2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

Preveterinary Program

CIP Code


Degree Requirements

In order to apply for admission to the professional program at Purdue University's School of Veterinary Medicine, you must first complete the minimum prerequisite course work shown below.

BIO 111Principles of Biology 1


BIO 112Principles of Biology 2


BIO 214Genetics


BIO 313Microbiology


ENG 104Composing Research


CHEM 111General Chemistry 1


CHEM 112General Chemistry 2


CHEM 231Organic Chemistry for Molecular-Based Sciences: Part 1


CHEM 232Organic Chemistry for Molecular-Based Sciences: Part 2


CHEM 241Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1: Fundamental Techniques


CHEM 242Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2: Synthesis and Characterization



CHEM 360Essentials of Biochemistry


CHEM 361Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory



CHEM 463Principles of Biochemistry 1


CHEM 464Principles of Biochemistry 2



COMM 210Fundamentals of Public Communication


MATH 108Intermediate Algebra



BIO 448Biometry


PHYC 110General Physics 1


PHYC 112General Physics 2



Humanities* 9 credits 
Concentrating**  3 credits 

*Humanities electives include: English, Communication, Foreign Language, Psychology, Philosophy, Creative Arts, Education, Sociology, Anthropology, Political Science, Economics, and History.  (Courses in business, writing and macroeconomics are highly recommended.)

**Concentrating electives should be selected so as to provide thorough preparation in an area related to one's BS program and professional career goals.  Additional recommended courses include: Chemical Analysis (CHEM 225), Structure & Development of Vertebrates (ZOOL 330), Immunology (BIO 444), Principles of Accounting (ACC 201), Micro- and Macro-Economics (ECON 201, ECON 202), Personal Finance (FIN 110), and Management (MGT 300).

Although the requirements outlined above provide an adequate background for entrance into the professional school, the minimally prepared applicant will face competition from applicants with more advanced college work.  Since the total number of applicants exceeds the number of available places in the veterinary school, the pre-veterinary student is encouraged to have an alternative goal and major in some one subject matter area toward which the above courses may be applied; a major in Biology with a Zoology option is recommended.  Although the minimum GPA for resident application is a 3.0, the overall mean resident GPA for admission to Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine for the class starting in the Fall of 2018 was a 3.78. Nonresident GPA means were similar.  Purdue also seriously considers veterinary experience, non-veterinary animal experience, extra-curricular activities, paid employment, references, and the applicant interview in the evaluation process.
Students enter veterinary school only in the fall.  The application deadline is around October 1 each year.  The GRE (Graduate Record Exam) is no longer required for admission to Purdue, but other schools do still require it.  Students planning a veterinary program at Purdue are urged to consult with the Director of Student Services, College of Veterinary Medicine, 625 Harrison St, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana  47907-1240 or phone (765) 494-7893.  The pre-veterinary advisor at Ball State University is Dr. Jennifer Metzler, Department of Biology.  Application to schools of Veterinary Medicine is completed on-line through the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) at http://www.aavmc.org/

(Minimum prerequisite course work for other veterinary schools may be somewhat different although much of the required course work is the same for most schools.  Specific inquiry to other veterinary schools should be made to clarify pre-requisites for each different veterinary program.)

For recent updates check on-line at https://www.bsu.edu/academics/collegesanddepartments/biology/academic-programs choose Bachelors Degree Options then Pre-Health Professions Programs.


Total Credit Hours: 65-67