2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Director of Career and Technical Education

30 credits

Initial Practitioner License Requirements

Designed for students who seek a Director of Career and Technical Education license required for administering career programs and facilities. This addresses Indiana REPA license requirements.

Who can qualify?

Candidates must meet the following:

  1. Hold one (1) of the following licenses:

(A) A Proficient Practitioner license or Accomplished Practitioner license with at least one (1) of the content areas in career and technical education according to the Indiana Standard License Assignment Code.

(B) A Workplace Specialist II license with two (2) years of full-time teaching experience in an accredited vocational school in the grade level and vocational content area listed on the license.

(C) A Proficient or Accomplished Practitioner License in Building Level Administrator, Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, or Director of Exceptional Needs.

(D) A Proficient or Accomplished Practitioner license that includes the content area of Business or Technology education.               

2. Successfully complete the content for director of career and technical education.

3. Successfully complete a master’s degree.

Also required:

Verified valid CPR/Heimlich Maneuver certification and Suicide Prevention training through a state approved training program. Also, complete a required state criminal background check.

Required Courses

EDAC 631Adult and Community Education



EDAC 632Organizing Adult and Community Education Programs



EDAD 600Introduction to Educational Leadership


EDAD 684Educational Finance and Ethics


EDAD 695Career/Technical Director Internship

3 OR 6

SPCE 637Special Education Administration and Law


6 credits in EDAD 695 are required unless the student previously took an internship for another administrative license, in which case 3 credits may be required pending review.

3 credits from

BED 625Problems and Issues


CTE 568Principles and Philosophy of Career and Technical Education


FCED 692Family and Consumer Sciences Education Program Implementation


Total Credits:3

3 credits from

BED 593Philosophy, Organization, and Administration of CTE


CTE 569Organization and Coordination of Career and Technical Education


Total Credits:3

3 credits from

BED 592Managing Work-Based Learning Programs


BED 622Instructional Materials and Strategies for Improvement of Instruction


CTE 552Strategies and Materials for Career and Technical Education


CTE 696Coordinating and Conducting Cooperative Education Programs


Total Credits:3

3 credits from

BED 616Research Methods


EDPS 640Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research


FCS 697Research Methods in Family and Consumer Sciences


Total Credits:3

Total Credits: 30