2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog

Environment, Geology, and Natural Resources

S. Rice-Snow, Chairperson

The Department of Environment, Geology and Natural Resources is dedicated to studying, exploring and managing our natural world. Our programs offer students the opportunity to become involved in shaping all our futures. We prepare students for various career tracks that are all related to the environment and the wise use of our natural resources. Our goal is to enable our students to help lead the world moving forward in a sustainable way that meets the needs of society. 

The department offers 4 majors: 1) major in geology, 2) major in environmental geoscience, 3) major in natural resources and environmental management, and 4) teaching major in earth/space science education. We also offer 7 minors that help students in other majors gain specialized knowledge about the environment, geological sciences, natural resources, and environmental management. 

The major in geology provides students with classic geologic training and involves a strong background in math and science and the applications of these fields to geology. The major in environmental geoscience provides students with a comprehensive overview of interacting earth systems including lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, as well as understanding the evolution of earth’s physical and biological systems through time. Both of these majors prepare students for geological careers in industry, environmental consulting and government agencies, and for graduate study that leads to research, teaching, management, and many other positions in industry, government, and education. 

The major in natural resources and environmental management has two different concentrations: Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Both have a common set of required courses and are designed to give students expertise in the scientific understanding of physical, biological, social, and political aspects of natural and managed systems. The natural resources concentration provides students with a strong background in environmental interpretation, land management, environmental policy, and the application of environmental practices that promote resource sustainability. The environmental management concentration offers students opportunities to develop analytical skills in laboratory settings related to pollution control, sampling air, land, and water systems for contamination, and best practices for environmental remediation. The teaching major in earth/space science education prepares students for teaching at the middle and high school levels.