2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Minor in General Foundations of Business

The minor is not open to Miller College of Business graduate majors. Students with undergraduate equivalent courses may need course substitutions or may not be eligible for the minor. Students must be admitted to the minor by filing a program of study in the Miller College of Business. A Miller College of Business graduate advisor will examine each student’s undergraduate course work to determine eligibility for the minor. Contact the Graduate Business Programs Office in the Miller College of Business for details.

Degree Requirements

After a program of study is filed with the director of Graduate Business Programs, the candidate must complete at least 12 credits from the following courses.

Required Courses

ACC 501Financial Accounting


BL 560Survey of Business Law


ECON 509Survey of Economics


FIN 500Corporation Finance


MGT 500Managing Organizational Behavior


MKG 505Survey of Marketing


Total Credits: 12

Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in the general foundations of business minor. Also, a grade of C (2.0) or better is required for a course to apply to the minor.