2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Master of Science in Physics

CIP Code


33 credits

Degree requirements

Requires a 6-credit thesis, which is normally a formal report on the student’s research in some feature of experimental, theoretical or computational physics, or physics education.

Core requirements

PHYC 565Quantum Mechanics


PHYC 671Classical Mechanics


PHYC 673Electrodynamics


PHYC 675Statistical Mechanics


PHYC 683Seminar in Physics

1 TO 4

Courses in physics, applied physics, or astronomy as approved by the department

Total Credits:6-12

Research requirement

THES 698Thesis

1 TO 6

Total Credits:6

0-6 credits from

Minors and electives as approved by the department

Total Credits:0-6

Total Credits: 33