2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

Master of Arts in Education in Physics

CIP Code


30 credits

Designed for students choosing a profession in public school teaching. Candidates must possess a valid teaching license or be in the process of securing a senior high, junior high/middle school, or secondary school teaching license.

Degree requirements

Requires students to write research papers on research projects in physics, astronomy, physics education, or astronomy education. The research paper earns a total of 3 credits.

12-18 credits from

APHY, ASTR, PHYC as approved by the department

Total Credits:12-18

9 credits from

Professional Education Core

Total Credits:9

Research requirement

RES 697Research Paper

1 TO 3

Total Credits:3

0-6 credits from

Minors and nondepartmental electives as approved by the department

Total Credits:0-6

Total Credits: 30