doctoral chair and committee.)
Doctoral Seminar in Elementary Education (10 credits)
EDEL 791 | Seminar in Research in Elementary Education | 3 |
EDEL 792 | Issues in Elementary Education | 3 |
EDEL 798 | Seminar in Elementary Education | 2 |
(ELED 798 is taken for two semester for a total of 4 credits.)
Internship Hours (3 credits)
EDEL 694 | Internship in Elementary Education | 1-3 |
Professional Writing (3 credits)
EDHI 710 | Advanced Research Seminar in Higher Education | 3 |
Dissertation (10 credits)
(Minimum of 10 credits in DISS 799 required.)
Cognate (24 credits)
One 24 hour cognate.
(coursework for Cognate is selected in consult with student's doctoral chair and committee.)
Total Credits: 91